Package gov.nist.javax.sip.stack

Examples of gov.nist.javax.sip.stack.SIPClientTransaction$TransactionTimer

                        "Dropping message:  no sipListener registered!");

        SIPClientTransaction transaction = (SIPClientTransaction) this.transactionChannel;
        // This may be a dialog creating method for which the ACK has not yet
        // been sent
        // but the dialog has already been assigned ( happens this way for
        // 3PCC).
        if (sipDialog == null && transaction != null) {
            sipDialog = transaction.getDialog(dialogID);
            if (sipDialog != null
                    && sipDialog.getState() == DialogState.TERMINATED)
                sipDialog = null;
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    if (request.getMethod().equalsIgnoreCase(Request.CANCEL)) {
      SIPClientTransaction ct = (SIPClientTransaction) sipStack
          .findCancelTransaction((SIPRequest) request, false);
      if (ct != null) {
        ClientTransaction retval = sipStack.createClientTransaction(
            (SIPRequest) request, ct.getMessageChannel());

        ((SIPTransaction) retval).addEventListener(this);
        sipStack.addTransaction((SIPClientTransaction) retval);
        if (ct.getDialog() != null) {
          ((SIPClientTransaction) retval).setDialog((SIPDialog) ct
              .getDialog(), sipRequest.getDialogId(false));

        return retval;

    if (sipStack.isLoggingEnabled())
          "could not find existing transaction for "
              + ((SIPRequest) request).getFirstLine()
              + " creating a new one ");

    // Could not find a dialog or the route is not set in dialog.

    Hop hop = null;
    try {
      hop = sipStack.getNextHop((SIPRequest) request);
      if (hop == null)
        throw new TransactionUnavailableException(
            "Cannot resolve next hop -- transaction unavailable");
    } catch (SipException ex) {
      throw new TransactionUnavailableException(
          "Cannot resolve next hop -- transaction unavailable", ex);
    String transport = hop.getTransport();
        ListeningPointImpl listeningPoint = (ListeningPointImpl) this
    String dialogId = sipRequest.getDialogId(false);
    SIPDialog dialog = sipStack.getDialog(dialogId);
    if (dialog != null && dialog.getState() == DialogState.TERMINATED) {

      // throw new TransactionUnavailableException
      // ("Found a terminated dialog -- possible re-use of old tag
      // parameters");


    // An out of dialog route was found. Assign this to the
    // client transaction.

    try {
      // Set the brannch id before you ask for a tx.
      // If the user has set his own branch Id and the
      // branch id starts with a valid prefix, then take it.
      // otherwise, generate one.
      String branchId = null;
      if (sipRequest.getTopmostVia().getBranch() == null
          || !sipRequest.getTopmostVia().getBranch().startsWith(
              SIPConstants.BRANCH_MAGIC_COOKIE)) {
        branchId = Utils.getInstance().generateBranchId();

      Via topmostVia = sipRequest.getTopmostVia();
      branchId = sipRequest.getTopmostVia().getBranch();
      SIPClientTransaction ct = (SIPClientTransaction) sipStack
          .createMessageChannel(sipRequest, listeningPoint
              .getMessageProcessor(), hop);
      if (ct == null)
        throw new TransactionUnavailableException("Cound not create tx");
      // if the stack supports dialogs then
      if (sipStack.isDialogCreated(request.getMethod())) {
        // create a new dialog to contain this transaction
        // provided this is necessary.
        // This could be a re-invite
        // in which case the dialog is re-used.
        // (but noticed by Brad Templeton)
        if (dialog != null)
          ct.setDialog(dialog, sipRequest.getDialogId(false));
        else if (this.isAutomaticDialogSupportEnabled()) {
          SIPDialog sipDialog = sipStack.createDialog(ct);
          ct.setDialog(sipDialog, sipRequest.getDialogId(false));
      } else {
        if (dialog != null) {
          ct.setDialog(dialog, sipRequest.getDialogId(false));


      // The provider is the event listener for all transactions.
      return (ClientTransaction) ct;
    } catch (IOException ex) {

      throw new TransactionUnavailableException(
          "Could not resolve next hop or listening point unavailable! ",
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    if (sipRequest.getMethod().equals(Request.NOTIFY)
        && sipRequest.getFromTag() != null
        && sipRequest.getToTag() == null) {

      SIPClientTransaction ct = sipStack.findSubscribeTransaction(
          sipRequest, (ListeningPointImpl) this.getListeningPoint());
      /* Issue 104 */
      if (ct == null && ! sipStack.deliverUnsolicitedNotify) {
        throw new TransactionUnavailableException(
            "Cannot find matching Subscription (and gov.nist.javax.sip.DELIVER_UNSOLICITED_NOTIFY not set)");
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      if (sipStack.isDialogCreated(sipRequest.getMethod())) {
        sipStack.putInMergeTable(st, sipRequest);
    } else {

      SIPClientTransaction sipClientTx = (SIPClientTransaction) transaction;

      SIPResponse response = sipClientTx.getLastResponse();

      if (response == null) {
        // A response has not yet been received, then set this up as the
        // default dialog.
        SIPRequest request = (SIPRequest) sipClientTx.getRequest();

        String dialogId = request.getDialogId(false);
        dialog = sipStack.getDialog(dialogId);
        if (dialog != null) {
          throw new SipException("Dialog already exists!");
        } else {
          dialog = sipStack.createDialog(sipTransaction);
        sipClientTx.setDialog(dialog, null);

      } else {
        throw new SipException(
            "Cannot call this method after response is received!");
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      if (errorObject instanceof SIPServerTransaction) {
        ev = new TimeoutEvent(this, (ServerTransaction) errorObject,
      } else {
          SIPClientTransaction clientTx = (SIPClientTransaction) errorObject;
          Hop hop = clientTx.getNextHop();
          if ( sipStack.getRouter() instanceof RouterExt ) {
              ((RouterExt) sipStack.getRouter()).transactionTimeout(hop);
        ev = new TimeoutEvent(this, (ClientTransaction) errorObject,
      // Handling transport error like timeout
      this.handleEvent(ev, (SIPTransaction) errorObject);
    } else if (transactionErrorEvent.getErrorID() == SIPTransactionErrorEvent.TIMEOUT_ERROR) {
      // This is a timeout event.
      Object errorObject = transactionErrorEvent.getSource();
      Timeout timeout = Timeout.TRANSACTION;
      TimeoutEvent ev = null;

      if (errorObject instanceof SIPServerTransaction) {
        ev = new TimeoutEvent(this, (ServerTransaction) errorObject,
      } else {
          SIPClientTransaction clientTx = (SIPClientTransaction) errorObject;
                Hop hop = clientTx.getNextHop();
                if ( sipStack.getRouter() instanceof RouterExt ) {
                    ((RouterExt) sipStack.getRouter()).transactionTimeout(hop);
        ev = new TimeoutEvent(this, (ClientTransaction) errorObject,
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         * are ignored.

        if (dialog == null && sipRequest.getMethod().equals(Request.NOTIFY)) {

            SIPClientTransaction pendingSubscribeClientTx = sipStack.findSubscribeTransaction(
                    sipRequest, listeningPoint);

            if (sipStack.getLogWriter().isLoggingEnabled()) {
                        "PROCESSING NOTIFY  DIALOG == null " + pendingSubscribeClientTx);

             * RFC 3265: Upon receiving a NOTIFY request, the subscriber should check that it
             * matches at least one of its outstanding subscriptions; if not, it MUST return a
             * "481 Subscription does not exist" response unless another 400- or 500-class
             * response is more appropriate.
            if (sipProvider.isAutomaticDialogSupportEnabled() && pendingSubscribeClientTx == null
                    && !sipStack.deliverUnsolicitedNotify) {
                 * This is the case of the UAC receiving a Stray NOTIFY for which it has not
                 * previously sent out a SUBSCRIBE and for which it does not have an established
                 * dialog.
                try {
                    if (sipStack.isLoggingEnabled()) {
                                "Could not find Subscription for Notify Tx.");
                    Response errorResponse = sipRequest
                    errorResponse.setReasonPhrase("Subscription does not exist");

                } catch (Exception ex) {
                            "Exception while sending error response statelessly", ex);


            // If the server transaction cannot be found or if it
            // aleady has a dialog attached to it then just assign the
            // notify to this dialog and pass it up.
            if (pendingSubscribeClientTx != null) {
                // The response to the pending subscribe tx can try to create
                // a dialog at the same time that the notify is trying to
                // create a dialog. Thus we cannot process both at the
                // same time.

                // The transaction gets assigned to the dialog from the
                // outgoing subscribe. First see if anybody claimed the
                // default Dialog for the outgoing Subscribe request.
                SIPDialog subscriptionDialog = (SIPDialog) pendingSubscribeClientTx

                // TODO -- refactor this. Can probably be written far cleaner.
                if (subscriptionDialog == null || subscriptionDialog.getDialogId() == null
                        || !subscriptionDialog.getDialogId().equals(dialogId)) {
                    // Notify came in before you could assign a response to
                    // the subscribe.
                    // grab the default dialog and assign it to the tags in
                    // the notify.
                    if (subscriptionDialog != null && subscriptionDialog.getDialogId() == null) {

                    } else {
                        subscriptionDialog = pendingSubscribeClientTx.getDialog(dialogId);
                    if (sipStack.getLogWriter().isLoggingEnabled()) {
                                "PROCESSING NOTIFY Subscribe DIALOG " + subscriptionDialog);

                    // The user could have createed a dialog before sending out
                    // the SUBSCRIBE on the subscribe tx.
                    if (subscriptionDialog == null
                            && (sipProvider.isAutomaticDialogSupportEnabled() || pendingSubscribeClientTx
                                    .getDefaultDialog() != null)) {
                        Event event = (Event) sipRequest.getHeader(EventHeader.NAME);
                        if (sipStack.isEventForked(event.getEventType())) {

                            subscriptionDialog = SIPDialog.createFromNOTIFY(
                                    pendingSubscribeClientTx, transaction);


                    if (subscriptionDialog != null) {
                        transaction.setDialog(subscriptionDialog, dialogId);
                        pendingSubscribeClientTx.setDialog(subscriptionDialog, dialogId);
                        if (!transaction.isTransactionMapped()) {
                            // Let the listener see it if it just got
                            // created.
                            // otherwise, we have already processed the tx
                            // so
                            // we dont want the listener to see it.
                            try {
                            } catch (Exception ex) {
                } else {
                    // The subscription default dialog is our dialog.
                    // Found a subscrbe dialog for the NOTIFY
                    // So map the tx.
                    transaction.setDialog(subscriptionDialog, dialogId);
                    dialog = subscriptionDialog;
                    if (!transaction.isTransactionMapped()) {
                        // Let the listener see it if it just got created.
                        // otherwise, we have already processed the tx so
                        // we dont want the listener to see it.
                        try {
                        } catch (Exception ex) {
                    if (pendingSubscribeClientTx != null) {
                        pendingSubscribeClientTx.setDialog(subscriptionDialog, dialogId);

                if (transaction != null
                        && ((SIPServerTransaction) transaction).isTransactionMapped()) {
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                sipStack.getLogWriter().logError("No listener -- dropping response!");

        SIPClientTransaction transaction = (SIPClientTransaction) this.transactionChannel;
        SipStackImpl sipStackImpl = sipProvider.sipStack;

        if (sipStack.isLoggingEnabled())
            sipStackImpl.getLogWriter().logDebug("Transaction = " + transaction);

        if (transaction == null) {
            // Transaction is null but the dialog is not null. This means that
            // the transaction has been removed by the stack.
            // If the dialog exists, then it may need to retransmit ACK so
            // we cannot drop the response.
            if (dialog != null) {
                if (response.getStatusCode() / 100 != 2) {
                    if (sipStack.isLoggingEnabled()) {
                                        "Response is not a final response and dialog is found for response -- dropping response!");
                } else if (dialog.getState() == DialogState.TERMINATED) {
                    if (sipStack.isLoggingEnabled()) {
                                "Dialog is terminated -- dropping response!");
                } else {
                    boolean ackAlreadySent = false;
                    if (dialog.isAckSeen() && dialog.getLastAck() != null) {
                        if (dialog.getLastAck().getCSeq().getSeqNumber() == response.getCSeq()
                                .getSeqNumber()) {
                            // the last ack sent corresponded to this 200
                            ackAlreadySent = true;
                    // 200 retransmission for the final response.
                    if (ackAlreadySent
                            && response.getCSeq().getMethod().equals(dialog.getMethod())) {
                        try {
                            // Found the dialog - resend the ACK and
                            // dont pass up the null transaction
                            if (sipStack.isLoggingEnabled()) {
                                        "Retransmission of OK detected: Resending last ACK");
                        } catch (SipException ex) {
                            // What to do here ?? kill the dialog?
                            sipStack.getLogWriter().logError("could not resend ack", ex);

            if (sipStack.isLoggingEnabled()) {
                        "could not find tx, handling statelessly Dialog =   " + dialog);
            // Pass the response up to the application layer to handle
            // statelessly.

            ResponseEvent sipEvent = new ResponseEvent(sipProvider, transaction, dialog,
                    (Response) response);

            sipProvider.handleEvent(sipEvent, transaction);

        ResponseEvent responseEvent = null;

        // Here if there is an assigned dialog
        responseEvent = new javax.sip.ResponseEvent(sipProvider, (ClientTransaction) transaction,
                dialog, (Response) response);
        // Set the Dialog for the response.
        if (dialog != null && response.getStatusCode() != 100) {
            // set the last response for the dialog.
            dialog.setLastResponse(transaction, response);
            transaction.setDialog(dialog, dialog.getDialogId());

        sipProvider.handleEvent(responseEvent, transaction);

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                sipStack.getLogWriter().logDebug("Dropping message:  no sipListener registered!");

        SIPClientTransaction transaction = (SIPClientTransaction) this.transactionChannel;
        // This may be a dialog creating method for which the ACK has not yet
        // been sent
        // but the dialog has already been assigned ( happens this way for
        // 3PCC).
        if (sipDialog == null && transaction != null) {
            sipDialog = transaction.getDialog(dialogID);
            if (sipDialog != null && sipDialog.getState() == DialogState.TERMINATED)
                sipDialog = null;

        if (sipStack.isLoggingEnabled())
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        if (request.getMethod().equalsIgnoreCase(Request.CANCEL)) {
            SIPClientTransaction ct = (SIPClientTransaction) sipStack
                    .findCancelTransaction((SIPRequest) request, false);
            if (ct != null) {
                ClientTransaction retval = sipStack.createClientTransaction(
                        (SIPRequest) request, ct.getMessageChannel());

                ((SIPTransaction) retval).addEventListener(this);
                sipStack.addTransaction((SIPClientTransaction) retval);
                if (ct.getDialog() != null) {
                    ((SIPClientTransaction) retval).setDialog((SIPDialog) ct
                            .getDialog(), sipRequest.getDialogId(false));

                return retval;

        if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogLevels.TRACE_DEBUG))
                    "could not find existing transaction for "
                            + ((SIPRequest) request).getFirstLine()
                            + " creating a new one ");

        // Could not find a dialog or the route is not set in dialog.

        Hop hop = null;
        try {
            hop = sipStack.getNextHop((SIPRequest) request);
            if (hop == null)
                throw new TransactionUnavailableException(
                        "Cannot resolve next hop -- transaction unavailable");
        } catch (SipException ex) {
            throw new TransactionUnavailableException(
                    "Cannot resolve next hop -- transaction unavailable", ex);
        String transport = hop.getTransport();
        ListeningPointImpl listeningPoint = (ListeningPointImpl) this

        String dialogId = sipRequest.getDialogId(false);
        SIPDialog dialog = sipStack.getDialog(dialogId);
        if (dialog != null && dialog.getState() == DialogState.TERMINATED) {

            // throw new TransactionUnavailableException
            // ("Found a terminated dialog -- possible re-use of old tag
            // parameters");


        // An out of dialog route was found. Assign this to the
        // client transaction.

        try {
            // Set the brannch id before you ask for a tx.
            // If the user has set his own branch Id and the
            // branch id starts with a valid prefix, then take it.
            // otherwise, generate one. If branch ID checking has
            // been requested, set the branch ID.
            String branchId = null;
            if (sipRequest.getTopmostVia().getBranch() == null
                    || !sipRequest.getTopmostVia().getBranch().startsWith(
                            || sipStack.checkBranchId() ) {
                branchId = Utils.getInstance().generateBranchId();

            Via topmostVia = sipRequest.getTopmostVia();

            //set port and transport if user hasn't already done this.
            if(topmostVia.getTransport() == null)

            if(topmostVia.getPort() == -1)
            branchId = sipRequest.getTopmostVia().getBranch();

            SIPClientTransaction ct = (SIPClientTransaction) sipStack
                    .createMessageChannel(sipRequest, listeningPoint
                            .getMessageProcessor(), hop);
            if (ct == null)
                throw new TransactionUnavailableException("Cound not create tx");
            // if the stack supports dialogs then
            if (SIPTransactionStack.isDialogCreated(request.getMethod())) {
                // create a new dialog to contain this transaction
                // provided this is necessary.
                // This could be a re-invite
                // in which case the dialog is re-used.
                // (but noticed by Brad Templeton)
                if (dialog != null)
                    ct.setDialog(dialog, sipRequest.getDialogId(false));
                else if (this.isAutomaticDialogSupportEnabled()) {
                    SIPDialog sipDialog = sipStack.createDialog(ct);
                    ct.setDialog(sipDialog, sipRequest.getDialogId(false));
            } else {
                if (dialog != null) {
                    ct.setDialog(dialog, sipRequest.getDialogId(false));


            // The provider is the event listener for all transactions.
            return (ClientTransaction) ct;
        } catch (IOException ex) {

            throw new TransactionUnavailableException(
                    "Could not resolve next hop or listening point unavailable! ",
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        if (sipRequest.getMethod().equals(Request.NOTIFY)
                && sipRequest.getFromTag() != null
                && sipRequest.getToTag() == null) {

            SIPClientTransaction ct = sipStack.findSubscribeTransaction(
                    sipRequest, (ListeningPointImpl) this.getListeningPoint());
            /* Issue 104 */
            if (ct == null && ! sipStack.isDeliverUnsolicitedNotify()) {
                throw new TransactionUnavailableException(
                        "Cannot find matching Subscription (and gov.nist.javax.sip.DELIVER_UNSOLICITED_NOTIFY not set)");
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Related Classes of gov.nist.javax.sip.stack.SIPClientTransaction$TransactionTimer

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