* read errors
private StreamChunk parseData(RandomAccessFile raf) throws IOException {
StreamChunk result = null;
long chunkStart = raf.getFilePointer();
GUID guid = Utils.readGUID(raf);
if (GUID.GUID_STREAM.equals(guid)) {
BigInteger chunkLength = Utils.readBig64(raf);
// Now comes GUID indicating whether stream content type is audio or
// video
GUID streamTypeGUID = Utils.readGUID(raf);
if (GUID.GUID_AUDIOSTREAM.equals(streamTypeGUID)
|| GUID.GUID_VIDEOSTREAM.equals(streamTypeGUID)) {
// A guid is indicating whether the stream is error
// concealed
GUID errorConcealment = Utils.readGUID(raf);
* Read the Time Offset
long timeOffset = Utils.readUINT64(raf);