It supplies the methods used to grant, revoke, test and check a grantee's access rights to other database objects. It also holds a reference to the common PUBLIC User Object, which represent the special user refered to in GRANT ... TO PUBLIC statements.
The check(), isAccessible() and getGrantedClassNames() methods check the rights granted to the PUBLIC User Object, in addition to individually granted rights, in order to decide which rights exist for the user. Method names ending in Direct indicate methods which do not recurse to look through Roles which "this" object is a member of. We use the word "Admin" (e.g., in private variable "admin" and method "isAdmin()) to mean this Grantee has admin priv by any means. We use the word "adminDirect" (e.g., in private variable "adminDirect" and method "isAdminDirect()) to mean this Grantee has admin priv directly. @author Campbell Boucher-Burnett (boucherb@users dot @author Fred Toussi (fredt@users dot @author Blaine Simpson (blaine dot simpson at admc dot com) @version 1.9.0 @since 1.8.0
It supplies the methods used to grant, revoke, test and check a grantee's access rights to other database objects. It also holds a reference to the common PUBLIC User Object, which represent the special user refered to in GRANT ... TO PUBLIC statements.
The check(), isAccessible() and getGrantedClassNames() methods check the rights granted to the PUBLIC User Object, in addition to individually granted rights, in order to decide which rights exist for the user. Method names ending in Direct indicate methods which do not recurse to look through Roles which "this" object is a member of. We use the word "Admin" (e.g., in private variable "admin" and method "isAdmin()) to mean this Grantee has admin priv by any means. We use the word "adminDirect" (e.g., in private variable "adminDirect" and method "isAdminDirect()) to mean this Grantee has admin priv directly. @author Campbell Boucher-Burnett (boucherb@users dot @author Fred Toussi (fredt@users dot @author Blaine Simpson (blaine dot simpson at admc dot com) @version 1.9.0 @since 1.8.0