* @param manager
* @return A new character entity
public static Entity createCharacter(UUID identifier, Character dBChar, WorldPosition mapSpawn, EntityManager manager)
Entity result = new Entity(identifier, manager);
// general identifiers
Name name = new Name();
name.name = dBChar.getName();
AgentIdentifiers agentIDs = new AgentIdentifiers();
agentIDs.agentID = IDManager.reserveAgentID();
agentIDs.localID = IDManager.reserveLocalID();
// physics
Position position = new Position();
position.position = mapSpawn.clone();
Direction direction = new Direction();
Movement move = new Movement();
BoundingBox bBox = new BoundingBox();
// chat
ChatOptions chat = new ChatOptions();
Usergroup group = dBChar.getAccountID().getUserGroup();
if (group != null)
chat.chatPefix = group.getPrefix();
chat.prefixVisible = true;
chat.chatColor = ChatColor.values()[group.getChatColor()];
chat.enableColor = true;
List<String> availCommands = new ArrayList<>();
for (Command command : group.getCommandCollection())
chat.availableCommands = availCommands;
// appearance and view visuals
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(4).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
buffer.put((byte) ((dBChar.getSkin().byteValue() << 5) | (dBChar.getHeight().byteValue() << 1) | dBChar.getSex().byteValue()));
buffer.put((byte) ((dBChar.getFace().byteValue() << 7) | (dBChar.getHaircolor().byteValue() << 2) | (dBChar.getSkin().byteValue() >> 3)));
buffer.put((byte) ((dBChar.getPrimaryProfession().getId().byteValue() << 4) | (dBChar.getFace().byteValue() >> 1)));
buffer.put((byte) ((dBChar.getCampaign().byteValue() << 6) | dBChar.getHairstyle().byteValue()));
PlayerAppearance appearance = new PlayerAppearance();
appearance.appearanceDump = buffer.array();
View view = new View();
Visibility visibility = new Visibility();
// load some char data
CharData charData = new CharData();
charData.primary = Profession.values()[dBChar.getPrimaryProfession().getId()];
int secondary = dBChar.getSecondaryProfession() == null ? 0 : dBChar.getSecondaryProfession().getId();
charData.secondary = Profession.values()[secondary];
// TODO: fix the level!!!
charData.level = 1;//dBChar.getLevel().getLevel();
// TODO: load the attribute stuff here
SpawnData spawnData = new SpawnData();
FactionData factionData = new FactionData();
// TODO: load the faction stuff here
Skills skills = new Skills();
// TODO: load the skills stuff here
// build the entity
result.addAll(name, agentIDs, position, direction, move, bBox, chat, appearance, view, visibility, charData, spawnData, factionData, skills);
return result;