Examples of GGrouping

Examples of org.apache.maven.index.search.grouping.GGrouping


            // an implicit class name wildcard
            Query q = nexusIndexer.constructQuery( MAVEN.CLASSNAMES, "Logger", SearchType.SCORED );
            GroupedSearchRequest request = new GroupedSearchRequest( q, new GGrouping() );
            GroupedSearchResponse response = nexusIndexer.searchGrouped( request );

            Map<String, ArtifactInfoGroup> r = response.getResults();
            assertEquals( r.toString(), 2, r.size() );

            Iterator<ArtifactInfoGroup> it = r.values().iterator();

            ArtifactInfoGroup ig1 = it.next();
            assertEquals( r.toString(), "org.slf4j", ig1.getGroupKey() );

            ArtifactInfoGroup ig2 = it.next();
            assertEquals( r.toString(), "org.testng", ig2.getGroupKey() );

            // a lower case search
            Query q = nexusIndexer.constructQuery( MAVEN.CLASSNAMES, "logger", SearchType.SCORED );
            GroupedSearchRequest request = new GroupedSearchRequest( q, new GGrouping() );
            GroupedSearchResponse response = nexusIndexer.searchGrouped( request );
            Map<String, ArtifactInfoGroup> r = response.getResults();
            assertEquals( r.toString(), 2, r.size() );

            Iterator<ArtifactInfoGroup> it = r.values().iterator();

            ArtifactInfoGroup ig1 = it.next();
            assertEquals( r.toString(), "org.slf4j", ig1.getGroupKey() );

            ArtifactInfoGroup ig2 = it.next();
            assertEquals( r.toString(), "org.testng", ig2.getGroupKey() );

            // explicit class name wildcard without terminator
            // Since 4.0 query starting with * is illegal
            // Query q = nexusIndexer.constructQuery( MAVEN.CLASSNAMES, "*.Logger", SearchType.SCORED );
            Query q = nexusIndexer.constructQuery( MAVEN.CLASSNAMES, ".Logger", SearchType.SCORED );
            GroupedSearchRequest request = new GroupedSearchRequest( q, new GGrouping() );
            GroupedSearchResponse response = nexusIndexer.searchGrouped( request );
            Map<String, ArtifactInfoGroup> r = response.getResults();
            assertEquals( r.toString(), 2, r.size() );
            Iterator<ArtifactInfoGroup> it = r.values().iterator();
            ArtifactInfoGroup ig1 = it.next();
            assertEquals( r.toString(), "org.slf4j", ig1.getGroupKey() );
            ArtifactInfoGroup ig2 = it.next();
            assertEquals( r.toString(), "org.testng", ig2.getGroupKey() );

            // explicit class name wildcard with terminator
            // Since 4.0 query starting with * is illegal
            // Query q = nexusIndexer.constructQuery( MAVEN.CLASSNAMES, "*.Logger ", SearchType.SCORED );
            Query q = nexusIndexer.constructQuery( MAVEN.CLASSNAMES, ".Logger ", SearchType.SCORED );
            GroupedSearchRequest request = new GroupedSearchRequest( q, new GGrouping() );
            GroupedSearchResponse response = nexusIndexer.searchGrouped( request );
            Map<String, ArtifactInfoGroup> r = response.getResults();
            assertEquals( r.toString(), 2, r.size() );
            Iterator<ArtifactInfoGroup> it = r.values().iterator();
            ArtifactInfoGroup ig1 = it.next();
            assertEquals( r.toString(), "org.slf4j", ig1.getGroupKey() );
            ArtifactInfoGroup ig2 = it.next();
            assertEquals( r.toString(), "org.testng", ig2.getGroupKey() );

            // a class name wildcard
            // Since 4.0 query starting with * is illegal
            // Query q = nexusIndexer.constructQuery( MAVEN.CLASSNAMES, "*Logger", SearchType.SCORED );
            Query q = nexusIndexer.constructQuery( MAVEN.CLASSNAMES, "Logger", SearchType.SCORED );
            GroupedSearchRequest request = new GroupedSearchRequest( q, new GGrouping() );
            GroupedSearchResponse response = nexusIndexer.searchGrouped( request );
            Map<String, ArtifactInfoGroup> r = response.getResults();
            // Results are less, since no PREFIX searches anymore!
            // assertEquals( r.toString(), 3, r.size() );
            assertEquals( r.toString(), 2, r.size() );
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