Examples of GQueries

Examples of edu.gslis.queries.GQueries

    ParameterBroker params = new ParameterBroker("./config/run_params.json");

    PrintStream out = new PrintStream(System.out, true, "UTF-8");
    PrintStream err = new PrintStream(System.err, true, "UTF-8");
    GQueries trainingQueries = new GQueriesJsonImpl();
    GQueries queries = new GQueriesJsonImpl();
    Qrels qrels = new Qrels(params.getParamValue(QRELS_OPTION), false, 1);
    // max number of docs to send to output
    int numResults = 1000;
    try {
      if (params.getParamValue(NUM_RESULTS_OPTION) != null) {
        numResults = Integer.parseInt(params.getParamValue(NUM_RESULTS_OPTION));
    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
      err.println("Invalid " + NUM_RESULTS_OPTION + ": " + params.getParamValue(NUM_RESULTS_OPTION));
    // authentication credentials
    String group = params.getParamValue(GROUP_OPTION);
    if(group==null) {
      err.println("Invalid " + GROUP_OPTION + ": must set a valid group ID");
    String token = params.getParamValue(TOKEN_OPTION);
    if(group==null) {
      err.println("Invalid " + TOKEN_OPTION + ": must set a valid authentication token");
    // ports
    int trainingPort = 9090;
    try {
      if (params.getParamValue(TRAINING_PORT) != null) {
        trainingPort = Integer.parseInt(params.getParamValue(TRAINING_PORT));
    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
      err.println("Invalid " + TRAINING_PORT + ": " + params.getParamValue(TRAINING_PORT));
    int testingPort = 9091;
    try {
      if (params.getParamValue(TESTING_PORT) != null) {
        testingPort = Integer.parseInt(params.getParamValue(TESTING_PORT));
    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
      err.println("Invalid " + TESTING_PORT + ": " + params.getParamValue(TESTING_PORT));
    // run tag
    String runTag = params.getParamValue(RUNTAG_OPTION);
    if(runTag==null) {
      runTag = DEFAULT_RUNTAG;
    // jaccard step size
    double stepSize = 0.1;
    try {
      if (params.getParamValue(JACCARD_STEP_SIZE) != null) {
        stepSize = Double.parseDouble(params.getParamValue(JACCARD_STEP_SIZE));
    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
      err.println("Invalid " + JACCARD_STEP_SIZE + ": " + params.getParamValue(JACCARD_STEP_SIZE));
    // weighted or unweighted evaluation
    String evalType = "weighted";
    try {
      if (params.getParamValue(EVALUATION_OPTION) != null) {
        evalType = params.getParamValue(EVALUATION_OPTION);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      err.println("Invalid " + EVALUATION_OPTION + ": " + params.getParamValue(EVALUATION_OPTION));
    // 2 decimal places
    DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#.##");
    // read in training data
    String trainingFile = params.getParamValue(TRAINING_CLUSTERS);
    if (trainingFile==null) {
      err.println("Invalid " + TRAINING_CLUSTERS + ": please provide valid file.");
    // parse training data into clusters
    Map<String, Clusters> clusterMembership = new HashMap<String, Clusters>();
    JSONParser parser = new JSONParser();
    try {
      JSONObject parseObj = (JSONObject) parser.parse(new FileReader(trainingFile));
      JSONObject topicObj = (JSONObject) parseObj.get("topics");
      Set<String> topics = topicObj.keySet();
      Iterator<String> topicIt = topics.iterator();
      while (topicIt.hasNext()) { // for each topic
        String topic = topicIt.next();
        clusterMembership.put(topic, new Clusters());
        JSONArray clusters = (JSONArray) ((JSONObject) topicObj.get(topic)).get("clusters");
        Iterator<JSONArray> clusterIt = clusters.iterator();
        while (clusterIt.hasNext()) { // for each cluster in the topic
          JSONArray cluster = (JSONArray) clusterIt.next();
          Cluster c = new Cluster();
          Iterator<String> clusterMemberIt = cluster.iterator();
          while (clusterMemberIt.hasNext()) { // for each docId in the cluster
            String member = clusterMemberIt.next();
            long memberId = Long.parseLong(member);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      err.println("Error reading training data.");
    // instantiate search client
    TrecSearchThriftClient client = new TrecSearchThriftClient(params.getParamValue(HOST_OPTION),
        trainingPort, group, token);

    SimpleSearcher searcher = new SimpleSearcher(client, numResults);
    err.println("=== Train Queries ===");
    List<Double> thresholds = new ArrayList<Double>();
    double averageThreshold = 0;
    Iterator<GQuery> queryIterator = trainingQueries.iterator();
    while(queryIterator.hasNext()) {
      GQuery query = queryIterator.next();
      Map<Long, TResult> seenResults = searcher.search(query);
      SimpleJaccardClusterer clusterer = new SimpleJaccardClusterer(new ArrayList<TResult>(seenResults.values()));
      // sweep through jaccard steps, calculating F1
      double maxF1 = 0;
      double maxF1Threshold = 1;
      for (double j = 1.0; j >= 0.0; j -= stepSize) { // for each jaccard threshold step
        Clusters clusters = clusterer.cluster(j);
        // all clusters are created now, get a finalized set of results
        Set<Long> allResults = new HashSet<Long>(seenResults.keySet());
        allResults.removeAll(clusters.getAllClusteredResults()); // allResults includes unclustered plus one representative from each cluster
        for (Cluster c : clusters) {
        // calculate f1 on the finalized set
        Clusters seenClusters = new Clusters();
        Clusters trueClusters = clusterMembership.get(query.getTitle());
        Iterator<Long> resultIt = allResults.iterator();
        while (resultIt.hasNext()) {
          long result = resultIt.next();
          Cluster trueCluster = trueClusters.findCluster(result);
          if (trueCluster != null) { // if it is relevant, it will have a true cluster; if this is null, it's non-relevant
        int numRetrievedClusters = seenClusters.size();
        int numResultsReturned = allResults.size();
        int numTrueClusters = trueClusters.size();

        double precision = 0;
        double recall = 0;
        double f1 = 0;
        if (evalType.equals("unweighted")) {
          precision = numRetrievedClusters / (double) numResultsReturned;
          recall = numRetrievedClusters / (double) numTrueClusters;
          f1 = 2 * precision * recall / (precision + recall);
        } else {       
          // for weighted measurements, we need the weight of each cluster
          int retrievedWeight = 0;
          for (Cluster cluster : seenClusters) {
            int w = cluster.getWeight(query, qrels);
            retrievedWeight += w;
          int resultsWeight = 0;
          for (long result : allResults) {
            int w = 0;
            if (seenClusters.findCluster(result) == null)
            resultsWeight += w;
          int trueWeight = 0;
          for (Cluster cluster : trueClusters) {
            int w = cluster.getWeight(query, qrels);
            trueWeight += w;
          precision = retrievedWeight / (double) resultsWeight; // <--- ??????
          recall = retrievedWeight / (double) trueWeight;
          f1 = 2 * precision * recall / (precision + recall);
        if (f1 > maxF1) {
          maxF1 = f1;
          maxF1Threshold = j;
      err.println("F1: "+df.format(maxF1)+"; Jaccard: "+df.format(maxF1Threshold));
    // get the average threshold
    for (double threshold : thresholds) {
      averageThreshold += threshold;
    averageThreshold /= thresholds.size();
    err.println("Average Jaccard: "+averageThreshold);
    err.println("=== Test Queries ===");
    // now cluster the test queries and output
    queryIterator = queries.iterator();
    while(queryIterator.hasNext()) {
      GQuery query = queryIterator.next();
      client = new TrecSearchThriftClient(params.getParamValue(HOST_OPTION), testingPort, group, token);
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Examples of edu.illinois.lis.query.GQueries

    ParameterBroker params = new ParameterBroker(args[0]);

    PrintStream out = new PrintStream(System.out, true, "UTF-8");
    PrintStream err = new PrintStream(System.err, true, "UTF-8");

    GQueries queries = new GQueriesJsonImpl();
    Stopper stopper = null;
    if(params.getParamValue(STOPPER_OPTION) != null)
      stopper = new Stopper(params.getParamValue(STOPPER_OPTION));
    // max number of docs to send to output
    int numResults = 1000;
    try {
      if (params.getParamValue(NUM_RESULTS_OPTION) != null) {
        numResults = Integer.parseInt(params.getParamValue(NUM_RESULTS_OPTION));
    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
      err.println("Invalid " + NUM_RESULTS_OPTION + ": " + params.getParamValue(NUM_RESULTS_OPTION));

    int fbDocs = 0;
    try {
      if (params.getParamValue(FB_DOCS_OPTION) != null) {
        fbDocs = Integer.parseInt(params.getParamValue(FB_DOCS_OPTION));
    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
      err.println("Invalid " + FB_DOCS_OPTION + ": " + params.getParamValue(FB_DOCS_OPTION));
    int fbTerms = 0;
    try {
      if (params.getParamValue(FB_TERMS_OPTION) != null) {
        fbTerms = Integer.parseInt(params.getParamValue(FB_TERMS_OPTION));
    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
      err.println("Invalid " + FB_TERMS_OPTION + ": " + params.getParamValue(FB_TERMS_OPTION));
    // authentication credentials
    String group = params.getParamValue(GROUP_OPTION);
    if(group==null) {
      err.println("Invalid " + GROUP_OPTION + ": must set a valid group ID");
    String token = params.getParamValue(TOKEN_OPTION);
    if(group==null) {
      err.println("Invalid " + TOKEN_OPTION + ": must set a valid authentication token");

    TrecSearchThriftClient client = new TrecSearchThriftClient(params.getParamValue(HOST_OPTION),
        Integer.parseInt(params.getParamValue(PORT_OPTION)), group, token);

    Iterator<GQuery> queryIterator = queries.iterator();
    while(queryIterator.hasNext()) {
      GQuery query = queryIterator.next();
      String queryText = query.getText();
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