Examples of GraphicsDevice

Examples of java.awt.GraphicsDevice

        if (!GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getDefaultScreenDevice().isFullScreenSupported()) {
          YDialog.ok(I18N.t("Dein System unterstützt kein Vollbildmodus"), "", "monitor_close");

        GraphicsDevice device = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getDefaultScreenDevice();
        this.oldDisplayMode = device.getDisplayMode();

        device.setDisplayMode(new DisplayMode(this.area.getWidth(), this.area.getHeight(), this.oldDisplayMode.getBitDepth(),
      } catch (Throwable t) {
        YEx.info("Can not enter fullscreen", t);
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Examples of java.awt.GraphicsDevice

    Rectangle virtualBounds = new Rectangle();
    GraphicsEnvironment ge = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment();
    GraphicsDevice[] gs = ge.getScreenDevices();
    for (int j = 0; j < gs.length; j++) {
        GraphicsDevice gd = gs[j];
        GraphicsConfiguration[] gc = gd.getConfigurations();
        for (int i=0; i < gc.length; i++) {
            virtualBounds = virtualBounds.union(gc[i].getBounds());
    this.setLocation( (virtualBounds.width-WIDTH)/2, (virtualBounds.height-HEIGHT)/2);
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Examples of java.awt.GraphicsDevice

    Rectangle virtualBounds = new Rectangle();
    GraphicsEnvironment ge = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment();
    GraphicsDevice[] gs = ge.getScreenDevices();
    for (int j = 0; j < gs.length; j++) {
        GraphicsDevice gd = gs[j];
        GraphicsConfiguration[] gc = gd.getConfigurations();
        for (int i=0; i < gc.length; i++) {
            virtualBounds = virtualBounds.union(gc[i].getBounds());
    this.setLocation( (virtualBounds.width-440)/2, (virtualBounds.height-320)/2);
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Examples of org.renjin.graphics.GraphicsDevice

  public static double grconvertY(@Current Context context, @Recycle double y, int from, int to) {
    return grConvert(context, new Point(Double.NaN, y), from, to).getY();
  private static Point grConvert(Context context, Point point, int from, int to) {
    GraphicsDevice active = context.getSession().getSingleton(GraphicsDevices.class).getActive();
    Point device = toDeviceCoordinates(active, point, from);
    return fromDeviceCoordinates(active, device, to);
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Examples of org.renjin.graphics.GraphicsDevice

   * Create a new plot "frame"
  public static void do_plot_new(@Current Context context)
    GraphicsDevice dd = Devices.GEcurrentDevice(context);

    //    /* plot.new() - create a new plot "frame" */
    //    GraphicsDevice dd = Graphics.GEcurrentDevice(context);
    //    dd = Graphics.GEcurrentDevice(context);
    //    /*
    //     * If user is prompted before new page, user has opportunity
    //     * to kill current device.  GNewPlot returns (potentially new)
    //     * current device.
    //     */
    //    dd = GNewPlot(GRecording(call, dd));
    //    dpptr(dd)->xlog = gpptr(dd)->xlog = FALSE;
    //    dpptr(dd)->ylog = gpptr(dd)->ylog = FALSE;

    //    GMapWin2Fig(dd);
    //    GSetState(1, dd);
    //    if (GRecording(call, dd))
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Examples of org.renjin.graphics.GraphicsDevice

  public static void plotWindow(@Current Context context, Vector xlim, Vector ylim, Vector log, Vector asp,
      @ArgumentList ListVector parameters) {

    GraphicsDevice dd = Devices.GEcurrentDevice(context);
    dd.setUserLimits(Rectangle.from(xlim, ylim));

    //    dd.setPlotWindow(xlim.getElementAsDouble(0), ylim.getElementAsDouble(0),
    //              xlim.getElementAsDouble(1), ylim.getElementAsDouble(1));

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Examples of org.renjin.graphics.GraphicsDevice

      Vector border,
      Vector lty,
      Vector lwd,
      @ArgumentList ListVector parameters) {

    GraphicsDevice dd = Devices.GEcurrentDevice(context);

    int numRects = maxLength(xleft, ybottom, xright, ytop);
    for(int i=0;i!=numRects; ++i) {

      Color fillColor = Color.fromExp(context, dd, col, i % col.length());
      Color borderColor = border == Null.INSTANCE ? Color.TRANSPARENT_WHITE :
        Color.fromExp(context, dd, border, i % border.length());

      .setLineType( LineType.valueOf(lty, i % lty.length()) )
      .setLineWidth( lwd.getElementAsDouble( i % lwd.length() ));

      dd.drawRectangle(new Rectangle(
          xleft.getElementAsDouble(i % xleft.length()),
          xright.getElementAsDouble(i % xright.length()),
          ybottom.getElementAsDouble(i % ybottom.length()),
          ytop.getElementAsDouble(i % ytop.length())),
          fillColor, borderColor);
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Examples of org.renjin.graphics.GraphicsDevice


  public static void title(@Current Context context, SEXP main, SEXP sub, SEXP xlab, SEXP ylab,
      double line, boolean outer, @ArgumentList ListVector arguments) {
    GraphicsDevice dd = Devices.GEcurrentDevice(context);

    double adj, adjy, offset, hpos, vpos, where;
    int i, n;

    //  GCheckState(dd);
    //TODO:    ProcessInlinePars(args, dd, call);

    /* override par("xpd") and force clipping to figure region
       NOTE: don't override to _reduce_ clipping region */
//    if (gpptr(dd)->xpd < 1)
//            gpptr(dd)->xpd = 1;
//        if (outer)
//            gpptr(dd)->xpd = 2;

    adj = dd.getParameters().getTextJustification();

    //    GMode(1, dd);
    if (main != Null.INSTANCE) {

      /* GetTextArg may coerce, so protect the result */
      //GetTextArg(call, Main, &Main, &col, &cex, &font);

      //   dd.getParameters().setCurrentTextStyle(style);

      if (outer) {
//        if (DoubleVector.isFinite(line)) {
//          vpos = line;
//          adjy = 0;
//        }
//        else {
//          vpos = 0.5 * dd.getOuterMargins().getTop();
//          adjy = 0.5;
//        }
//        hpos = adj;
//        where = 0; //OMA3;
        throw new EvalException("main title in outer margins not yet implemented");
      } else {
        if (DoubleVector.isFinite(line)) {
          vpos = line;
          adjy = 0;
        else {
          vpos = 0.5 * dd.getInnerMargins().getTop();
          adjy = 0.5;
        hpos = 0; // GConvertX(adj, NPC, USER, dd);
        where = 0; //MAR3;
      if (main instanceof ExpressionVector) {
        //            GMathText(hpos, vpos, where, main.getElementAsSEXP(0),
        //                      adj, 0.5, 0.0, dd);
      } else {
        n = main.length();
        offset = 0.5 * (n - 1) + vpos;
        for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
          String text = ((Vector)main).getElementAsString(i);
          if(!StringVector.isNA(text)) {
            dd.text(new Point(hpos, offset - i), where, text,
                new Point(adj, adjy), 0.0);
      //    if (sub != R_NilValue) {
      //        cex = gpptr(dd)->cexsub;
      //        col = gpptr(dd)->colsub;
      //        font = gpptr(dd)->fontsub;
      //        /* GetTextArg may coerce, so protect the result */
      //        GetTextArg(call, sub, &sub, &col, &cex, &font);
      //        PROTECT(sub);
      //        gpptr(dd)->col = col;
      //        gpptr(dd)->cex = gpptr(dd)->cexbase * cex;
      //        gpptr(dd)->font = font;
      //        if (R_FINITE(line))
      //            vpos = line;
      //        else
      //            vpos = gpptr(dd)->mgp[0] + 1;
      //        if (outer) {
      //            hpos = adj;
      //            where = 1;
      //        }
      //        else {
      //            hpos = GConvertX(adj, NPC, USER, dd);
      //            where = 0;
      //        }
      //        if (isExpression(sub))
      //            GMMathText(VECTOR_ELT(sub, 0), 1, vpos, where,
      //                       hpos, 0, 0.0, dd);
      //        else {
      //            n = length(sub);
      //            for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      //                string = STRING_ELT(sub, i);
      //                if(string != NA_STRING)
      //                    GMtext(CHAR(string), getCharCE(string), 1, vpos, where,
      //                           hpos, 0, 0.0, dd);
      //            }
      //        }
      //        UNPROTECT(1);
      //    }
      //    if (xlab != R_NilValue) {
      //        cex = gpptr(dd)->cexlab;
      //        col = gpptr(dd)->collab;
      //        font = gpptr(dd)->fontlab;
      //        /* GetTextArg may coerce, so protect the result */
      //        GetTextArg(call, xlab, &xlab, &col, &cex, &font);
      //        PROTECT(xlab);
      //        gpptr(dd)->cex = gpptr(dd)->cexbase * cex;
      //        gpptr(dd)->col = col;
      //        gpptr(dd)->font = font;
      //        if (R_FINITE(line))
      //            vpos = line;
      //        else
      //            vpos = gpptr(dd)->mgp[0];
      //        if (outer) {
      //            hpos = adj;
      //            where = 1;
      //        }
      //        else {
      //            hpos = GConvertX(adj, NPC, USER, dd);
      //            where = 0;
      //        }
      //        if (isExpression(xlab))
      //            GMMathText(VECTOR_ELT(xlab, 0), 1, vpos, where,
      //                       hpos, 0, 0.0, dd);
      //        else {
      //            n = length(xlab);
      //            for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      //                string = STRING_ELT(xlab, i);
      //                if(string != NA_STRING)
      //                    GMtext(CHAR(string), getCharCE(string), 1, vpos + i,
      //                           where, hpos, 0, 0.0, dd);
      //            }
      //        }
      //        UNPROTECT(1);
      //    }
      //    if (ylab != R_NilValue) {
      //        cex = gpptr(dd)->cexlab;
      //        col = gpptr(dd)->collab;
      //        font = gpptr(dd)->fontlab;
      //        /* GetTextArg may coerce, so protect the result */
      //        GetTextArg(call, ylab, &ylab, &col, &cex, &font);
      //        PROTECT(ylab);
      //        gpptr(dd)->cex = gpptr(dd)->cexbase * cex;
      //        gpptr(dd)->col = col;
      //        gpptr(dd)->font = font;
      //        if (R_FINITE(line))
      //            vpos = line;
      //        else
      //            vpos = gpptr(dd)->mgp[0];
      //        if (outer) {
      //            hpos = adj;
      //            where = 1;
      //        }
      //        else {
      //            hpos = GConvertY(adj, NPC, USER, dd);
      //            where = 0;
      //        }
      //        if (isExpression(ylab))
      //            GMMathText(VECTOR_ELT(ylab, 0), 2, vpos, where,
      //                       hpos, 0, 0.0, dd);
      //        else {
      //            n = length(ylab);
      //            for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      //                string = STRING_ELT(ylab, i);
      //                if(string != NA_STRING)
      //                    GMtext(CHAR(string), getCharCE(string), 2, vpos - i,
      //                           where, hpos, 0, 0.0, dd);
      //            }
      //        }
      //        UNPROTECT(1);
      //    }


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Examples of org.renjin.graphics.GraphicsDevice

    // compared to output from R2.12
    // with png(filename='test.png', width=420, height=340)
    GraphicsDeviceDriverStub driver = new GraphicsDeviceDriverStub(420, 340);
    GraphicsDevice device = new GraphicsDevice(driver);
    assertThat("din", eval("par('din')"), equalTo(c(driver.getSize().getWidth(), driver.getSize().getHeight())));
    assertThat("fig", eval("par('fig')"), equalTo(c(0, 1, 0, 1)));
    assertThat("mar", eval("par('mar')"), equalTo(c(5.1,4.1,4.1,2.1)));
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Examples of org.renjin.graphics.GraphicsDevice

    // compared to output from R2.12
    // with png(filename='test.png', width=420, height=340)
    GraphicsDeviceDriverStub driver = new GraphicsDeviceDriverStub(420, 340);
    GraphicsDevice device = new GraphicsDevice(driver);
    eval("barplot(c(1,2,3), main='Distribution', xlab='Number')");
    assertThat("usr", eval("par('usr')"), closeTo(c(0.064, 3.736, -0.030, 3.00), 0.001));
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