Examples of GssAclChangeCollection

Examples of com.google.enterprise.connector.sharepoint.generated.gssacl.GssAclChangeCollection

    if (null == wsResult || null == webstate) {
    LOGGER.log(Level.CONFIG, "Processing the received ACL changes. WsLog [ "
        + wsResult.getLogMessage() + " ]");
    GssAclChangeCollection allChanges = wsResult.getAllChanges();
    GssAclChange[] changes = (null == allChanges) ? null
        : allChanges.getChanges();

    if (null == changes) {
    LOGGER.log(Level.CONFIG, "Total changes to be oprocessed # "
        + changes.length + " . WsLog [ " + allChanges.getLogMessage() + " ]");
    // If permissions of the Web has changed due to role assignment changes
    // at its first unique ancestor
    boolean isWebChanged = false;

    // If the Web has been reset to initiate a re-crawl due to a high level
    // permission change like security policy change
    boolean isWebReset = false;

    // To keep track of all the lists which have been processed. This is to
    // avoid re-processing of the same list due to multiple changes
    Set<ListState> processedLists = Sets.newHashSet();

    // All groups where there are some membership changes
    // TODO: why not this is integer?
    Set<String> changedGroups = new TreeSet<String>();
    Set<Integer> deletedGroups = new TreeSet<Integer>();
    Set<Integer> deletedUsers = new TreeSet<Integer>();
    for (GssAclChange change : changes) {
      if (null == change) {
      ObjectType objType = change.getChangedObject();
      SPChangeType changeType = change.getChangeType();
      String changeObjectHint = change.getHint();
      if (!change.isIsEffectiveInCurrentWeb()) {
        LOGGER.log(Level.CONFIG, "Change changeType [ "
            + changeType
            + " ], objectType [ "
            + objType
            + " ] is not applicable to the current web. skipping tio the next change...");
      LOGGER.log(Level.CONFIG, "Change detected changeType [ " + changeType
          + " ], objectType [ " + objType + " ]. ");

      if (objType == ObjectType.SECURITY_POLICY) {
        LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Policy Change under web [ "
            + webstate.getWebUrl() + " ]");
         // With inherited ACL support no need to re-crawl entire Web.
         // Web Application policy is represented by a separate document
         // which will be processed by
         // SharePointClient.java --> processSiteData.
        if (supportsInheritedAcls) {
        } else {
          LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Resetting all list states under web [ "
              + webstate.getWebUrl()
              + " ] because web application policy change detected.");
          isWebReset = true;
       } else if (objType == ObjectType.WEB) {
         if (changeType == SPChangeType.AssignmentDelete) {
          // Typically, deletion of a role affects the ACL of only
          // those entities down the hierarchy which are inheriting
          // the permission. But, limited access is a special case
          // where the ACL of all entities gets affected. Since, we do
          // not know what permission has been deleted, we have to
          // consider the worst case scenario and assume that the
          // deleted role was of limited access.
          LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Resetting all list states under web [ "
              + webstate.getWebUrl()
              + " ] because some role has been deleted and the deleted role could be Limited Access.");
          isWebReset = true;
        } else if (!isWebChanged){
          // With inherited ACL support no need to re-crawl
          // all inheriting Lists.
          // Web Permissions are associated with Web home Page.
          // just marking web home page for re-crawl.
          // TODO : Need to change setWebApplicationPolicyChange
          // to something like setRevisitWebHome.
          if (supportsInheritedAcls) {
            LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Change in Web Permissions - Reseting Site home Page");
            for (ListState list : webstate.getAllListStateSet()) {
              if (list.isApplyReadSecurity() && list.isInheritedSecurity()) {
                LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Change in Web Permissions -"
                    + " Resetting list state URL [ "
                    + list.getListURL()
                    + " ] because effective permisssions modified"
                    + " for List with Read Security");
          } else {
            isWebChanged = true;
            // Since, role assignment at web have changed, we need to
            // re-crawl all the list/items which are inheriting the
            // changed role assignments.
            for (ListState listState : webstate.getAllListStateSet()) {
              if (!listState.isInheritedSecurity()) {
                LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Skipping List [ "
                    + listState
                    + " ] as it does not inherit its permission");
              if (listState.isNoCrawl()) {
                LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Skipping List [ "
                    + listState
                    + " ] as it is marked for no crawl");
              if (!processedLists.contains(listState)) {
                LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Marking List [ "
                    + listState
                    + " ] as a candidate for ACL based crawl because the effective ACL at this list have been updated. All the items with inheriting permissions wil be crawled from this list.");
      } else if (objType == ObjectType.LIST && null != changeObjectHint) {
        ListState listState = webstate.getListStateForGuid(changeObjectHint);
        if (null == listState) {
          LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Changed List ID [ "
              + changeObjectHint
              + " ] is not found in the WebState. Skipping to the next change.");

        if (changeType == SPChangeType.AssignmentDelete) {
          // Assuming the worst case scenario of Limited Access
          // deletion
          LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Resetting list state URL [ "
              + listState
              + " ] because some role has been deleted and the deleted role"
              + " could be Limited Access.");
        } else {
          if (supportsInheritedAcls) {
            // Revisit List home for ACL changes.
            if (listState.isApplyReadSecurity()) {
              LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Resetting list state URL [ "
                  + listState.getListURL()
                  + " ] because effective permisssions modified"
                  + " for List with Read Security");
          } else {
            if (!processedLists.contains(listState)) {
              LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Marking List [ "
                  + listState
                  + " ] as a candidate for ACL based crawl because the effective"
                  + " ACL at this list have been updated. All the items with"
                  + " inheriting permissions wil be crawled from this list.");
      } else if (objType == ObjectType.USER
      // For user-related changes, we only consider deletion changes.
      // Rest all are covered as part of web/list/item/group
      // specific changes. Refer to the WS impl. for more details
          && changeType == SPChangeType.Delete) {
        try {
          deletedUsers.add(new Integer(changeObjectHint));
        } catch (Exception e) {
          LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "UserId [ " + changeObjectHint
              + " ] is invalid. skipping... ", e);

        // TODO: Even if the user is not known to the user data store,
        // we would proceed here. This is because, the user data store,
        // currently, stores only those users who are member of some
        // groups. A re-crawl due to user deletion can be avoided
        // by storing all the SharePoint users (sent into ACLs in past)
        // in the local data store.

        LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Resetting all list states under web [ "
            + webstate.getWebUrl()
            + " ] because a user has been deleted from the SharePoint.");
        isWebReset = true;
        // TODO: A re-crawl due to User deletion can be avoided
        // by storing more ACL information in the local data
        // store.
      // Administrators are treated as another SPGroup
      else if (objType == ObjectType.GROUP
          || objType == ObjectType.ADMINISTRATORS) {
        if (changeType == SPChangeType.Delete) {
          try {
          } catch (Exception e) {
            LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "GroupId [ " + changeObjectHint
                + " ] is invalid. skipping... ", e);
          // TODO: A re-crawl due to Group deletion can be avoided
          // by storing more ACL information in the local data
          // store.
          isWebReset = true;
        } else {
          // Mark Web Application Policy Change to track Site Admin
          // Change also.
          if (objType == ObjectType.ADMINISTRATORS) {

      if (isWebReset) {

    // Sync the membership of all changed groups
    syncGroupMembership(deletedUsers, deletedGroups, changedGroups, wsResult.getSiteCollectionUrl());

    if (null == webstate.getNextAclChangeToken()
        || webstate.getNextAclChangeToken().trim().length() == 0) {
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