Examples of HeaderMap

Examples of com.google.greaze.definition.HeaderMap

    try {
      HeaderMapSpec paramSpec = getSpec().getHeadersSpec();
      Type bodyType = getSpec().getResourceType();
      // read response
      HeaderMap responseParams = readResponseHeaders(conn, paramSpec);
      R responseBody = readResponseBody(conn, bodyType);
      return new RestResponseBase<I, R>(getSpec(), responseParams, responseBody);
    } catch (IOException e) {
      ErrorReason reason = ErrorReason.fromValue(conn, e);
      throw new WebServiceSystemException(reason, e);
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Examples of com.google.speedtracer.client.model.NetworkResource.HeaderMap

    cacheRules.add(new CacheRule() {
      public void onResourceFinish(NetworkResource resource, double timestamp, int refRecord) {
        if (!isCacheableResourceType(getResourceType(resource))) {
        HeaderMap responseHeaders = resource.getResponseHeaders();
        if (hasCookie(responseHeaders) != null) {
        if (isExplicitlyNonCacheable(
            responseHeaders, resource.getUrl(), resource.getStatusCode())) {
        if (!hasExplicitExpiration(responseHeaders)) {
          addHint(getHintletName(), timestamp, formatMessage(resource), refRecord,

      private String formatMessage(NetworkResource resource) {
        return "The following resources are missing a cache expiration."
            + " Resources that do not specify an expiration may not be cached by"
            + " browsers. Specify an expiration at least one month in the future"
            + " for resources that should be cached, and an expiration in the past"
            + " for resources that should not be cached: " + resource.getUrl();

     * Vary Rule Internet Explorer does not cache any resources that are served with the Vary header
     * and any fields but Accept-Encoding and User-Agent. To ensure these resources are cached by
     * IE, make sure to strip out any other fields from the Vary header, or remove the Vary header
     * altogether if possible
    cacheRules.add(new CacheRule() {
      public void onResourceFinish(NetworkResource resource, double timestamp, int refRecord) {
        HeaderMap responseHeaders = resource.getResponseHeaders();
        String varyHeader = responseHeaders.get("Vary");
        if (varyHeader == null) {
        if (!isCacheableResourceType(getResourceType(resource))) {
        if (!freshnessLifetimeGreaterThan(responseHeaders, 0)) {

        // We strip Accept-Encoding and User-Agent from the header, as well
        // as separator characters (comma and space), and trigger a hintlet
        // if there is anything left in the header.
        varyHeader = removeValidVary(varyHeader);
        if (varyHeader.length() > 0) {
          addHint(getHintletName(), timestamp, formatMessage(resource), refRecord,

      private native String removeValidVary(String header) /*-{
    header = header.replace(/User-Agent/gi, '');
    header = header.replace(/Accept-Encoding/gi, '');
    var patt = new RegExp('[, ]*', 'g');
    header = header.replace(patt, '');
    return header;

      private String formatMessage(NetworkResource resource) {
        return "The following resources specify a 'Vary' header that"
            + " disables caching in most versions of Internet Explorer. Fix or remove"
            + " the 'Vary' header for the following resources: " + resource.getUrl();

     * Freshness Rule Set Expires to a minimum of one month for cacheable (static) resource,
     * preferably up to one year. TODO (sarahgsmith) : Not more than a year as this violates RFC
     * guidelines. (We prefer Expires over Cache-Control: max-age because it is is more widely
     * supported.)
    cacheRules.add(new CacheRule() {
      public void onResourceFinish(NetworkResource resource, double timestamp, int refRecord) {
        // must have cacheable resource type or be a favicon
        if (!isCacheableResourceType(getResourceType(resource))) {
        HeaderMap responseHeaders = resource.getResponseHeaders();
        if (hasCookie(responseHeaders) != null) {
        // must have a freshness lifetime which is greater than 0
        if (!freshnessLifetimeGreaterThan(responseHeaders, 0)) {

        // if the freshness is less than a month, fire the hint
        if (!freshnessLifetimeGreaterThan(responseHeaders, MS_IN_A_MONTH)) {
          addHint(getHintletName(), timestamp, formatLessThanMonthMessage(resource), refRecord,

        // if the freshness is more than a month but less than a year, fire info hint
        if (!freshnessLifetimeGreaterThan(responseHeaders, MS_IN_A_MONTH * 11)) {
          addHint(getHintletName(), timestamp, formatLessThanYearMessage(resource), refRecord,

      private String formatLessThanMonthMessage(NetworkResource resource) {
        return "The following cacheable resources have a short"
            + " freshness lifetime. Specify an expiration at least one month in the"
            + " future for the following resources: " + resource.getUrl();

      private String formatLessThanYearMessage(NetworkResource resource) {
        return "To further improve cache hit rate, specify an expiration"
            + " one year in the future for the following cacheable resources: " + resource.getUrl();

     * Favicon Rule Favicons should have an expiration at least one month in the future this is a
     * separate rule since they do not fit under the "cacheable". Additionally, we want to fire the
     * hint even if no freshness is specified, which the previous freshness rule looks for.
    cacheRules.add(new CacheRule() {
      public void onResourceFinish(NetworkResource resource, double timestamp, int refRecord) {
        // for rule to fire:
        // must be of type FAVICON
        if (getResourceType(resource) != WebInspectorType.FAVICON) {
        HeaderMap responseHeaders = resource.getResponseHeaders();
        // must not set cookie
        if (hasCookie(responseHeaders) != null) {
        // if it doesn't have a long enough freshness liftime, fire hint
        if (!freshnessLifetimeGreaterThan(responseHeaders, MS_IN_A_MONTH)) {
          addHint(getHintletName(), timestamp, formatMessage(resource), refRecord,

      private String formatMessage(NetworkResource resource) {
        return "Favicons should have an expiration at least one month in the future: "
            + resource.getUrl();

     * Query Rule Most proxies, most notably Squid up through version 3.0, do not cache resources
     * with a "?" in their URL even if a Cache-control: public header is present in the response. To
     * enable proxy caching for these resources, remove query strings from references to static
     * resources, and instead encode the parameters into the file names themselves.
    cacheRules.add(new CacheRule() {
      public void onResourceFinish(NetworkResource resource, double timestamp, int refRecord) {
        if (resource.getUrl().indexOf('?') == -1) {
        HeaderMap responseHeaders = resource.getResponseHeaders();
        if (hasCookie(responseHeaders) != null) {
        if (isPubliclyCacheable(responseHeaders, resource.getUrl(), resource.getStatusCode())) {
          addHint(getHintletName(), timestamp, formatMessage(resource), refRecord,

      private String formatMessage(NetworkResource resource) {
        return "Resources with a '?' in the URL are not cached by most"
            + " proxy caching servers. Remove the query string and encode the"
            + " parameters into the URL for the following resources: " + resource.getUrl();

     * Public Rule and Proxy Bug Rule Enabling public caching in the HTTP headers for static
     * resources allows the browser to download resources from a nearby proxy server rather than
     * from a remote origin server. You use the Cache-control: public header to indicate that a
     * resource can be cached by public web proxies in addition to the browser that issued the
     * request. With some exceptions (described below), you should configure your web server to set
     * this header to public for cacheable resources.
     *  Some public proxies have bugs that do not detect the presence of the Content-Encoding
     * response header. This can result in compressed versions being delivered to client browsers
     * that cannot properly decompress the files. Since these files should always be gzipped by your
     * server, to ensure that the client can correctly read the files, do either of the following:
     * (see Bug Rule) - Set the the Cache-Control header to private. This disables proxy caching
     * altogether for these resources. If your application is multi-homed around the globe and
     * relies less on proxy caches for user locality, this might be an appropriate setting. - Set
     * the Vary: Accept-Encoding response header. This instructs the proxies to cache two versions
     * of the resource: one compressed, and one uncompressed. The correct version of the resource is
     * delivered based on the client request header. This is a good choice for applications that are
     * singly homed and depend on public proxies for user locality.
    cacheRules.add(new CacheRule() {
      public void onResourceFinish(NetworkResource resource, double timestamp, int refRecord) {
        HeaderMap responseHeaders = resource.getResponseHeaders();
        if (!isCacheableResourceType(getResourceType(resource))) {
        if (isExplicitlyNonCacheable(
            responseHeaders, resource.getUrl(), resource.getStatusCode())) {
        if (hasCookie(responseHeaders) != null) {
        // "Some public proxies have bugs..." (see comment for rule)
        if (isCompressed(responseHeaders)
            && !headerContains(responseHeaders, "Vary", "Accept-Encoding")) {
          if (isPubliclyCacheable(responseHeaders, resource.getUrl(), resource.getStatusCode())) {
            addHint(getHintletName(), timestamp, formatMessageBug(resource), refRecord,

        if (headerContains(responseHeaders, "Cache-Control", "public")) {

        // consider making it publicly cacheable
        addHint(getHintletName(), timestamp, formatMessagePublic(resource), refRecord,

      private String formatMessagePublic(NetworkResource resource) {
        return "Consider adding a 'Cache-Control: public' header to the" + " following resource: "
            + resource.getUrl();

      private String formatMessageBug(NetworkResource resource) {
        return "Due to a bug, some proxy caching servers do not detect the presence"
            + " of the Content-Encoding response header. This can result in compressed"
            + " versions being delivered to client browsers that cannot properly"
            + " decompress the files. Therefore, use either 'Cache-Control: private'"
            + " or 'Vary: Accept-Encoding' for the following resource: " + resource.getUrl();


     * Cookie Rule Files with Cookie headers should never be publicly cached. Don't enable proxy
     * caching for resources that set cookies. Setting the header to public effectively shares
     * resources among multiple users, which means that any cookies set for those resources are
     * shared as well. While many proxies won't actually cache any resources with cookie headers
     * set, it's better to avoid the risk altogether. Either set the Cache-Control header to private
     * or serve these resources from a cookieless domain.
    cacheRules.add(new CacheRule() {
      public void onResourceFinish(NetworkResource resource, double timestamp, int refRecord) {
        HeaderMap responseHeaders = resource.getResponseHeaders();
        if (hasCookie(responseHeaders) != null
            && isPubliclyCacheable(responseHeaders, resource.getUrl(), resource.getStatusCode())) {
          addHint(getHintletName(), timestamp, formatMessage(resource), refRecord,
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Examples of com.googlecode.richrest.server.map.HeaderMap

   * 获取HTTP请求头信息
   * @return HTTP请求头信息
  public Map<String, String> getHeaderMap() {
    return new HeaderMap(request);
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Examples of com.ning.http.client.simple.HeaderMap


        private void fireHeaders(HttpResponseHeaders headers) {
            if (listener != null) {
                listener.onHeaders(url, new HeaderMap(headers.getHeaders()));
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Examples of io.undertow.util.HeaderMap

        return date.getTime();

    public String getHeader(final String name) {
        HeaderMap headers = exchange.getRequestHeaders();
        return headers.getFirst(name);
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Examples of io.undertow.util.HeaderMap

        HeaderMap headers = exchange.getRequestHeaders();
        return headers.getFirst(name);

    public String getHeader(final HttpString name) {
        HeaderMap headers = exchange.getRequestHeaders();
        return headers.getFirst(name);
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Examples of io.undertow.util.HeaderMap

    public StreamSinkChannel writeRequestBody(long contentLength) {
        if(requestChannel != null) {
            throw UndertowClientMessages.MESSAGES.requestAlreadyWritten();
        // Prepare the header
        final HeaderMap headers = getRequestHeaders();
        // Check that we defined the hostname
        // Process connection and transfer encodings
        boolean keepAlive;
        if (http11) {
            if(headers.contains(Headers.CONNECTION)) {
                keepAlive = !Headers.CLOSE.equals(new HttpString(headers.getFirst(Headers.CONNECTION)));
            } else {
                keepAlive = true;
        } else if (Protocols.HTTP_1_0.equals(protocol)) {
            keepAlive = options.get(HttpClientOptions.HTTP_KEEP_ALIVE, false);
        } else {
            keepAlive = false;

        HttpString transferEncoding = Headers.IDENTITY;
        boolean hasContent = true;
        if (contentLength == -1L) {
            // unknown content-length
            if(Methods.HEAD.equals(method)) {
                hasContent = false;
            } else if (! http11) {
                keepAlive = false;
            } else {
                transferEncoding = Headers.CHUNKED;
        } else if (contentLength == 0L) {
            hasContent = false;
        } else if (contentLength <= 0L) {
            throw UndertowClientMessages.MESSAGES.illegalContentLength(contentLength);
        if(hasContent) {
            if(Methods.HEAD.equals(method)) {
                hasContent = false;
        if(keepAlive) {
            if(!headers.contains(Headers.CONNECTION)) {
                headers.put(Headers.CONNECTION, Headers.KEEP_ALIVE.toString());
        } else {
            headers.put(Headers.CONNECTION, Headers.CLOSE.toString());
        // Check for 100-continue expectations
        boolean expectContinue = false;
        if(http11 && hasContent && headers.contains(Headers.EXPECT)) {
            for(final String s : headers.get(Headers.EXPECT)) {
                if(s.toLowerCase().equals("100-continue")) {
                    expectContinue = true;
        // Create the pending request
        final boolean pipelineNext = pipeline && idempotentMethods.contains(method);
        final PendingHttpRequest request = new PendingHttpRequest(this, connection, keepAlive, hasContent, expectContinue, pipelineNext, responseFuture, continueHandler);
        // Create the channel and wrappers
        StreamSinkConduit conduit = new StreamSinkChannelWrappingConduit(underlyingChannel);
        conduit = new HttpRequestConduit(conduit, connection.getBufferPool(), request);
        if(! hasContent) {
            headers.put(Headers.CONTENT_LENGTH, 0L);
            conduit = new FixedLengthStreamSinkConduit(conduit, 0L, false, ! keepAlive, sendCompletedListener(request));
        } else {
            if (! Headers.IDENTITY.equals(transferEncoding)) {
                headers.put(Headers.TRANSFER_ENCODING, Headers.CHUNKED.toString());
                conduit = new ChunkedStreamSinkConduit(conduit, false, ! keepAlive, sendCompletedListener(request), this);
            } else {
                if(contentLength == -1L) {
                    conduit = new FinishableStreamSinkConduit(conduit, sendCompletedListener(request));
                } else {
                    headers.put(Headers.CONTENT_LENGTH, contentLength);
                    conduit = new FixedLengthStreamSinkConduit(conduit, contentLength, false, ! keepAlive, sendCompletedListener(request));
        conduitChannel = new ConduitStreamSinkChannel(underlyingChannel, conduit);
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Examples of io.undertow.util.HeaderMap

                putInt(buffer, exchange.getResponseCode());
                putString(buffer, StatusCodes.getReason(exchange.getResponseCode()));

                int headers = 0;
                //we need to count the headers
                final HeaderMap responseHeaders = exchange.getResponseHeaders();
                for (HttpString name : responseHeaders.getHeaderNames()) {
                    headers += responseHeaders.get(name).size();

                putInt(buffer, headers);

                for (final HttpString header : responseHeaders.getHeaderNames()) {
                    for (String headerValue : responseHeaders.get(header)) {
                        Integer headerCode = HEADER_MAP.get(header);
                        if (headerCode != null) {
                            putInt(buffer, headerCode);
                        } else {
                            putString(buffer, header.toString());
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Examples of io.undertow.util.HeaderMap


        final HeaderMap headers = getResponseHeaders();
        final boolean http11 = Protocols.HTTP_1_1.equals(getProtocol());

        boolean closeConnection;
        String connectionHeader = headers.getFirst(Headers.CONNECTION);
        if(http11) {
            closeConnection = connectionHeader == null ? false : Headers.CLOSE.equals(new HttpString(connectionHeader));
        } else if (Protocols.HTTP_1_0.equals(getProtocol())) {
            closeConnection = connectionHeader == null ? true : ! Headers.KEEP_ALIVE.equals(new HttpString(connectionHeader));
        } else {
            closeConnection = true;

        boolean noContent = false;
        final int responseCode = this.statusCode;
        if ((responseCode >= 100 && responseCode < 200)
                || responseCode == 204
                || responseCode == 304) {

            noContent = true;
        if(! noContent && Methods.HEAD_STRING.equals(request.getMethod())) {
            noContent = true;
        // Process the content length and transfer encodings
        StreamSourceConduit conduit = new StreamSourceChannelWrappingConduit(channel);
        long contentLength = -1;
        if(noContent) {
            conduit = new EmptyStreamSourceConduit(channel.getIoThread());
        } else {
            String transferEncoding = Headers.IDENTITY.toString();
            if (headers.contains(Headers.TRANSFER_ENCODING)) {
                transferEncoding = headers.getLast(Headers.TRANSFER_ENCODING);
            } else if (http11 && ! headers.contains(Headers.CONTENT_LENGTH)) {
                transferEncoding = Headers.CHUNKED.toString();

            if (! transferEncoding.equals(Headers.IDENTITY.toString())) {
                conduit = new ChunkedStreamSourceConduit(conduit, channel, connection.getBufferPool(), getFinishListener(closeConnection), request);
            } else if (headers.contains(Headers.CONTENT_LENGTH)) {
                contentLength = Long.parseLong(headers.getFirst(Headers.CONTENT_LENGTH));
                if(contentLength == 0L) {
                    conduit = new EmptyStreamSourceConduit(channel.getIoThread());
                    noContent = true;
                } else {
                    conduit = new FixedLengthStreamSourceConduit(conduit, contentLength, getFinishListener(closeConnection));
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Examples of io.undertow.util.HeaderMap

                    length = string.length();
                    for (charIndex = 0; charIndex < length; charIndex ++) {
                        buffer.put((byte) string.charAt(charIndex));
                    buffer.put((byte) '\r').put((byte) '\n');
                    HeaderMap headers = request.getRequestHeaders();
                    nameIterator = headers.getHeaderNames().iterator();
                    if (! nameIterator.hasNext()) {
                        log.trace("No request headers");
                        buffer.put((byte) '\r').put((byte) '\n');
                        while (buffer.hasRemaining()) {
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