String fontKeyName = fontFamilyName.toLowerCase() + " " + fontWeight + " " + fontStyle;
// check fontFamilyMap to see if we have already created an FontFamily
// that matches
HashMap fontFamilyMap = ctx.getFontFamilyMap();
GVTFontFamily fontFamily = (GVTFontFamily)fontFamilyMap.get(fontKeyName);
if (fontFamily != null) {
return fontFamily;
// try to find a matching SVGFontFace element
Document doc = textElement.getOwnerDocument();
NodeList fontFaceElements = doc.getElementsByTagNameNS
Vector svgFontFamilies = new Vector();
for (int i = 0; i < fontFaceElements.getLength(); i++) {
Element fontFaceElement = (Element)fontFaceElements.item(i);
String elemFamilyName
= fontFaceElement.getAttribute(SVG_FONT_FAMILY_ATTRIBUTE);
if (elemFamilyName.toLowerCase().indexOf(fontFamilyName.toLowerCase()) == 0) { // found one
// find matching font element
// see if its the parent node
Element fontElement = (Element)fontFaceElement.getParentNode();
if (!fontElement.getTagName().equals(SVG_FONT_TAG)) {
// parent element is not the font element
// need to look at the font-face-src
fontElement = null;
NodeList fontFaceSrcNodes =
if (fontFaceSrcNodes.getLength() > 0) {
Element fontFaceSrcElement = (Element)fontFaceSrcNodes.item(0);
// see if there is a fontFaceUri child
NodeList fontFaceUriNodes = fontFaceSrcElement.getElementsByTagNameNS(SVG_NAMESPACE_URI, SVG_FONT_FACE_URI_TAG);
if (fontFaceUriNodes.getLength() > 0) {
Element fontFaceUriElement = (Element)fontFaceUriNodes.item(0);
// get the referenced element
String uri = XLinkSupport.getXLinkHref(fontFaceUriElement);
Element refElement = ctx.getReferencedElement(fontFaceUriElement, uri);
// make sure its a font element
if (refElement.getTagName().equals(SVG_FONT_TAG)) {
SVGOMDocument document
= (SVGOMDocument)fontFaceUriElement.getOwnerDocument();
SVGOMDocument refDocument
= (SVGOMDocument)refElement.getOwnerDocument();
boolean isLocal = (refDocument == document);
// import or clone the referenced element in current document
fontElement = (isLocal) ? refElement
: (Element)document.importNode(refElement, true);
if (!isLocal) {
String base = XMLBaseSupport.getCascadedXMLBase(fontFaceUriElement);
// need to attach the imported
// element to the document and
// then compute the styles and
// uris
Element g = document.createElementNS(SVG_NAMESPACE_URI, SVG_G_TAG);
CSSUtilities.computeStyleAndURIs(refElement, fontElement, uri);
if (fontElement != null) {
// create a font face
NodeList fontFaceChildren = fontElement.getElementsByTagNameNS(SVG_NAMESPACE_URI, SVG_FONT_FACE_TAG);
Element fontFaceChild = (Element)fontFaceChildren.item(0);
SVGFontFaceElementBridge fontFaceBridge
= (SVGFontFaceElementBridge)ctx.getBridge(fontFaceChild);
SVGFontFace fontFace = fontFaceBridge.createFontFace(ctx, fontFaceChild);
// see if the font face is ok for the font-weight and style etc
String fontFaceStyle = fontFace.getFontStyle();
if (fontFaceStyle.equals(SVG_ALL_VALUE) || fontFaceStyle.indexOf(fontStyle) != -1) {
// create a new SVGFontFamily
GVTFontFamily gvtFontFamily = new SVGFontFamily(fontFace, fontElement, ctx);
if (svgFontFamilies.size() == 1) {
// only found one matching svg font family
fontFamilyMap.put(fontKeyName, svgFontFamilies.elementAt(0));
return (GVTFontFamily)svgFontFamilies.elementAt(0);
} else if (svgFontFamilies.size() > 1) {
// need to find font face that matches the font-weight closest
String fontWeightNumber = getFontWeightNumberString(fontWeight);
// create lists of font weight numbers for each font family
Vector fontFamilyWeights = new Vector();
for (int i = 0; i < svgFontFamilies.size(); i++) {
SVGFontFace fontFace = ((SVGFontFamily)svgFontFamilies.elementAt(i)).getFontFace();
String fontFaceWeight = fontFace.getFontWeight();
fontFaceWeight = getFontWeightNumberString(fontFaceWeight);
// make sure that each possible font-weight has been assigned to a font-face
// if not then need to "fill the holes"
Vector newFontFamilyWeights = (Vector)fontFamilyWeights.clone();
for (int i = 100; i <= 900; i+= 100) {
String weightString = String.valueOf(i);
boolean matched = false;
int minDifference = 1000;
int minDifferenceIndex = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < fontFamilyWeights.size(); j++) {
String fontFamilyWeight = (String)fontFamilyWeights.elementAt(j);
if (fontFamilyWeight.indexOf(weightString) > -1) {
matched = true;
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(fontFamilyWeight, " ,");
while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
int weightNum = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
int difference = (int)Math.abs(weightNum - i);
if (difference < minDifference) {
minDifference = difference;
minDifferenceIndex = j;
if (!matched) {
String newFontFamilyWeight = newFontFamilyWeights.elementAt(minDifferenceIndex)
+ ", " + weightString;
newFontFamilyWeights.setElementAt(newFontFamilyWeight, minDifferenceIndex);
// now find matching font weight
for (int i = 0; i < svgFontFamilies.size(); i++) {
String fontFaceWeight = (String)newFontFamilyWeights.elementAt(i);
if (fontFaceWeight.indexOf(fontWeightNumber) > -1) {
fontFamilyMap.put(fontKeyName, svgFontFamilies.elementAt(i));
return (GVTFontFamily)svgFontFamilies.elementAt(i);
// should not get here, just return the first svg font family
fontFamilyMap.put(fontKeyName, svgFontFamilies.elementAt(0));
return (GVTFontFamily) svgFontFamilies.elementAt(0);
} else {
// couldn't find one so return an UnresolvedFontFamily object
GVTFontFamily gvtFontFamily = new UnresolvedFontFamily(fontFamilyName);
fontFamilyMap.put(fontKeyName, gvtFontFamily);
return gvtFontFamily;