highlight = false;
background = false;
double large = 50.0; // bigger than box's yet-to-be-determined width and height.
Offset bounds = new Offset(2.0*large, 2.0*large);
Color borderColour = colourScheme.getBorderColour();
BoxText box = new BoxText(null, " "+label.name+" " , Box.RIGHT_ALIGN|Box.BOTTOM_ALIGN);
label.actualX = centreX + label.x - large;
label.actualY = centreY + label.y - large;
BoxText content = new BoxText(null, " " + label.name + " " , Box.RIGHT_ALIGN|Box.BOTTOM_ALIGN);
Color colour = colourScheme.getBorderColour(); // This doesn't appear appear to be used.
Box border = new BorderedBox(null, content, Box.X_CENTRE_ALIGN|Box.Y_CENTRE_ALIGN, highlight, colourScheme);
Position centre = new Position(label.actualX, label.actualY);
border.setupAndPaint(g2D, colourScheme, Box.DEFAULT_BOX_FONT_SIZE, centre, new Offset(2*large, 2*large), background);