Package gnu.trove.set.hash

Examples of gnu.trove.set.hash.TIntHashSet

    public PropAmongGAC_GoodImpl(IntVar[] variables, int[] values) {
        super(variables, PropagatorPriority.LINEAR, true);
        nb_vars = variables.length - 1;
        IEnvironment environment = solver.getEnvironment();
        this.setValues = new TIntHashSet(values);
        this.values = setValues.toArray();
    poss = SetFactory.makeStoredSet(SetType.BIPARTITESET,nb_vars,solver);
    nbSure = environment.makeInt(0);
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     * @param NVAR   a variable
     * @param VARS   vector of variables
     * @param VALUES set of values
    public static Constraint among(IntVar NVAR, IntVar[] VARS, int[] VALUES) {
        int[] values = new TIntHashSet(VALUES).toArray(); // remove double occurrences
        Arrays.sort(values);                              // sort
        return new Constraint("Among", new PropAmongGAC_GoodImpl(ArrayUtils.append(VARS, new IntVar[]{NVAR}), values));
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        assert VALUES.length == OCCURRENCES.length;
        if (!CLOSED) {
            return new GlobalCardinality(VARS, VALUES, OCCURRENCES);
        } else {
            TIntArrayList toAdd = new TIntArrayList();
            TIntSet givenValues = new TIntHashSet();
            for (int i : VALUES) {
                assert !givenValues.contains(i);
            for (IntVar var : VARS) {
                int ub = var.getUB();
                for (int k = var.getLB(); k <= ub; k = var.nextValue(k)) {
                    if (!givenValues.contains(k)) {
                        if (!toAdd.contains(k)) {
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        ArrayList<TIntHashSet> layer = new ArrayList<TIntHashSet>();
        TIntHashSet[] tmpQ = new TIntHashSet[totalSizes];
        // DLList[vars.length+1];

        for (i = 0; i <= size; i++) {
            layer.add(new TIntHashSet());// = new DLList(nbNodes);

        //forward pass, construct all paths described by the automaton for word of length nbVars.


        TIntHashSet succ = new TIntHashSet();
        for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            int ub = vars[i].getUB();
            for (j = vars[i].getLB(); j <= ub; j = vars[i].nextValue(j)) {
                layerIter = layer.get(i).iterator();
                while (layerIter.hasNext()) {
                    k =;
          , j, succ);
                    if (!succ.isEmpty()) {
                        TIntIterator it = succ.iterator();
                        for (; it.hasNext(); )
                            layer.get(i + 1).add(;
                        int idx = starts[i] + j - offsets[i];
                        if (tmpQ[idx] == null)
                            tmpQ[idx] = new TIntHashSet();



        //removing reachable non accepting states
        layerIter = layer.get(size).iterator();
        while (layerIter.hasNext()) {
            k =;
            if (!pi.isFinal(k)) {


        //backward pass, removing arcs that does not lead to an accepting state
        int nbNodes = pi.getNbStates();
        BitSet mark = new BitSet(nbNodes);

        Node[] in = new Node[pi.getNbStates() * (size + 1)];
        Node tink = new Node(pi.getNbStates() + 1, size + 1, nid++);

        for (i = size - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            mark.clear(0, nbNodes);
            int ub = vars[i].getUB();
            for (j = vars[i].getLB(); j <= ub; j = vars[i].nextValue(j)) {
                int idx = starts[i] + j - offsets[i];
                TIntHashSet l = tmpQ[idx];
                if (l != null) {
                    qijIter = l.iterator();
                    while (qijIter.hasNext()) {
                        k =;
              , j, succ);
                        TIntIterator it = succ.iterator();
                        boolean added = false;
                        for (; it.hasNext(); ) {
                            int qn =;
                            if (layer.get(i + 1).contains(qn)) {
                                added = true;
                                Node a = in[i * pi.getNbStates() + k];
                                if (a == null) {
                                    a = new Node(k, i, nid++);
                                    in[i * pi.getNbStates() + k] = a;

                                Node b = in[(i + 1) * pi.getNbStates() + qn];
                                if (b == null) {
                                    b = new Node(qn, i + 1, nid++);
                                    in[(i + 1) * pi.getNbStates() + qn] = b;

                                Arc arc = new Arc(a, b, j, aid++, pi.getCostByState(i, j, a.state));
                                graph.addEdge(a, b, arc);
                        if (!added)
            layerIter = layer.get(i).iterator();

            // If no more arcs go out of a given state in the layer, then we remove the state from that layer
            while (layerIter.hasNext())
                if (!mark.get(

        TIntHashSet th = new TIntHashSet();
        int[][] intLayer = new int[size + 2][];
        for (k = 0; k < pi.getNbStates(); k++) {
            Node o = in[size * pi.getNbStates() + k];
                if (o != null) {
                    Arc a = new Arc(o, tink, 0, aid++, 0.0);
                    graph.addEdge(o, tink, a);

        for (i = 0; i <= size; i++) {
            for (k = 0; k < pi.getNbStates(); k++) {
                Node o = in[i * pi.getNbStates() + k];
                if (o != null) {
            intLayer[i] = th.toArray();
        intLayer[size + 1] = new int[]{};

        if (intLayer[0].length > 0)
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        int a = (int) (address % Integer.MAX_VALUE);
        int t = (int) (address / Integer.MAX_VALUE);
        TIntSet ts = tables.get(t);
        if (ts == null) {
            ts = new TIntHashSet();
            tables.put(t, ts);
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    public LargeRelation duplicate() {
        TIntObjectHashMap<TIntSet> ntables = new TIntObjectHashMap<>();
        for (int t : tables.keys()) {
            ntables.put(t, new TIntHashSet(tables.get(t)));
        return new TuplesLargeTable(n, ntables, lowerbounds.clone(), upperbounds.clone(), feasible, blocks.clone());
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    public FiniteAutomaton() {
        this.representedBy = new Automaton();
        this.stateToIndex = new TObjectIntHashMap<State>();
        this.states = new ArrayList<State>();

        this.alphabet = new TIntHashSet();

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    private void perfectCopy(FiniteAutomaton other) {
        this.representedBy = new Automaton();
        this.states = new ArrayList<State>();
        this.stateToIndex = new TObjectIntHashMap<State>();
        this.alphabet = new TIntHashSet();
        this.nbStates = other.nbStates;
        for (int i = 0; i < other.nbStates; i++) {
            State s = new State();
            this.stateToIndex.put(s, i);
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        try {
        } catch (StateNotInAutomatonException e) {
            LOGGER.warn("Unable to get outgoing transition, state not in automaton : " + e);
        TIntHashSet set = new TIntHashSet();
        State s = states.get(source);
        for (Transition t : s.getTransitions()) {
            for (char c = t.getMin(); c <= t.getMax(); c++) {
        return new TIntArrayList(set.toArray());

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    public FiniteAutomaton union(FiniteAutomaton otherI) {
        FiniteAutomaton other = (FiniteAutomaton) otherI;
        Automaton union = this.representedBy.union(other.representedBy);
        TIntHashSet alphabet = new TIntHashSet(this.alphabet.toArray());
        return new FiniteAutomaton(union, alphabet);

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Related Classes of gnu.trove.set.hash.TIntHashSet

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