Examples of HhdcContract

Examples of net.sf.chellow.billing.HhdcContract

          Long hhdcContractId = inv.getLong("hhdc-contract-id");
          if (!inv.isValid()) {
            throw new ForbiddenException(
                "Need the parameter hhdc-contract-id.");
          HhdcContract hhdcContract = HhdcContract
          if (!hhdcContract.getParty().equals(party)) {
            throw new ForbiddenException(
                "The party associated with the contract you're trying to view doesn't match your party.");
          if ((pathInfo + "?" + inv.getRequest().getQueryString())
                  + hhdcContract.getId())) {
        } else if (marketRoleCode == MarketRole.SUPPLIER) {
          if (pathInfo.startsWith("/supplier-contracts/"
              + party.getId())) {
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Examples of net.sf.chellow.billing.HhdcContract

          : MopContract.getMopContract(mopContractName);
      String mopAccount = GeneralImport.addField(csvElement,
          "MOP Account", values, 8);
      String hhdcContractName = GeneralImport.addField(csvElement,
          "HHDC Contract", values, 9);
      HhdcContract hhdcContract = hhdcContractName.length() == 0 ? null
          : HhdcContract.getHhdcContract(hhdcContractName);
      String hhdcAccount = GeneralImport.addField(csvElement,
          "HHDC Account", values, 10);
      String hasImportKwhStr = GeneralImport.addField(csvElement,
          "Has HH import kWh", values, 11);
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Examples of net.sf.chellow.billing.HhdcContract

        GspGroup gspGroup = GspGroup.getGspGroup(gspGroupId);
        MopContract mopContract = null;
        if (mopContractId != null) {
          mopContract = MopContract.getMopContract(mopContractId);
        HhdcContract hhdcContract = null;
        if (hhdcContractId != null) {
          hhdcContract = HhdcContract.getHhdcContract(hhdcContractId);
        Pc pc = Pc.getPc(pcId);
        Cop cop = Cop.getCop(copId);
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Examples of net.sf.chellow.billing.HhdcContract

      String mopAccount = GeneralImport.addField(csvElement,
          "MOP Account", values, 5);
      if (mopAccount.equals(GeneralImport.NO_CHANGE)) {
        mopAccount = supplyGeneration.getMopAccount();
      HhdcContract hhdcContract = null;
      String hhdcContractName = GeneralImport.addField(csvElement,
          "HHDC Contract", values, 6);
      if (hhdcContractName.equals(GeneralImport.NO_CHANGE)) {
        hhdcContract = supplyGeneration.getHhdcContract();
      } else {
        hhdcContract = HhdcContract.getHhdcContract(hhdcContractName);
      String hhdcAccount = GeneralImport.addField(csvElement,
          "HHDC account", values, 7);
      if (hhdcAccount.equals(GeneralImport.NO_CHANGE)) {
        hhdcAccount = supplyGeneration.getHhdcAccount();
      String hasImportKwhStr = GeneralImport.addField(csvElement,
          "Has HH import kWh?", values, 8);
      boolean hasImportKwh = hasImportKwhStr
          .equals(GeneralImport.NO_CHANGE) ? supplyGeneration
          .getChannel(true, true) != null : Boolean
      String hasImportKvarhStr = GeneralImport.addField(csvElement,
          "Has HH import kVArh?", values, 9);
      boolean hasImportKvarh = hasImportKvarhStr
          .equals(GeneralImport.NO_CHANGE) ? supplyGeneration
          .getChannel(true, false) != null : Boolean
      String hasExportKwhStr = GeneralImport.addField(csvElement,
          "Has HH export kWh?", values, 10);
      boolean hasExportKwh = hasExportKwhStr
          .equals(GeneralImport.NO_CHANGE) ? supplyGeneration
          .getChannel(false, true) != null : Boolean
      String hasExportKvarhStr = GeneralImport.addField(csvElement,
          "Has HH export kVArh?", values, 11);
      boolean hasExportKvarh = hasExportKvarhStr
          .equals(GeneralImport.NO_CHANGE) ? supplyGeneration
          .getChannel(false, false) != null : Boolean
      for (boolean isImport : new boolean[] { true, false }) {
        for (boolean isKwh : new boolean[] { true, false }) {
          boolean hasChannel;
          if (isImport) {
            if (isKwh) {
              hasChannel = hasImportKwh;
            } else {
              hasChannel = hasImportKvarh;
          } else {
            if (isKwh) {
              hasChannel = hasExportKwh;
            } else {
              hasChannel = hasExportKvarh;
          if (hasChannel
              && supplyGeneration.getChannel(isImport, isKwh) == null) {
            supplyGeneration.insertChannel(isImport, isKwh);
          if (!hasChannel
              && supplyGeneration.getChannel(isImport, isKwh) != null) {
            supplyGeneration.deleteChannel(isImport, isKwh);
      String meterSerialNumber = GeneralImport.addField(csvElement,
          "Meter Serial Number", values, 12);
      if (meterSerialNumber.equals(GeneralImport.NO_CHANGE)) {
        meterSerialNumber = supplyGeneration.getMeterSerialNumber();
      String pcCode = GeneralImport.addField(csvElement, "Profile Class",
          values, 13);
      Pc pc = null;
      if (pcCode.equals(GeneralImport.NO_CHANGE)) {
        pc = supplyGeneration.getPc();
      } else {
        pc = Pc.getPc(pcCode);

      String mtcCode = GeneralImport.addField(csvElement,
          "Meter Timeswitch Class", values, 14);
      if (mtcCode.equals(GeneralImport.NO_CHANGE)) {
        mtcCode = supplyGeneration.getMtc().toString();

      String copCode = GeneralImport.addField(csvElement, "CoP", values,
      Cop cop = null;
      if (pcCode.equals(GeneralImport.NO_CHANGE)) {
        cop = supplyGeneration.getCop();
      } else {
        cop = Cop.getCop(copCode);

      Ssc ssc = null;
      String sscCode = GeneralImport.addField(csvElement, "SSC", values,
      if (sscCode.equals(GeneralImport.NO_CHANGE)) {
        ssc = supplyGeneration.getSsc();
      } else {
        ssc = sscCode.length() == 0 ? null : Ssc.getSsc(sscCode);

      String importMpanCoreStr = GeneralImport.addField(csvElement,
          "Import MPAN Core", values, 17);
      String importLlfcCode = null;
      Integer importAgreedSupplyCapacity = null;
      SupplierContract importSupplierContract = null;
      String importSupplierAccount = null;
      Mpan existingImportMpan = supplyGeneration.getImportMpan();
      if (importMpanCoreStr.equals(GeneralImport.NO_CHANGE)) {
        importMpanCoreStr = existingImportMpan == null ? null
            : existingImportMpan.getCore().toString();
      } else if (importMpanCoreStr.length() == 0) {
        importMpanCoreStr = null;
      if (importMpanCoreStr != null) {
        importLlfcCode = GeneralImport.addField(csvElement,
            "Import LLFC", values, 18);
        if (importLlfcCode.equals(GeneralImport.NO_CHANGE)) {
          importLlfcCode = existingImportMpan == null ? null
              : existingImportMpan.getLlfc().toString();
        String importAgreedSupplyCapacityStr = GeneralImport
            .addField(csvElement, "Import Agreed Supply Capacity",
                values, 19);
        if (importAgreedSupplyCapacityStr
            .equals(GeneralImport.NO_CHANGE)) {
          if (existingImportMpan == null) {
            throw new UserException(
                "There isn't an existing import MPAN.");
          } else {
            importAgreedSupplyCapacity = existingImportMpan
        } else {
          try {
            importAgreedSupplyCapacity = Integer
          } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            throw new UserException(
                "The import agreed supply capacity must be an integer. "
                    + e.getMessage());
        String importSupplierContractName = GeneralImport.addField(
            csvElement, "Import Supplier Contract", values, 20);
        if (importSupplierContractName.equals(GeneralImport.NO_CHANGE)) {
          if (existingImportMpan == null) {
            throw new UserException(
                "There isn't an existing import supplier.");
          importSupplierContract = existingImportMpan
        } else {
          importSupplierContract = SupplierContract
        importSupplierAccount = GeneralImport.addField(csvElement,
            "Import Supplier Account", values, 21);
        if (importSupplierAccount.equals(GeneralImport.NO_CHANGE)) {
          if (existingImportMpan == null) {
            throw new UserException(
                "There isn't an existing import supplier account.");
          importSupplierAccount = existingImportMpan
      String exportMpanCoreStr = null;
      String exportLlfcCode = null;
      SupplierContract exportSupplierContract = null;
      String exportSupplierAccount = null;
      Integer exportAgreedSupplyCapacity = null;
      if (values.length > 22) {
        exportMpanCoreStr = GeneralImport.addField(csvElement,
            "Eport MPAN Core", values, 22);
        Mpan existingExportMpan = supplyGeneration.getExportMpan();
        if (exportMpanCoreStr.equals(GeneralImport.NO_CHANGE)) {
          exportMpanCoreStr = existingExportMpan == null ? null
              : existingExportMpan.getCore().toString();
        } else if (exportMpanCoreStr.length() == 0) {
          exportMpanCoreStr = null;
        if (exportMpanCoreStr != null) {
          exportLlfcCode = GeneralImport.addField(csvElement,
              "Export LLFC", values, 23);
          if (exportLlfcCode.equals(GeneralImport.NO_CHANGE)) {
            exportLlfcCode = existingExportMpan == null ? null
                : existingExportMpan.getLlfc().toString();
          String exportAgreedSupplyCapacityStr = GeneralImport
                  "Export Agreed Supply Capacity", values, 24);
          if (exportAgreedSupplyCapacityStr
              .equals(GeneralImport.NO_CHANGE)) {
            if (existingExportMpan == null) {
              throw new UserException(
                  "There isn't an existing export MPAN.");
            } else {
              exportAgreedSupplyCapacity = existingExportMpan
          } else {
            try {
              exportAgreedSupplyCapacity = new Integer(
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
              throw new UserException(
                  "The export supply capacity must be an integer. "
                      + e.getMessage());
          String exportSupplierContractName = GeneralImport.addField(
              csvElement, "Export Supplier Contract", values, 25);
          if (exportSupplierContractName
              .equals(GeneralImport.NO_CHANGE)) {
            if (existingExportMpan == null) {
              throw new UserException(
                  "There isn't an existing export supplier contract.");
            exportSupplierContract = existingExportMpan
          } else {
            exportSupplierContract = SupplierContract
          exportSupplierAccount = GeneralImport.addField(csvElement,
              "Export Supplier Account", values, 26);
          if (exportSupplierAccount.equals(GeneralImport.NO_CHANGE)) {
            if (existingExportMpan == null) {
              throw new UserException(
                  "There isn't an existing export MPAN.");
            exportSupplierAccount = existingExportMpan
          startDateStr.equals(GeneralImport.NO_CHANGE) ? supplyGeneration
              .getStartDate() : new HhStartDate(startDateStr),
          finishDateStr.length() == 0 ? null : (finishDateStr
              .equals(GeneralImport.NO_CHANGE) ? supplyGeneration
              .getFinishDate() : new HhStartDate(finishDateStr)),
          mopContract, mopAccount, hhdcContract, hhdcAccount,
          meterSerialNumber, pc, mtcCode, cop, ssc,
          importMpanCoreStr, importLlfcCode, importSupplierContract,
          importSupplierAccount, importAgreedSupplyCapacity,
          exportMpanCoreStr, exportLlfcCode, exportSupplierContract,
          exportSupplierAccount, exportAgreedSupplyCapacity);
    } else if (action.equals("delete")) {
      String mpanCoreStr = GeneralImport.addField(csvElement,
          "MPAN Core", values, 0);
      MpanCore mpanCore = MpanCore.getMpanCore(mpanCoreStr);
      Supply supply = mpanCore.getSupply();
      String dateStr = GeneralImport.addField(csvElement, "Date", values,

      SupplyGeneration supplyGeneration = supply.getGeneration(dateStr
          .length() == 0 ? null : new HhStartDate(dateStr));
      if (supplyGeneration == null) {
        throw new UserException(
            "There isn't a generation at this date.");
    } else if (action.equals("insert")) {
      String mpanCoreStr = GeneralImport.addField(csvElement,
          "MPAN Core", values, 0);
      Supply supply = MpanCore.getMpanCore(mpanCoreStr).getSupply();
      String startDateStr = GeneralImport.addField(csvElement,
          "Start date", values, 1);
      HhStartDate startDate = startDateStr.length() == 0 ? null
          : new HhStartDate(startDateStr);
      SupplyGeneration existingGeneration = supply
      if (existingGeneration == null) {
        SupplyGeneration firstGeneration = supply.getGenerationFirst();
        if (startDate.before(firstGeneration.getStartDate())) {
          existingGeneration = firstGeneration;
      if (existingGeneration == null) {
        throw new UserException(
            "The start date is after end of the supply.");

      String siteCode = GeneralImport.addField(csvElement, "Site Code",
          values, 2);
      Site physicalSite = null;
      List<Site> logicalSites = new ArrayList<Site>();
      if (siteCode.equals(GeneralImport.NO_CHANGE)) {
        for (SiteSupplyGeneration ssgen : existingGeneration
            .getSiteSupplyGenerations()) {
          if (ssgen.getIsPhysical()) {
            physicalSite = ssgen.getSite();
          } else {
      } else {
        physicalSite = Site.getSite(siteCode);

      String mopContractName = GeneralImport.addField(csvElement,
          "MOP Contract", values, 3);
      MopContract mopContract = null;
      if (mopContractName.equals(GeneralImport.NO_CHANGE)) {
        mopContract = existingGeneration.getMopContract();
      } else {
        if (mopContractName.length() > 0) {
          mopContract = MopContract.getMopContract(mopContractName);
      String mopAccount = GeneralImport.addField(csvElement,
          "MOP Account Reference", values, 4);
      if (mopAccount.equals(GeneralImport.NO_CHANGE)) {
        mopAccount = existingGeneration.getMopAccount();

      String hhdcContractName = GeneralImport.addField(csvElement,
          "HHDC Contract", values, 5);
      HhdcContract hhdcContract = null;
      if (hhdcContractName.equals(GeneralImport.NO_CHANGE)) {
        hhdcContract = existingGeneration.getHhdcContract();
      } else {
        if (hhdcContractName.length() > 0) {
          hhdcContract = HhdcContract
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Examples of net.sf.chellow.billing.HhdcContract


        String importMpanCoreStr = null;
        Integer importAgreedSupplyCapacity = null;
        MopContract mopContract = null;
        HhdcContract hhdcContract = null;
        SupplierContract importSupplierContract = null;
        String importSupplierAccount = null;
        boolean isEnded = inv.getBoolean("is-ended");
        if (isEnded) {
          Date finishDateRaw = inv.getDateTime("finish");
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