Examples of GetResult

Examples of org.copasi.copasiws.services.parameterestimationws.types.GetResult

    while( port.getSimulatorStatus( getSimulatorStatusParameters ).getStatus().getCode() != StatusCode.COMPLETED )
      System.out.println( port.getSimulatorStatus( getSimulatorStatusParameters ).getStatus().getCode() );
    final GetResult getResultParameters = new GetResult();
    getResultParameters.setUserId( userId );
    getResultParameters.setResourceId( resourceId );
    final GetResultResponse getResultResponse = port.getResult( getResultParameters );
    final OutputResult outputResult = getResultResponse.getOutputResult();
    return outputResult.getResult();
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Examples of org.elasticsearch.index.get.GetResult

    protected ViewResponse shardOperation(ViewRequest request, int shardId) throws ElasticSearchException {

        // Get the doc first
        IndexService indexService = indicesService.indexService(request.index());
        IndexShard indexShard = indexService.shardSafe(shardId);
        GetResult getResult = indexShard.getService().get(request.type(), request.id(), null, false);

        if (!getResult.exists()) {
            throw new ElasticSearchIllegalArgumentException("Document not found, cannot render view");

        // Try to get a view stored at document level
        ViewContext viewContext = extract(getResult.sourceAsMap(), request.format());

        if (viewContext == null) {
            // Then, get the view stored in the mapping _meta field
            MappingMetaData mappingMetaData = clusterService.state().metaData().index(request.index()).mapping(request.type());
            if (mappingMetaData != null) {
                try {
                    Map<String, Object> mapping = mappingMetaData.sourceAsMap();
                    viewContext = extract(mapping, request.format());
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    throw new ElasticSearchParseException("Failed to parse mapping content to map", e);

        if (viewContext == null) {
            throw new ElasticSearchViewNotFoundException("No view [" + request.format() + "] found for document type [" + request.type() + "]");

        // Set some org.elasticsearch.test.integration.views.mappings.data required for view rendering

        // Ok, let's render it with a ViewEngineService
        ViewResult result = viewService.render(viewContext);

        return new ViewResponse(result.contentType(), result.content());
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Examples of org.elasticsearch.index.get.GetResult

        if (response.hasExplanation()) {
            buildExplanation(builder, response.getExplanation());
        GetResult getResult = response.getGetResult();
        if (getResult != null) {
            getResult.toXContentEmbedded(builder, ToXContent.EMPTY_PARAMS);
        return builder;
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Examples of org.elasticsearch.index.get.GetResult

                if (response.hasExplanation()) {
                    buildExplanation(builder, response.getExplanation());
                GetResult getResult = response.getGetResult();
                if (getResult != null) {
                    response.getGetResult().toXContentEmbedded(builder, request);
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Examples of org.elasticsearch.index.get.GetResult

        MultiGetShardResponse response = new MultiGetShardResponse();
        for (int i = 0; i < request.locations.size(); i++) {
            MultiGetRequest.Item item = request.items.get(i);
            try {
                GetResult getResult = indexShard.getService().get(item.type(), item.id(), item.fields(), request.realtime(), item.version(), item.versionType(), item.fetchSourceContext(), request.ignoreErrorsOnGeneratedFields());
                response.add(request.locations.get(i), new GetResponse(getResult));
            } catch (Throwable t) {
                if (TransportActions.isShardNotAvailableException(t)) {
                    throw (ElasticsearchException) t;
                } else {
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Examples of org.elasticsearch.index.get.GetResult

            if (request.fields() != null || (request.fetchSourceContext() != null && request.fetchSourceContext().fetchSource())) {
                // Advantage is that we're not opening a second searcher to retrieve the _source. Also
                // because we are working in the same searcher in engineGetResult we can be sure that a
                // doc isn't deleted between the initial get and this call.
                GetResult getResult = indexShard.getService().get(result, request.id(), request.type(), request.fields(), request.fetchSourceContext(), false);
                return new ExplainResponse(shardId.getIndex(), request.type(), request.id(), true, explanation, getResult);
            } else {
                return new ExplainResponse(shardId.getIndex(), request.type(), request.id(), true, explanation);
        } catch (IOException e) {
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Examples of org.elasticsearch.index.get.GetResult

        if (request.refresh() && !request.realtime()) {
            indexShard.refresh(new Engine.Refresh("refresh_flag_get").force(REFRESH_FORCE));

        GetResult result = indexShard.getService().get(request.type(), request.id(), request.fields(),
                request.realtime(), request.version(), request.versionType(), request.fetchSourceContext(), request.ignoreErrorsOnGeneratedFields());
        return new GetResponse(result);
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Examples of org.elasticsearch.index.get.GetResult

        if (validFields.isEmpty()) {
            return termVectorsByField;

        /* generate term vectors from fetched document fields */
        GetResult getResult = indexShard.getService().get(
                get, request.id(), request.type(), validFields.toArray(Strings.EMPTY_ARRAY), null, false);
        Fields generatedTermVectors = generateTermVectors(getResult.getFields().values(), request.offsets(), request.perFieldAnalyzer());

        /* merge with existing Fields */
        if (termVectorsByField == null) {
            return generatedTermVectors;
        } else {
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Examples of org.elasticsearch.index.get.GetResult

     * Prepares an update request by converting it into an index or delete request or an update response (no action).
    public Result prepare(UpdateRequest request, IndexShard indexShard) {
        long getDate = System.currentTimeMillis();
        final GetResult getResult = indexShard.getService().get(request.type(), request.id(),
                new String[]{RoutingFieldMapper.NAME, ParentFieldMapper.NAME, TTLFieldMapper.NAME},
                true, request.version(), request.versionType(), FetchSourceContext.FETCH_SOURCE, false);

        if (!getResult.isExists()) {
            if (request.upsertRequest() == null && !request.docAsUpsert()) {
                throw new DocumentMissingException(new ShardId(indexShard.indexService().index().name(), request.shardId()), request.type(), request.id());
            Long ttl = null;
            IndexRequest indexRequest = request.docAsUpsert() ? request.doc() : request.upsertRequest();
            if (request.scriptedUpsert() && (request.script() != null)) {
                // Run the script to perform the create logic
                IndexRequest upsert = request.upsertRequest();              
                Map<String, Object> upsertDoc = upsert.sourceAsMap();
                Map<String, Object> ctx = new HashMap<>(2);
                // Tell the script that this is a create and not an update
                ctx.put("op", "create");
                ctx.put("_source", upsertDoc);
                try {
                    ExecutableScript script = scriptService.executable(request.scriptLang, request.script, request.scriptType, request.scriptParams);
                    script.setNextVar("ctx", ctx);
                    // we need to unwrap the ctx...
                    ctx = (Map<String, Object>) script.unwrap(ctx);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    throw new ElasticsearchIllegalArgumentException("failed to execute script", e);
                //Allow the script to set TTL using ctx._ttl
                ttl = getTTLFromScriptContext(ctx);
                //Allow the script to abort the create by setting "op" to "none"
                String scriptOpChoice = (String) ctx.get("op");
                // Only valid options for an upsert script are "create"
                // (the default) or "none", meaning abort upsert
                if (!"create".equals(scriptOpChoice)) {
                    if (!"none".equals(scriptOpChoice)) {
                        logger.warn("Used upsert operation [{}] for script [{}], doing nothing...", scriptOpChoice, request.script);
                    UpdateResponse update = new UpdateResponse(getResult.getIndex(), getResult.getType(), getResult.getId(),
                            getResult.getVersion(), false);
                    return new Result(update, Operation.NONE, upsertDoc, XContentType.JSON);

                    // it has to be a "create!"
            if (request.versionType() != VersionType.INTERNAL) {
                // in all but the internal versioning mode, we want to create the new document using the given version.
            return new Result(indexRequest, Operation.UPSERT, null, null);

        long updateVersion = getResult.getVersion();

        if (request.versionType() != VersionType.INTERNAL) {
            assert request.versionType() == VersionType.FORCE;
            updateVersion = request.version(); // remember, match_any is excluded by the conflict test

        if (getResult.internalSourceRef() == null) {
            // no source, we can't do nothing, through a failure...
            throw new DocumentSourceMissingException(new ShardId(indexShard.indexService().index().name(), request.shardId()), request.type(), request.id());

        Tuple<XContentType, Map<String, Object>> sourceAndContent = XContentHelper.convertToMap(getResult.internalSourceRef(), true);
        String operation = null;
        String timestamp;
        Long ttl = null;
        final Map<String, Object> updatedSourceAsMap;
        final XContentType updateSourceContentType = sourceAndContent.v1();
        String routing = getResult.getFields().containsKey(RoutingFieldMapper.NAME) ? getResult.field(RoutingFieldMapper.NAME).getValue().toString() : null;
        String parent = getResult.getFields().containsKey(ParentFieldMapper.NAME) ? getResult.field(ParentFieldMapper.NAME).getValue().toString() : null;

        if (request.script() == null && request.doc() != null) {
            IndexRequest indexRequest = request.doc();
            updatedSourceAsMap = sourceAndContent.v2();
            if (indexRequest.ttl() > 0) {
                ttl = indexRequest.ttl();
            timestamp = indexRequest.timestamp();
            if (indexRequest.routing() != null) {
                routing = indexRequest.routing();
            if (indexRequest.parent() != null) {
                parent = indexRequest.parent();
            boolean noop = !XContentHelper.update(updatedSourceAsMap, indexRequest.sourceAsMap(), request.detectNoop());
            // noop could still be true even if detectNoop isn't because update detects empty maps as noops.  BUT we can only
            // actually turn the update into a noop if detectNoop is true to preserve backwards compatibility and to handle
            // cases where users repopulating multi-fields or adding synonyms, etc.
            if (request.detectNoop() && noop) {
                operation = "none";
        } else {
            Map<String, Object> ctx = new HashMap<>(2);
            ctx.put("_source", sourceAndContent.v2());

            try {
                ExecutableScript script = scriptService.executable(request.scriptLang, request.script, request.scriptType, request.scriptParams);
                script.setNextVar("ctx", ctx);
                // we need to unwrap the ctx...
                ctx = (Map<String, Object>) script.unwrap(ctx);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new ElasticsearchIllegalArgumentException("failed to execute script", e);

            operation = (String) ctx.get("op");
            timestamp = (String) ctx.get("_timestamp");

            ttl = getTTLFromScriptContext(ctx);
            updatedSourceAsMap = (Map<String, Object>) ctx.get("_source");

        // apply script to update the source
        // No TTL has been given in the update script so we keep previous TTL value if there is one
        if (ttl == null) {
            ttl = getResult.getFields().containsKey(TTLFieldMapper.NAME) ? (Long) getResult.field(TTLFieldMapper.NAME).getValue() : null;
            if (ttl != null) {
                ttl = ttl - (System.currentTimeMillis() - getDate); // It is an approximation of exact TTL value, could be improved

        if (operation == null || "index".equals(operation)) {
            final IndexRequest indexRequest = Requests.indexRequest(request.index()).type(request.type()).id(request.id()).routing(routing).parent(parent)
                    .source(updatedSourceAsMap, updateSourceContentType)
            return new Result(indexRequest, Operation.INDEX, updatedSourceAsMap, updateSourceContentType);
        } else if ("delete".equals(operation)) {
            DeleteRequest deleteRequest = Requests.deleteRequest(request.index()).type(request.type()).id(request.id()).routing(routing).parent(parent)
            return new Result(deleteRequest, Operation.DELETE, updatedSourceAsMap, updateSourceContentType);
        } else if ("none".equals(operation)) {
            UpdateResponse update = new UpdateResponse(getResult.getIndex(), getResult.getType(), getResult.getId(), getResult.getVersion(), false);
            update.setGetResult(extractGetResult(request, indexShard.indexService().index().name(), getResult.getVersion(), updatedSourceAsMap, updateSourceContentType, getResult.internalSourceRef()));
            return new Result(update, Operation.NONE, updatedSourceAsMap, updateSourceContentType);
        } else {
            logger.warn("Used update operation [{}] for script [{}], doing nothing...", operation, request.script);
            UpdateResponse update = new UpdateResponse(getResult.getIndex(), getResult.getType(), getResult.getId(), getResult.getVersion(), false);
            return new Result(update, Operation.NONE, updatedSourceAsMap, updateSourceContentType);
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Examples of org.elasticsearch.index.get.GetResult


        // TODO when using delete/none, we can still return the source as bytes by generating it (using the sourceContentType)
        return new GetResult(concreteIndex, request.type(), request.id(), version, true, sourceRequested ? sourceAsBytes : null, fields);
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