Examples of GuiElementDropdown

Examples of micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.core.client.gui.element.GuiElementDropdown

        final int var5 = (this.width - this.xSize) / 2;
        final int var6 = (this.height - this.ySize) / 2;
        this.enableControllerButton = new GuiButton(0, var5 + 70 + 124 - 72, var6 + 16, 48, 20, GCCoreUtil.translate("gui.button.enable.name"));
        this.enablePadRemovalButton = new GuiElementCheckbox(1, this, this.width / 2 - 78, var6 + 59, GCCoreUtil.translate("gui.message.removePad.name"));
        this.launchWhenCheckbox = new GuiElementCheckbox(2, this, this.width / 2 - 78, var6 + 77, GCCoreUtil.translate("gui.message.launchWhen.name") + ": ");
        this.dropdownTest = new GuiElementDropdown(3, this, var5 + 95, var6 + 77, EnumAutoLaunch.CARGO_IS_UNLOADED.getTitle(), EnumAutoLaunch.CARGO_IS_FULL.getTitle(), EnumAutoLaunch.ROCKET_IS_FUELED.getTitle(), EnumAutoLaunch.INSTANT.getTitle(), EnumAutoLaunch.TIME_10_SECONDS.getTitle(), EnumAutoLaunch.TIME_30_SECONDS.getTitle(), EnumAutoLaunch.TIME_1_MINUTE.getTitle(), EnumAutoLaunch.REDSTONE_SIGNAL.getTitle());
        this.frequency = new GuiElementTextBox(4, this, var5 + 66, var6 + 16, 48, 20, "", true, 6, false);
        this.destinationFrequency = new GuiElementTextBox(5, this, var5 + 122, var6 + 16 + 22, 48, 20, "", true, 6, false);
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Examples of micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.core.client.gui.element.GuiElementDropdown

        final int var5 = (this.width - this.xSize) / 2;
        final int var6 = (this.height - this.ySize) / 2;
        this.checkboxRedstoneSignal = new GuiElementCheckbox(0, this, this.width / 2 - 78, var6 + 18, GCCoreUtil.translate("gui.checkbox.redstoneSignal.name"));
        this.checkboxPlayerDistance = new GuiElementCheckbox(1, this, this.width / 2 - 78, var6 + 33, GCCoreUtil.translate("gui.checkbox.playerWithin.name") + ": ");
        String[] dropboxStrings = { GCCoreUtil.translate("gui.dropbox.playerDistance.name.0"), GCCoreUtil.translate("gui.dropbox.playerDistance.name.1"), GCCoreUtil.translate("gui.dropbox.playerDistance.name.2"), GCCoreUtil.translate("gui.dropbox.playerDistance.name.3") };
        this.dropdownPlayerDistance = new GuiElementDropdown(2, this, var5 + 105, var6 + 34, dropboxStrings);
        this.checkboxOpenForPlayer = new GuiElementCheckbox(3, this, this.width / 2 - 62, var6 + 49, GCCoreUtil.translate("gui.checkbox.playerName.name") + ": ");
        this.textBoxPlayerToOpenFor = new GuiElementTextBox(4, this, this.width / 2 - 55, var6 + 64, 110, 15, "", false, 16, false);
        this.checkboxInvertSelection = new GuiElementCheckbox(5, this, this.width / 2 - 78, var6 + 80, GCCoreUtil.translate("gui.checkbox.invert.name"));
        this.checkboxHorizontalMode = new GuiElementCheckbox(6, this, this.width / 2 - 78, var6 + 96, GCCoreUtil.translate("gui.checkbox.horizontal.name"));
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