Examples of Handler

@author Sun Microsystems, Inc. @see HttpmdUtil @since 2.0 @com.sun.jini.impl This implementation of HTTPMD URLs uses the {@link Logger} namednet.jini.url.httpmd to log information at the following logging levels:

Level Description
{@link Levels#FAILED FAILED} URL input stream detects anincorrect message digest

See the {@link LogManager} class for one way to use the FAILEDlogging level in standard logging configuration files.

  • net.socialgamer.cah.handlers.Handler
    Implementations of this interface MUST also have a public static final String OP. There will be compile errors if they do not. @author Andy Janata (ajanata@socialgamer.net)
  • nexj.core.meta.workflow.Handler
    Interface implemented by event handling steps.
  • org.apache.activemq.transport.xmpp.command.Handler
    Represents a handler of a type of event @version $Revision: 467379 $
  • org.apache.axis.Handler
    @author Doug Davis (dug@us.ibm.com)
  • org.apache.axis2.engine.Handler
    A Handler represents a piece of message processing functionality in Axis2. Handlers are combined into chains and phases in order to provide customizable functionality such as security, reliability, etc. Handlers must be multi-thread safe and should keep all their state in Context objects (see the org.apache.axis2.context package).
  • org.apache.cocoon.webapps.authentication.components.Handler
    The authentication Handler. @author Carsten Ziegeler @version CVS $Id: Handler.java,v 1.1 2003/03/09 00:02:18 pier Exp $
  • org.apache.droids.api.Handler
    A handler is a component that uses the stream, the parse and url to invoke arbitrary business logic on the objects. @version 1.0
  • org.apache.harmony.beans.Handler
  • org.apache.harmony.luni.internal.net.www.protocol.jar.Handler
  • org.apache.hedwig.server.handlers.Handler
  • org.apache.openejb.resolver.maven.Handler
  • org.apache.synapse.rest.Handler
  • org.apache.tomcat.core.Handler
    The class that will generate the actual response. Each Handler has a "name" that will determine the content that it will handle. @author costin@dnt.ro
  • org.atmosphere.nettosphere.Handler
    A super simple Handler for managing web application. As simple as
    Nettosphere server = new Nettosphere.Builder().config( new Config.Builder() .host("") .port(8080) .resource(new Handler() { void handle(AtmosphereResource r) { r.getResponse().write("Hello World".write("from Nettosphere").flush(); } }) .build()) .build(); server.start();
  • org.codehaus.xfire.handler.Handler

    A handler is just something that processes an XML message.

    If an exception occurrs in the invoke method, the entity which started the invocation, is responsible for turning the exception into a fault.

    @author Dan Diephouse @since Feb 18, 2004
  • org.directwebremoting.extend.Handler
    A handler is a very simple servlet that does not differentiate between GET and POST, or need complex setup beyond what the container can provide @author Joe Walker [joe at getahead dot ltd dot uk]
  • org.drools.core.xml.Handler
  • org.drools.xml.Handler
    @author mproctor
  • org.eclipse.jetty.server.Handler
    A Jetty Server Handler. A Handler instance is required by a {@link Server} to handle incomingHTTP requests. A Handler may: Handlers are passed the servlet API request and response object, but are not Servlets. The servlet container is implemented by handlers for context, security, session and servlet that modify the request object before passing it to the next stage of handling.
  • org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.protocol.bundleentry.Handler
    URLStreamHandler the bundleentry protocol.
  • org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.protocol.bundleresource.Handler
    URLStreamHandler the bundleresource protocol.
  • org.eclipse.sisu.space.oops.Handler
  • org.exist.protocolhandler.protocols.xmldb.Handler
    com/developer/onlineTraining/protocolhandlers/" >A New Era for Java Protocol Handlers @see java.net.URLStreamHandler
  • org.gdbms.engine.data.persistence.Handler
    Handler that receives the SAX events from a Memento and stores the XML in a PrinWriter setted by the user @author Fernando Gonz�lez Cort�s
  • org.geoserver.console.GeoServerConsole.Handler
  • org.iq80.leveldb.impl.WriteBatchImpl.Handler
  • org.jzonic.jlo.handler.Handler
    This is the interface for the Handler. It defines all methods that must be implemented by all handlers. @author Andreas Mecky @author Terry Dye @created 9. M�rz 2002 @version 1.0
  • org.mortbay.jetty.Handler
  • org.objectweb.celtix.bus.transports.http.protocol.pipe.Handler
  • org.objectweb.util.monolog.api.Handler
    Handler is an output. For example a handler might be a console, a file, a socket, or a Logger. @author Sebastien Chassande-Barrioz
  • org.openbp.server.handler.Handler
    Generic handler. This class defines a hook for any kind of custom code, e. g. activity or event handlers. @author Heiko Erhardt
  • org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn.Handler
  • org.picketlink.config.federation.handler.Handler
  • org.picketlink.identity.federation.core.handler.config.Handler
    3.org/2001/XMLSchema}anyType"> <sequence> <element name="Option" type="{urn:picketlink:identity-federation:config:1.0}KeyValueType" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0"/> </sequence> <attribute name="name" type="{http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string" /> <attribute name="class" type="{http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string" /> </restriction> </complexContent> </complexType>
  • org.platformlayer.ops.Handler
  • org.restlet.Handler
  • org.rstudio.core.client.command.Handler
  • org.rstudio.studio.client.common.console.ProcessExitEvent.Handler
  • org.uiautomation.ios.command.Handler
  • org.vertx.java.core.Handler
    g">Tim Fox
  • org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.jdbc.handlers.Handler
    Base class of all handler implementations. Provides the methods that handlers should implement. This class also provides the data source, user realm, registry and repository instances to be used by handler implementations.

    Handlers can be chained by providing necessary filter combinations. But in such cases, handler authors should make sure that handlers in the chain do not perform conflicting operations. Unless there is a critical requirement and handler authors are confident that handlers do not have negative impact on each other, it is recommended that handlers are configured to execute only one handler per request.

    Handler instances may be accessed concurrently by multiple threads. Therefore, handlers should be thread safe. It is recommended that handlers are made stateless, instead of synchronizing them as it could become a performance bottleneck in highly concurrent environments.

    Implementations of handlers should be optimized to take the minimum time for processing. As the handlers are executed are always executed before executing the generic database layer code, time consuming operations in handlers could slow down the whole registry.

  • org.wymiwyg.rwcf.Handler
    @author reto
  • org.wymiwyg.wrhapi.Handler
  • play.api.mvc.Handler
  • pyttewebb.server.request.Handler
    Handler.java (UTF-8) Handles HTTP requests sent by the client. @author Mathias Andreasen
  • rabbit.handler.Handler
    This interface descsribes the methods neccessary to implement a handler. Besides this a constructor is also nedded @author Robert Olofsson
  • ratpack.handling.Handler
    sponder may just return a response to the client… class SimpleHandler implements Handler { void handle(Context exchange) { exchange.getResponse().send("Hello World!"); } } // A responder may add a response header, before delegating to the next in the pipeline… class DecoratingHandler implements Handler { void handle(Context exchange) { exchange.getResponse().getHeaders().set("Cache-Control", "no-cache"); exchange.next(); } } // Or a handler may conditionally respond… class ConditionalHandler implements Handler { void handle(Context exchange) { if (exchange.getRequest().getPath().equals("foo")) { exchange.getResponse().send("Hello World!"); } else { exchange.next(); } } } // A handler does not need to participate in the response, but can instead "route" the exchange to different handlers… class RoutingHandler implements Handler { private final Handler[] fooHandlers; public RoutingHandler(Handler... fooHandlers) { this.fooHandlers = fooHandlers; } void handle(Context exchange) { if (exchange.getRequest().getPath().startsWith("foo/")) { exchange.insert(fooHandlers); } else { exchange.next(); } } } // It can sometimes be appropriate to directly delegate to a handler, instead of using exchange.insert() … class FilteringHandler implements Handler { private final Handler nestedHandler; public FilteringHandler(Handler nestedHandler) { this.nestedHandler = nestedHandler; } void handle(Context exchange) { if (exchange.getRequest().getPath().startsWith("foo/")) { nestedHandler.handle(exchange); } else { exchange.next(); } } } @see Handlers @see Chain @see ratpack.registry.Registry
  • sunlabs.brazil.server.Handler
    The interface for writing HTTP handlers. Provides basic functionality to accept HTTP requests and dispatch to methods that handle the request.

    The {@link #init(Server,String)} method is called before thisHandler processes the first HTTP request, to allow it to prepare itself, such as by allocating any resources needed for the lifetime of the server.

    The {@link #respond(Request)} method is called to handle an HTTP request.This method, and all methods it calls must be thread-safe since they may handle HTTP requests from multiple sockets concurrently. However, each concurrent request gets its own individual {@link Request} object.

    Any instance variables should be initialized in the {@link #init(Server,String)}, and only referenced, but not set in the {@link #respond(Request)} method. If any state needs to be retained, it should be done either by associating it with the {@link Request}object, or using the {@link sunlabs.brazil.session.SessionManager session manager}. Class statics should be avoided, as it is possible, and even common to run multiple unrelated Brazil servers in the same JVM. As above, the {@link sunlabs.brazil.session.SessionManager session manager}should be used instead. @author Stephen Uhler (stephen.uhler@sun.com) @author Colin Stevens (colin.stevens@sun.com) @version 2.3

  • Examples of org.objectweb.celtix.bus.transports.http.protocol.pipe.Handler

        static void addHandler() {
            try {
                Field field = URL.class.getDeclaredField("handlers");
                Map handlers = (Map)field.get(null);
                handlers.put("pipe", new Handler());
            } catch (Exception e) {
    View Full Code Here

    Examples of org.objectweb.util.monolog.api.Handler

        TopicalLogger l = (TopicalLogger) mf.getLogger(

        Handler h1 = mf.createHandler("h1", "console");
        h1.setAttribute(Handler.OUTPUT_ATTRIBUTE, "System.out");
        h1.setAttribute(Handler.LEVEL_ATTRIBUTE, "WARN");
        h1.setAttribute(Handler.PATTERN_ATTRIBUTE, "first handler: %m");

        Handler h2 = mf.createHandler("h2", "console");
        h2.setAttribute(Handler.OUTPUT_ATTRIBUTE, "System.out");
        h2.setAttribute(Handler.PATTERN_ATTRIBUTE, "second handler: %m");
        l = (TopicalLogger) mf.getLogger(
        l.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, "(" + className + ") this message must be printed only one time");
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    Examples of org.openbp.server.handler.Handler

                "Handler object class $0 does not implement the handler interface $1. [{2}]", handlerInstanceObject
                  .getClass().getName(), Handler.class.getName(), context);
              throw new OpenBPException("HandlerExecutionFailed", msg);

            Handler handlerInstance = (Handler) handlerInstanceObject;
            LogUtil.trace(getClass(), "Executing handler on node $0 (class $1) as {2} handler. [{3}]",
              currentSocket.getNode().getQualifier().toString(), handlerInstance.getClass().getName(), eventType, context);

            // Execute the Java implementation of this handler
            catch (OpenBPException ee)
              // Engine exceptions can be rethrown.
              throw ee;
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    Examples of org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn.Handler

        String artifactVersion = getArtifactVersion(groupId, artifactId);

        // Need to use handler from org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn
        URL urlToEba = new URL(null,
            ServiceConstants.PROTOCOL + ":" + groupId + "/" +artifactId + "/"
                + artifactVersion + "/eba", new Handler());
        return urlToEba;
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    Examples of org.picketlink.config.federation.handler.Handler

                if (handler.getClazz().equals(handlerClassName.getName())) {

            Handler handler = new Handler();


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    Examples of org.picketlink.identity.federation.core.handler.config.Handler

                startElement = StaxParserUtil.getNextStartElement(xmlEventReader);
                if (startElement == null)
                String elementName = StaxParserUtil.getStartElementName(startElement);
                if (elementName.equals(HANDLER)) {
                    Handler handler = parseHandler(xmlEventReader, startElement);

            return handlers;
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    Examples of org.platformlayer.ops.Handler


      private boolean isCandidate(Method method, BindingScope scope) {
        Action action = scope.getInstance(Action.class);

        Handler handler = method.getAnnotation(Handler.class);
        if (handler != null) {
          if (!canHandleAction(handler, action, true)) {
            return false;
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    Examples of org.restlet.Handler

            // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub

        public Handler findTarget(Request request, Response response) {
            Handler retVal;
            synchronized(this) {
                Reference oldRef = getRootRef();
                try {
                    retVal = new EnhDirectoryResource(this, request, response);
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    Examples of org.rstudio.core.client.command.Handler

             w.print("final java.util.ArrayList<HandlerRegistration> regs = ");
             w.println("new java.util.ArrayList<HandlerRegistration>();");

             for (JMethod method : handlersType_.getMethods())
                Handler h = method.getAnnotation(Handler.class);
                if (h == null)

                if (!method.getReturnType().equals(JPrimitiveType.VOID))
                               "Handler method (" + handlersType_.getQualifiedSourceName()
                               + "." + method.getName() + ") has non-void return type "
                               + method.getReturnType().getQualifiedSourceName());

                if (method.getParameters().length != 0)
                   throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                         "Handler methods must not have arguments ("
                         + method.getName() + ")");

                String methodName = method.getName();
                String commandName = h.value();
                if (commandName == null || commandName.length() == 0)
                   if (methodName.length() < 3
                       || !methodName.startsWith("on")
                       || Character.isLowerCase(methodName.charAt(2)))
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    Examples of org.rstudio.studio.client.common.console.ProcessExitEvent.Handler

                         // hide the dialog -- we'll re-show it if the commit fails
                         // subscribe to process exit so we can record the
                         // exit code and manage the commit draft persistence
                         cp.addProcessExitHandler(new Handler()
                            public void onProcessExit(ProcessExitEvent event)
                               // save the exit code so we can use it to decide
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