Package helper

Examples of helper.StreamSimulator

            stmts = xFooGraph.getStatements(null, null, null);
            assure("stmts in foo graph", !stmts.hasMoreElements());

            XOutputStream xFooOut =
                new StreamSimulator(tempDir + "empty.rdf", false, param);
            xRep.exportGraph(FileFormat.RDF_XML, xFooOut, foo, base);

            XInputStream xFooIn =
                new StreamSimulator(tempDir + "empty.rdf", true, param);
            xRep.importGraph(FileFormat.RDF_XML, xFooIn, bar, base);
            assure("no bar graph", null != xRep.getGraph(bar));


            log.println("Checking graph manipulation...");

            XEnumeration xFooEnum;

            Statement xFoo_FooBarBaz = new Statement(foo, bar, baz, foo);
            xFooGraph.addStatement(foo, bar, baz);
            xFooEnum = xFooGraph.getStatements(null, null, null);
                eq(xFooEnum, new Statement[] { xFoo_FooBarBaz }));

            Statement xFoo_FooBarBlank = new Statement(foo, bar, blank, foo);
            xFooGraph.addStatement(foo, bar, blank);
            xFooEnum = xFooGraph.getStatements(null, null, null);
                    new Statement[] { xFoo_FooBarBaz, xFoo_FooBarBlank }));
            xFooEnum = xRep.getStatements(null, null, null);
            assure("addStatement(foo,bar,blank) (global)",
                    new Statement[] { xFoo_FooBarBaz, xFoo_FooBarBlank }));

            Statement xFoo_BazBarLit = new Statement(baz, bar, lit, foo);
            xFooGraph.addStatement(baz, bar, lit);
            xFooEnum = xFooGraph.getStatements(null, null, null);
                eq(xFooEnum, new Statement[] {
                    xFoo_FooBarBaz, xFoo_FooBarBlank, xFoo_BazBarLit }));
            xFooEnum = xFooGraph.getStatements(baz, bar, null);
            assure("addStatement(baz,bar,lit) (baz,bar)",
                eq(xFooEnum, new Statement[] { xFoo_BazBarLit }));

            Statement xFoo_BazBarLitlang =
                new Statement(baz, bar, litlang, foo);
            xFooGraph.addStatement(baz, bar, litlang);
            xFooEnum = xFooGraph.getStatements(null, null, null);
                eq(xFooEnum, new Statement[] {
                    xFoo_FooBarBaz, xFoo_FooBarBlank, xFoo_BazBarLit,
                    xFoo_BazBarLitlang }));
            xFooEnum = xFooGraph.getStatements(null, null, baz);
            assure("addStatement(baz,bar,litlang) (baz)",
                eq(xFooEnum, new Statement[] { xFoo_FooBarBaz }));

            Statement xFoo_BazBarLittype =
                new Statement(baz, bar, littype, foo);
            xFooGraph.addStatement(baz, bar, littype);
            xFooEnum = xFooGraph.getStatements(null, null, null);
                eq(xFooEnum, new Statement[] { xFoo_FooBarBaz, xFoo_FooBarBlank,
                    xFoo_BazBarLit, xFoo_BazBarLitlang, xFoo_BazBarLittype }));

            xFooGraph.removeStatements(baz, bar, litlang);
            xFooEnum = xFooGraph.getStatements(null, null, null);
                eq(xFooEnum, new Statement[] { xFoo_FooBarBaz, xFoo_FooBarBlank,
                    xFoo_BazBarLit, xFoo_BazBarLittype }));

            xFooGraph.removeStatements(foo, bar, null);
            xFooEnum = xFooGraph.getStatements(null, null, null);
                eq(xFooEnum, new Statement[] {
                    xFoo_BazBarLit, xFoo_BazBarLittype }));

            xFooGraph.addStatement(foo, bar, baz);
            xFooEnum = xFooGraph.getStatements(null, null, null);
            assure("addStatement(foo,bar,baz) (re-add)",
                eq(xFooEnum, new Statement[] { xFoo_FooBarBaz,
                    xFoo_BazBarLit, xFoo_BazBarLittype }));

            xFooGraph.addStatement(foo, bar, baz);
            xFooEnum = xFooGraph.getStatements(null, null, null);
            assure("addStatement(foo,bar,baz) (duplicate)",
                eq(xFooEnum, new Statement[] { xFoo_FooBarBaz,
                    xFoo_BazBarLit, xFoo_BazBarLittype }));

            xFooGraph.addStatement(xFooGraph, bar, baz);
            xFooEnum = xFooGraph.getStatements(null, null, null);
            assure("addStatement(foo,bar,baz) (triplicate, as graph)",
                eq(xFooEnum, new Statement[] { xFoo_FooBarBaz,
                     xFoo_BazBarLit, xFoo_BazBarLittype }));


            log.println("Checking graph import/export...");

            xFooOut = new StreamSimulator(tempDir + "foo.rdf", false, param);
            xRep.exportGraph(FileFormat.RDF_XML, xFooOut, foo, base);

            xFooIn = new StreamSimulator(tempDir + "foo.rdf", true, param);
            try {
                xRep.importGraph(FileFormat.RDF_XML, xFooIn, bar, base);
                assure("importing existing graph did not fail", false);
            } catch (ElementExistException e) {
                // ignore

            xFooIn = new StreamSimulator(tempDir + "foo.rdf", true, param);
            xRep.importGraph(FileFormat.RDF_XML, xFooIn, baz, base);
            XNamedGraph xBazGraph =  xRep.getGraph(baz);
            assure("no baz graph", null != xBazGraph);

            Statement xBaz_FooBarBaz = new Statement(foo, bar, baz, baz);
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        try {

            log.println("Checking SPARQL queries...");

            XInputStream xIn = new StreamSimulator(
                util.utils.getFullTestDocName("example.rdf"), true, param);
            xRep.importGraph(FileFormat.RDF_XML, xIn, manifest, base);

            String query;
            query = "SELECT ?p WHERE { ?p rdf:type pkg:Package . }";
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     * file cannot be read
     * @throws NotConnectedException was thrown if it was not possible to open <CODE>filePath</CODE>
    public XInputStream getFileStream( String filePath )
                                                throws NotConnectedException {
        return new StreamSimulator(filePath, true, m_param);
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     * file cannot be read
     * @throws NotConnectedException was thrown if it was not possible to open <CODE>filePath</CODE>
    public XInputStream getFileStream( String filePath )
                                                throws NotConnectedException {
        return new StreamSimulator(filePath, true, m_param);
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Related Classes of helper.StreamSimulator

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