getLog().debug( "**Checking if compilation is required for " + module );
GwtModule gwtModule = readModule( module );
if ( gwtModule.getEntryPoints().size() == 0 )
getLog().info( gwtModule.getName() + " has no EntryPoint - compilation skipped" );
// No entry-point, this is an utility module : compiling this one will fail
// with '[ERROR] Module has no entry points defined'
return false;
getLog().debug( "Module has an entrypoint" );
if ( force )
return true;
getLog().debug( "Compilation not forced");
String modulePath = gwtModule.getPath();
String outputTarget = modulePath + "/" + modulePath + ".nocache.js";
File outputTargetFile = new File( output, outputTarget );
// Require compilation if no js file present in target.
if ( !outputTargetFile.exists() )
return true;
getLog().debug( "Output file exists");
File moduleFile = gwtModule.getSourceFile();
if(moduleFile == null) {
return true; //the module was read from something like an InputStream; always recompile this because we can't make any other choice
getLog().debug( "There is a module source file (not an input stream");
//If input is newer than target, recompile
if(moduleFile.lastModified() > outputTargetFile.lastModified())
getLog().debug( "Module file has been modified since the output file was created; recompiling" );
return true;
getLog().debug( "The module XML hasn't been updated");
// js file already exists, but may not be up-to-date with project source files
SingleTargetSourceMapping singleTargetMapping = new SingleTargetSourceMapping( ".java", outputTarget );
StaleSourceScanner scanner = new StaleSourceScanner();
scanner.addSourceMapping( singleTargetMapping );
SingleTargetSourceMapping uiBinderMapping = new SingleTargetSourceMapping( ".ui.xml", outputTarget );
scanner.addSourceMapping( uiBinderMapping );
Collection<File> compileSourceRoots = new HashSet<File>();
for (String sourceRoot : getProject().getCompileSourceRoots()) {
for (String sourcePackage : gwtModule.getSources()) {
String packagePath = gwtModule.getPackage().replace( '.', File.separatorChar );
File sourceDirectory = new File (sourceRoot + File.separatorChar + packagePath + File.separator + sourcePackage);
if(sourceDirectory.exists()) {
getLog().debug(" Looking in a source directory "+sourceDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + " for possible changes");