Examples of GVTFontFamily

Examples of org.apache.batik.gvt.font.GVTFontFamily


            // resolve any unresolved font families in the list
            List resolvedFontFamilies = new ArrayList(fontFamilies.size());
            for (int i = 0; i < fontFamilies.size(); i++) {
                GVTFontFamily fontFamily = (GVTFontFamily)fontFamilies.get(i);
                if (fontFamily instanceof UnresolvedFontFamily) {
                    fontFamily = FontFamilyResolver.resolve
                if (fontFamily != null) // Add font family if resolved

            // if could not resolve at least one of the fontFamilies
            // then use the default font
            if (resolvedFontFamilies.size() == 0) {

            // create a list of fonts of the correct size
            float fontSize = 12;
            Float fsFloat = (Float)aci.getAttributes().get(TextAttribute.SIZE);
            if (fsFloat != null) {
                fontSize = fsFloat.floatValue();

            // now for each char or group of chars in the string,
            // find a font that can display it.
            boolean[] fontAssigned = new boolean[aciLength];

            if (as == null)
                as = new AttributedString(aci);

            GVTFont defaultFont = null;;
            int numSet=0;
            int firstUnset=start;
            boolean firstUnsetSet;
            for (int i = 0; i < resolvedFontFamilies.size(); i++) {
                // assign this font to all characters it can display if it has
                // not already been assigned
                int currentIndex = firstUnset;
                firstUnsetSet = false;

                GVTFontFamily ff;
                ff = ((GVTFontFamily)resolvedFontFamilies.get(i));
                GVTFont font = ff.deriveFont(fontSize, aci);
                if (defaultFont == null)
                    defaultFont = font;

                while (currentIndex < end) {
                    int displayUpToIndex = font.canDisplayUpTo
                        (aci, currentIndex, end);

                    Object altGlyphElement = aci.getAttributes().get(ALT_GLYPH_HANDLER);
                    if ( altGlyphElement != null ){
                        //found all the glyph to be displayed
                        //consider the font matching done
                        displayUpToIndex = -1;

                    if (displayUpToIndex == -1) {
                        // Can handle the whole thing...
                        displayUpToIndex = end;

                    if (displayUpToIndex <= currentIndex) {
                        if (!firstUnsetSet) {
                            firstUnset = currentIndex;
                            firstUnsetSet = true;
                        // couldn't display the current char
                    } else {
                        // could display some text, so for each
                        // char it can display, if char not already
                        // assigned a font, assign this font to it
                        int runStart = -1;
                        for (int j = currentIndex; j < displayUpToIndex; j++) {
                            if (fontAssigned[j - start]) {
                                if (runStart != -1) {
            // System.out.println("Font 1: " + font);
                                    as.addAttribute(GVT_FONT, font,
                                                    runStart-begin, j-begin);
                            } else {
                                if (runStart == -1)
                                    runStart = j;
                            fontAssigned[j - start] = true;
                        if (runStart != -1) {
          // System.out.println("Font 2: " + font);
                            as.addAttribute(GVT_FONT, font,

                        // set currentIndex to be one after the char
                        // that couldn't display
                        currentIndex = displayUpToIndex+1;

                if (numSet == aciLength) // all chars have font set;

            // assign the first font to any chars haven't alreay been assigned
            int           runStart = -1;
            GVTFontFamily prevFF   = null;
            GVTFont       prevF    = defaultFont;
            for (int i = 0; i < aciLength; i++) {
                if (fontAssigned[i]) {
                    if (runStart != -1) {
      // System.out.println("Font 3: " + prevF);
                        as.addAttribute(GVT_FONT, prevF,
                                        runStart+asOff, i+asOff);
                        runStart = -1;
                        prevF  = null;
                        prevFF = null;
                } else {
                    char c = aci.setIndex(start+i);
                    GVTFontFamily fontFamily;
                    fontFamily = FontFamilyResolver.getFamilyThatCanDisplay(c);
                    // fontFamily = (GVTFontFamily)resolvedFontFamilies.get(0);

                    if (runStart == -1) {
                        // Starting a new run...
                        runStart = i;
                        prevFF   = fontFamily;
                        if (prevFF == null)
                            prevF = defaultFont;
                            prevF = fontFamily.deriveFont(fontSize, aci);
                    } else if (prevFF != fontFamily) {
                        // Font family changed...
      // System.out.println("Font 4: " + prevF);
                        as.addAttribute(GVT_FONT, prevF,
                                        runStart+asOff, i+asOff);
                        runStart = i;
                        prevFF = fontFamily;
                        if (prevFF == null)
                            prevF = defaultFont;
                            prevF = fontFamily.deriveFont(fontSize, aci);
            if (runStart != -1) {
    // System.out.println("Font 5: " + prevF);
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Examples of org.apache.batik.gvt.font.GVTFontFamily


            // resolve any unresolved font families in the list
            List resolvedFontFamilies = new ArrayList(fontFamilies.size());
            for (int i = 0; i < fontFamilies.size(); i++) {
                GVTFontFamily fontFamily = (GVTFontFamily)fontFamilies.get(i);
                if (fontFamily instanceof UnresolvedFontFamily) {
                    fontFamily = FontFamilyResolver.resolve
                if (fontFamily != null) // Add font family if resolved

            // if could not resolve at least one of the fontFamilies
            // then use the default font
            if (resolvedFontFamilies.size() == 0) {

            // create a list of fonts of the correct size
            float fontSize = 12;
            Float fsFloat = (Float)aci.getAttributes().get(TextAttribute.SIZE);
            if (fsFloat != null) {
                fontSize = fsFloat.floatValue();

            // now for each char or group of chars in the string,
            // find a font that can display it.
            boolean[] fontAssigned = new boolean[aciLength];

            if (as == null)
                as = new AttributedString(aci);

            GVTFont defaultFont = null;;
            int numSet=0;
            int firstUnset=start;
            boolean firstUnsetSet;
            for (int i = 0; i < resolvedFontFamilies.size(); i++) {
                // assign this font to all characters it can display if it has
                // not already been assigned
                int currentIndex = firstUnset;
                firstUnsetSet = false;

                GVTFontFamily ff;
                ff = ((GVTFontFamily)resolvedFontFamilies.get(i));
                GVTFont font = ff.deriveFont(fontSize, aci);
                if (defaultFont == null)
                    defaultFont = font;

                while (currentIndex < end) {
                    int displayUpToIndex = font.canDisplayUpTo
                        (aci, currentIndex, end);

                    Object altGlyphElement = aci.getAttributes().get(ALT_GLYPH_HANDLER);
                    if ( altGlyphElement != null ){
                        //found all the glyph to be displayed
                        //consider the font matching done
                        displayUpToIndex = -1;

                    if (displayUpToIndex == -1) {
                        // Can handle the whole thing...
                        displayUpToIndex = end;

                    if (displayUpToIndex <= currentIndex) {
                        if (!firstUnsetSet) {
                            firstUnset = currentIndex;
                            firstUnsetSet = true;
                        // couldn't display the current char
                    } else {
                        // could display some text, so for each
                        // char it can display, if char not already
                        // assigned a font, assign this font to it
                        int runStart = -1;
                        for (int j = currentIndex; j < displayUpToIndex; j++) {
                            if (fontAssigned[j - start]) {
                                if (runStart != -1) {
            // System.out.println("Font 1: " + font);
                                    as.addAttribute(GVT_FONT, font,
                                                    runStart-begin, j-begin);
                            } else {
                                if (runStart == -1)
                                    runStart = j;
                            fontAssigned[j - start] = true;
                        if (runStart != -1) {
          // System.out.println("Font 2: " + font);
                            as.addAttribute(GVT_FONT, font,

                        // set currentIndex to be one after the char
                        // that couldn't display
                        currentIndex = displayUpToIndex+1;

                if (numSet == aciLength) // all chars have font set;

            // assign the first font to any chars haven't alreay been assigned
            int           runStart = -1;
            GVTFontFamily prevFF   = null;
            GVTFont       prevF    = defaultFont;
            for (int i = 0; i < aciLength; i++) {
                if (fontAssigned[i]) {
                    if (runStart != -1) {
      // System.out.println("Font 3: " + prevF);
                        as.addAttribute(GVT_FONT, prevF,
                                        runStart+asOff, i+asOff);
                        runStart = -1;
                        prevF  = null;
                        prevFF = null;
                } else {
                    char c = aci.setIndex(start+i);
                    GVTFontFamily fontFamily;
                    fontFamily = FontFamilyResolver.getFamilyThatCanDisplay(c);

                    if (runStart == -1) {
                        // Starting a new run...
                        runStart = i;
                        prevFF   = fontFamily;
                        if (prevFF == null)
                            prevF = defaultFont;
                            prevF = fontFamily.deriveFont(fontSize, aci);
                    } else if (prevFF != fontFamily) {
                        // Font family changed...
      // System.out.println("Font 4: " + prevF);
                        as.addAttribute(GVT_FONT, prevF,
                                        runStart+asOff, i+asOff);
                        runStart = i;
                        prevFF = fontFamily;
                        if (prevFF == null)
                            prevF = defaultFont;
                            prevF = fontFamily.deriveFont(fontSize, aci);
            if (runStart != -1) {
    // System.out.println("Font 5: " + prevF);
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Examples of org.apache.batik.gvt.font.GVTFontFamily

        List fontFamilyList = new Vector();
        int len = val.getLength();
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            Value it = val.item(i);
            String fontFamilyName = it.getStringValue();
            GVTFontFamily fontFamily
                = SVGFontUtilities.getFontFamily(element, ctx, fontFamilyName,
                   fontWeightString, fontStyleString);
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Examples of org.apache.batik.gvt.font.GVTFontFamily

            fontWeight + " " + fontStyle;

        // check fontFamilyMap to see if we have already created an
        // FontFamily that matches
        Map fontFamilyMap = ctx.getFontFamilyMap();
        GVTFontFamily fontFamily =
        if (fontFamily != null) {
            return fontFamily;

        // try to find a matching SVGFontFace element
        Document doc = textElement.getOwnerDocument();
        NodeList fontFaceElements = doc.getElementsByTagNameNS

        Vector svgFontFamilies = new Vector();

        for (int i = 0; i < fontFaceElements.getLength(); i++) {

            Element fontFaceElement = (Element)fontFaceElements.item(i);

            // find matching font element
            Element fontElement = findFontElement(fontFaceElement,
            if (fontElement != null) {
                // create a font face
                Element fontFaceChild = null;
                for (Node n = fontElement.getFirstChild();
                     n != null;
                     n = n.getNextSibling()) {
                    if (n.getNodeType() == n.ELEMENT_NODE) {
                        if (n.getNamespaceURI().equals(SVG_NAMESPACE_URI) &&
                            n.getLocalName().equals(SVG_FONT_FACE_TAG)) {
                            fontFaceChild = (Element)n;
                if (fontFaceChild == null) {
                SVGFontFaceElementBridge fontFaceBridge =
                SVGFontFace fontFace =
                    fontFaceBridge.createFontFace(ctx, fontFaceChild);
                // see if the font face is ok for the font-weight and style etc
                String fontFaceStyle = fontFace.getFontStyle();
                if (fontFaceStyle.equals(SVG_ALL_VALUE) ||
                    fontFaceStyle.indexOf(fontStyle) != -1) {
                    // create a new SVGFontFamily
                    GVTFontFamily gvtFontFamily =
                        new SVGFontFamily(fontFace, fontElement, ctx);

        if (svgFontFamilies.size() == 1) {
            // only found one matching svg font family
            fontFamilyMap.put(fontKeyName, svgFontFamilies.elementAt(0));
            return (GVTFontFamily)svgFontFamilies.elementAt(0);
        } else if (svgFontFamilies.size() > 1) {
            // need to find font face that matches the font-weight closest
            String fontWeightNumber = getFontWeightNumberString(fontWeight);

            // create lists of font weight numbers for each font family
            Vector fontFamilyWeights = new Vector();
            for (int i = 0; i < svgFontFamilies.size(); i++) {
                SVGFontFace fontFace =
                String fontFaceWeight = fontFace.getFontWeight();
                fontFaceWeight = getFontWeightNumberString(fontFaceWeight);

            // make sure that each possible font-weight has been
            // assigned to a font-face, if not then need to "fill the
            // holes"

            Vector newFontFamilyWeights = (Vector)fontFamilyWeights.clone();
            for (int i = 100; i <= 900; i+= 100) {
                String weightString = String.valueOf(i);
                boolean matched = false;
                int minDifference = 1000;
                int minDifferenceIndex = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < fontFamilyWeights.size(); j++) {
                    String fontFamilyWeight = (String)fontFamilyWeights.get(j);
                    if (fontFamilyWeight.indexOf(weightString) > -1) {
                        matched = true;
                    StringTokenizer st =
                        new StringTokenizer(fontFamilyWeight, " ,");
                    while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
                        int weightNum = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
                        int difference = (int)Math.abs(weightNum - i);
                        if (difference < minDifference) {
                            minDifference = difference;
                            minDifferenceIndex = j;
                if (!matched) {
                    String newFontFamilyWeight =
                        newFontFamilyWeights.elementAt(minDifferenceIndex) +
                        ", " + weightString;
                        (newFontFamilyWeight, minDifferenceIndex);

            // now find matching font weight
            for (int i = 0; i < svgFontFamilies.size(); i++) {
                String fontFaceWeight = (String)newFontFamilyWeights.get(i);
                if (fontFaceWeight.indexOf(fontWeightNumber) > -1) {
                    fontFamilyMap.put(fontKeyName, svgFontFamilies.get(i));
                    return (GVTFontFamily)svgFontFamilies.elementAt(i);
            // should not get here, just return the first svg font family
            fontFamilyMap.put(fontKeyName, svgFontFamilies.elementAt(0));
            return (GVTFontFamily) svgFontFamilies.elementAt(0);

        } else {
            // couldn't find one so return an UnresolvedFontFamily object
            GVTFontFamily gvtFontFamily =
                new UnresolvedFontFamily(fontFamilyName);
            fontFamilyMap.put(fontKeyName, gvtFontFamily);
            return gvtFontFamily;
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Examples of org.apache.batik.gvt.font.GVTFontFamily

        boolean found = false;
        String fontFamily = null;
        if (gvtFonts != null) {
            Iterator i = gvtFonts.iterator();
            while (i.hasNext()) {
                GVTFontFamily fam = (GVTFontFamily) i.next();
                if (fam instanceof SVGFontFamily) {
                    PROXY_PAINTER.paint(node, g2d);
                fontFamily = fam.getFamilyName();
                if (fi.hasFont(fontFamily, style, weight)) {
                    FontTriplet triplet = fontInfo.fontLookup(fontFamily, style,
                    int fsize = (int)(size.floatValue() * 1000);
                    fontState = fontInfo.getFontInstance(triplet, fsize);
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Examples of org.apache.batik.gvt.font.GVTFontFamily

        List fontFamilyList = new Vector();
        int len = val.getLength();
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            Value it = val.item(i);
            String fontFamilyName = it.getStringValue();
            GVTFontFamily fontFamily
                = SVGFontUtilities.getFontFamily(element, ctx, fontFamilyName,
                   fontWeightString, fontStyleString);
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Examples of org.apache.batik.gvt.font.GVTFontFamily

        List gvtFonts = (List) aci.getAttribute(
        if (gvtFonts != null) {
            Iterator i = gvtFonts.iterator();
            while (i.hasNext()) {
                GVTFontFamily fam = (GVTFontFamily) i.next();
                /* (todo) Enable SVG Font painting
                if (fam instanceof SVGFontFamily) {
                    PROXY_PAINTER.paint(node, g2d);
                fontFamily = fam.getFamilyName();
                if (fontInfo.hasFont(fontFamily, style, weight)) {
                    FontTriplet triplet = fontInfo.fontLookup(
                            fontFamily, style, weight);
                    int fsize = (int)(fontSize.floatValue() * 1000);
                    return fontInfo.getFontInstance(triplet, fsize);
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Examples of org.apache.batik.gvt.font.GVTFontFamily


            // resolve any unresolved font families in the list
            List resolvedFontFamilies = new ArrayList(fontFamilies.size());
            for (int i = 0; i < fontFamilies.size(); i++) {
                GVTFontFamily fontFamily = (GVTFontFamily)fontFamilies.get(i);
                if (fontFamily instanceof UnresolvedFontFamily) {
                    fontFamily = FontFamilyResolver.resolve
                if (fontFamily != null) // Add font family if resolved

            // if could not resolve at least one of the fontFamilies
            // then use the default font
            if (resolvedFontFamilies.size() == 0) {

            // create a list of fonts of the correct size
            float fontSize = 12;
            Float fsFloat = (Float)aci.getAttributes().get(TextAttribute.SIZE);
            if (fsFloat != null) {
                fontSize = fsFloat.floatValue();

            // now for each char or group of chars in the string,
            // find a font that can display it.
            boolean[] fontAssigned = new boolean[aciLength];

            if (as == null)
                as = new AttributedString(aci);

            GVTFont defaultFont = null;;
            int numSet=0;
            int firstUnset=start;
            boolean firstUnsetSet;
            for (int i = 0; i < resolvedFontFamilies.size(); i++) {
                // assign this font to all characters it can display if it has
                // not already been assigned
                int currentIndex = firstUnset;
                firstUnsetSet = false;

                GVTFontFamily ff;
                ff = ((GVTFontFamily)resolvedFontFamilies.get(i));
                GVTFont font = ff.deriveFont(fontSize, aci);
                if (defaultFont == null)
                    defaultFont = font;

                while (currentIndex < end) {
                    int displayUpToIndex = font.canDisplayUpTo
                        (aci, currentIndex, end);

                    if (displayUpToIndex == -1) {
                        // Can handle the whole thing...
                        displayUpToIndex = end;

                    if (displayUpToIndex <= currentIndex) {
                        if (!firstUnsetSet) {
                            firstUnset = currentIndex;
                            firstUnsetSet = true;
                        // couldn't display the current char
                    } else {
                        // could display some text, so for each
                        // char it can display, if char not already
                        // assigned a font, assign this font to it
                        int runStart = -1;
                        for (int j = currentIndex; j < displayUpToIndex; j++) {
                            if (fontAssigned[j - start]) {
                                if (runStart != -1) {
            // System.out.println("Font 1: " + font);
                                    as.addAttribute(GVT_FONT, font,
                                                    runStart-begin, j-begin);
                            } else {
                                if (runStart == -1)
                                    runStart = j;
                            fontAssigned[j - start] = true;
                        if (runStart != -1) {
          // System.out.println("Font 2: " + font);
                            as.addAttribute(GVT_FONT, font,

                        // set currentIndex to be one after the char
                        // that couldn't display
                        currentIndex = displayUpToIndex+1;

                if (numSet == aciLength) // all chars have font set;

            // assign the first font to any chars haven't alreay been assigned
            int           runStart = -1;
            GVTFontFamily prevFF   = null;
            GVTFont       prevF    = defaultFont;
            for (int i = 0; i < aciLength; i++) {
                if (fontAssigned[i]) {
                    if (runStart != -1) {
      // System.out.println("Font 3: " + prevF);
                        as.addAttribute(GVT_FONT, prevF,
                                        runStart+asOff, i+asOff);
                        runStart = -1;
                        prevF  = null;
                        prevFF = null;
                } else {
                    char c = aci.setIndex(start+i);
                    GVTFontFamily fontFamily;
                    fontFamily = FontFamilyResolver.getFamilyThatCanDisplay(c);

                    if (runStart == -1) {
                        // Starting a new run...
                        runStart = i;
                        prevFF   = fontFamily;
                        if (prevFF == null)
                            prevF = defaultFont;
                            prevF = fontFamily.deriveFont(fontSize, aci);
                    } else if (prevFF != fontFamily) {
                        // Font family changed...
      // System.out.println("Font 4: " + prevF);
                        as.addAttribute(GVT_FONT, prevF,
                                        runStart+asOff, i+asOff);
                        runStart = i;
                        prevFF = fontFamily;
                        if (prevFF == null)
                            prevF = defaultFont;
                            prevF = fontFamily.deriveFont(fontSize, aci);
            if (runStart != -1) {
    // System.out.println("Font 5: " + prevF);
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Examples of org.apache.batik.gvt.font.GVTFontFamily

        //  make a list of GVTFontFamily objects
        Vector fontFamilyList = new Vector();
        for (int i = 0; i < ff.getLength(); i++) {
            v = (CSSPrimitiveValue)ff.item(i);
            String fontFamilyName = v.getStringValue();
            GVTFontFamily fontFamily
                = SVGFontUtilities.getFontFamily(element, ctx, fontFamilyName,
                   fontWeightString, fontStyleString);
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Examples of org.apache.batik.gvt.font.GVTFontFamily

        String fontKeyName = fontFamilyName.toLowerCase() + " " + fontWeight + " " + fontStyle;

        // check fontFamilyMap to see if we have already created an FontFamily
        // that matches
        HashMap fontFamilyMap = ctx.getFontFamilyMap();
        GVTFontFamily fontFamily = (GVTFontFamily)fontFamilyMap.get(fontKeyName);
        if (fontFamily != null) {
            return fontFamily;

        // try to find a matching SVGFontFace element
        Document doc = textElement.getOwnerDocument();
        NodeList fontFaceElements = doc.getElementsByTagNameNS

        Vector svgFontFamilies = new Vector();

        for (int i = 0; i < fontFaceElements.getLength(); i++) {

            Element fontFaceElement = (Element)fontFaceElements.item(i);
            String elemFamilyName
                    = fontFaceElement.getAttribute(SVG_FONT_FAMILY_ATTRIBUTE);

            if (elemFamilyName.toLowerCase().indexOf(fontFamilyName.toLowerCase()) == 0) {  // found one

                // find matching font element

                // see if its the parent node
                Element fontElement = (Element)fontFaceElement.getParentNode();

                if (!fontElement.getTagName().equals(SVG_FONT_TAG)) {

                    // parent element is not the font element
                    // need to look at the font-face-src

                    fontElement = null;

                    NodeList fontFaceSrcNodes =
                    if (fontFaceSrcNodes.getLength() > 0) {
                        Element fontFaceSrcElement = (Element)fontFaceSrcNodes.item(0);
                        // see if there is a fontFaceUri child
                        NodeList fontFaceUriNodes = fontFaceSrcElement.getElementsByTagNameNS(SVG_NAMESPACE_URI, SVG_FONT_FACE_URI_TAG);
                        if (fontFaceUriNodes.getLength() > 0) {
                            Element fontFaceUriElement = (Element)fontFaceUriNodes.item(0);

                            // get the referenced element
                            String uri = XLinkSupport.getXLinkHref(fontFaceUriElement);
                            Element refElement = ctx.getReferencedElement(fontFaceUriElement, uri);
                            // make sure its a font element
                            if (refElement.getTagName().equals(SVG_FONT_TAG)) {
                                SVGOMDocument document
                                    = (SVGOMDocument)fontFaceUriElement.getOwnerDocument();
                                SVGOMDocument refDocument
                                    = (SVGOMDocument)refElement.getOwnerDocument();
                                boolean isLocal = (refDocument == document);
                                // import or clone the referenced element in current document
                                fontElement = (isLocal) ? refElement
                                    : (Element)document.importNode(refElement, true);
                                if (!isLocal) {
                                    String base = XMLBaseSupport.getCascadedXMLBase(fontFaceUriElement);
                                    // need to attach the imported
                                    // element to the document and
                                    // then compute the styles and
                                    // uris
                                    Element g = document.createElementNS(SVG_NAMESPACE_URI, SVG_G_TAG);
                                    CSSUtilities.computeStyleAndURIs(refElement, fontElement, uri);

                if (fontElement != null) {
                    // create a font face
                    NodeList fontFaceChildren = fontElement.getElementsByTagNameNS(SVG_NAMESPACE_URI, SVG_FONT_FACE_TAG);
                    Element fontFaceChild = (Element)fontFaceChildren.item(0);
                    SVGFontFaceElementBridge fontFaceBridge
                        = (SVGFontFaceElementBridge)ctx.getBridge(fontFaceChild);
                    SVGFontFace fontFace = fontFaceBridge.createFontFace(ctx, fontFaceChild);

                    // see if the font face is ok for the font-weight and style etc

                    String fontFaceStyle = fontFace.getFontStyle();

                    if (fontFaceStyle.equals(SVG_ALL_VALUE) || fontFaceStyle.indexOf(fontStyle) != -1) {

                        // create a new SVGFontFamily
                        GVTFontFamily gvtFontFamily = new SVGFontFamily(fontFace, fontElement, ctx);

        if (svgFontFamilies.size() == 1) {
            // only found one matching svg font family
            fontFamilyMap.put(fontKeyName, svgFontFamilies.elementAt(0));
            return (GVTFontFamily)svgFontFamilies.elementAt(0);

        } else if (svgFontFamilies.size() > 1) {
            // need to find font face that matches the font-weight closest
            String fontWeightNumber = getFontWeightNumberString(fontWeight);

            // create lists of font weight numbers for each font family
            Vector fontFamilyWeights = new Vector();
            for (int i = 0; i < svgFontFamilies.size(); i++) {
                SVGFontFace fontFace = ((SVGFontFamily)svgFontFamilies.elementAt(i)).getFontFace();
                String fontFaceWeight = fontFace.getFontWeight();
                fontFaceWeight = getFontWeightNumberString(fontFaceWeight);

            // make sure that each possible font-weight has been assigned to a font-face
            // if not then need to "fill the holes"

            Vector newFontFamilyWeights = (Vector)fontFamilyWeights.clone();
            for (int i = 100; i <= 900; i+= 100) {
                String weightString = String.valueOf(i);
                boolean matched = false;
                int minDifference = 1000;
                int minDifferenceIndex = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < fontFamilyWeights.size(); j++) {
                    String fontFamilyWeight = (String)fontFamilyWeights.elementAt(j);
                    if (fontFamilyWeight.indexOf(weightString) > -1) {
                        matched = true;
                    StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(fontFamilyWeight, " ,");
                    while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
                        int weightNum = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
                        int difference = (int)Math.abs(weightNum - i);
                        if (difference < minDifference) {
                            minDifference = difference;
                            minDifferenceIndex = j;
                if (!matched) {
                    String newFontFamilyWeight = newFontFamilyWeights.elementAt(minDifferenceIndex)
                                               + ", " + weightString;
                    newFontFamilyWeights.setElementAt(newFontFamilyWeight, minDifferenceIndex);

            // now find matching font weight
            for (int i = 0; i < svgFontFamilies.size(); i++) {
                String fontFaceWeight = (String)newFontFamilyWeights.elementAt(i);
                if (fontFaceWeight.indexOf(fontWeightNumber) > -1) {
                    fontFamilyMap.put(fontKeyName, svgFontFamilies.elementAt(i));
                    return (GVTFontFamily)svgFontFamilies.elementAt(i);
            // should not get here, just return the first svg font family
            fontFamilyMap.put(fontKeyName, svgFontFamilies.elementAt(0));
            return (GVTFontFamily) svgFontFamilies.elementAt(0);

        } else {
            // couldn't find one so return an UnresolvedFontFamily object
            GVTFontFamily gvtFontFamily = new UnresolvedFontFamily(fontFamilyName);
            fontFamilyMap.put(fontKeyName, gvtFontFamily);
            return gvtFontFamily;
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