Examples of GenericModelException

Examples of org.ofbiz.entity.GenericModelException

                    } else {
                        // make sure the left entity alias is already in the join...
                        if (!joinedAliasSet.contains(viewLink.getEntityAlias())) {
                            throw new GenericModelException("Tried to link the " + viewLink.getEntityAlias() + " alias to the " + viewLink.getRelEntityAlias() + " alias of the " + modelViewEntity.getEntityName() + " view-entity, but it is not the first view-link and has not been included in a previous view-link. In other words, the left/main alias isn't connected to the rest of the member-entities yet.");
                    // now put the rel (right) entity alias into the set that is in the join

                    if (viewLink.isRelOptional()) {
                        restOfStatement.append(" LEFT OUTER JOIN ");
                    } else {
                        restOfStatement.append(" INNER JOIN ");

                    restOfStatement.append(makeViewTable(relLinkEntity, datasourceInfo));
                    //another possible one that some dbs might need, but not sure of any yet: restOfStatement.append(" AS ");
                    restOfStatement.append(" ");
                    restOfStatement.append(" ON ");

                    StringBuilder condBuffer = new StringBuilder();

                    for (int j = 0; j < viewLink.getKeyMapsSize(); j++) {
                        ModelKeyMap keyMap = viewLink.getKeyMap(j);
                        ModelField linkField = linkEntity.getField(keyMap.getFieldName());
                        if (linkField == null) {
                            throw new GenericModelException("Invalid field name in view-link key-map for the " + viewLink.getEntityAlias() + " and the " + viewLink.getRelEntityAlias() + " member-entities of the " + modelViewEntity.getEntityName() + " view-entity; the field [" + keyMap.getFieldName() + "] does not exist on the [" + linkEntity.getEntityName() + "] entity.");
                        ModelField relLinkField = relLinkEntity.getField(keyMap.getRelFieldName());
                        if (relLinkField == null) {
                            throw new GenericModelException("Invalid related field name in view-link key-map for the " + viewLink.getEntityAlias() + " and the " + viewLink.getRelEntityAlias() + " member-entities of the " + modelViewEntity.getEntityName() + " view-entity; the field [" + keyMap.getRelFieldName() + "] does not exist on the [" + relLinkEntity.getEntityName() + "] entity.");

                        if (condBuffer.length() > 0) {
                            condBuffer.append(" AND ");


                        condBuffer.append(" = ");

                    if (condBuffer.length() == 0) {
                        throw new GenericModelException("No view-link/join key-maps found for the " + viewLink.getEntityAlias() + " and the " + viewLink.getRelEntityAlias() + " member-entities of the " + modelViewEntity.getEntityName() + " view-entity.");

                    // TODO add expression from entity-condition on view-link


                    // don't put ending parenthesis
                    if (i < (modelViewEntity.getViewLinksSize() - 1) && useParenthesis) restOfStatement.append(')');

                if (useParenthesis) sql.append(openParens.toString());

                // handle tables not included in view-link
                boolean fromEmpty = restOfStatement.length() == 0;
                for (String aliasName: modelViewEntity.getMemberModelMemberEntities().keySet()) {
                    ModelEntity fromEntity = modelViewEntity.getMemberModelEntity(aliasName);

                    if (!joinedAliasSet.contains(aliasName)) {
                        if (!fromEmpty) sql.append(", ");
                        fromEmpty = false;

                        sql.append(makeViewTable(fromEntity, datasourceInfo));
                        sql.append(" ");

            } else if ("theta-oracle".equals(datasourceInfo.joinStyle) || "theta-mssql".equals(datasourceInfo.joinStyle)) {
                // FROM clause
                Iterator<String> meIter = modelViewEntity.getMemberModelMemberEntities().keySet().iterator();

                while (meIter.hasNext()) {
                    String aliasName = meIter.next();
                    ModelEntity fromEntity = modelViewEntity.getMemberModelEntity(aliasName);

                    sql.append(makeViewTable(fromEntity, datasourceInfo));
                    sql.append(" ");
                    if (meIter.hasNext()) sql.append(", ");

                // JOIN clause(s): none needed, all the work done in the where clause for theta-oracle
            } else {
                throw new GenericModelException("The join-style " + datasourceInfo.joinStyle + " is not yet supported");
        } else {
        return sql.toString();
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Examples of org.ofbiz.entity.GenericModelException

            } else {
                throw new GenericModelException("The join-style " + joinStyle + " is not supported");

            if (whereString.length() > 0) {
                return "(" + whereString.toString() + ")";
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Examples of org.ofbiz.entity.GenericModelException

    public static void getValue(ResultSet rs, int ind, ModelField curField, GenericEntity entity, ModelFieldTypeReader modelFieldTypeReader) throws GenericEntityException {
        ModelFieldType mft = modelFieldTypeReader.getModelFieldType(curField.getType());

        if (mft == null) {
            throw new GenericModelException("definition fieldType " + curField.getType() + " not found, cannot getValue for field " +
                    entity.getEntityName() + "." + curField.getName() + ".");

        // ----- Try out the new handler code -----
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Examples of org.ofbiz.entity.GenericModelException

    public static <T> void setValue(SQLProcessor sqlP, ModelField modelField, String entityName, Object fieldValue, ModelFieldTypeReader modelFieldTypeReader) throws GenericEntityException {
        ModelFieldType mft = modelFieldTypeReader.getModelFieldType(modelField.getType());

        if (mft == null) {
            throw new GenericModelException("GenericDAO.getValue: definition fieldType " + modelField.getType() + " not found, cannot setValue for field " +
                    entityName + "." + modelField.getName() + ".");

        // if the value is the GenericEntity.NullField, treat as null
        if (fieldValue == GenericEntity.NULL_FIELD) {
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Examples of org.ofbiz.entity.GenericModelException

    public int insert(GenericEntity entity) throws GenericEntityException {
        ModelEntity modelEntity = entity.getModelEntity();

        if (modelEntity == null) {
            throw new GenericModelException("Could not find ModelEntity record for entityName: " + entity.getEntityName());

        SQLProcessor sqlP = new SQLProcessor(helperInfo);

        try {
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Examples of org.ofbiz.entity.GenericModelException

    public int updateAll(GenericEntity entity) throws GenericEntityException {
        ModelEntity modelEntity = entity.getModelEntity();

        if (modelEntity == null) {
            throw new GenericModelException("Could not find ModelEntity record for entityName: " + entity.getEntityName());

        return customUpdate(entity, modelEntity, modelEntity.getNopksCopy());
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Examples of org.ofbiz.entity.GenericModelException

    public int update(GenericEntity entity) throws GenericEntityException {
        ModelEntity modelEntity = entity.getModelEntity();

        if (modelEntity == null) {
            throw new GenericModelException("Could not find ModelEntity record for entityName: " + entity.getEntityName());

        // we don't want to update ALL fields, just the nonpk fields that are in the passed GenericEntity
        List<ModelField> partialFields = FastList.newInstance();
        Collection<String> keys = entity.getAllKeys();
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Examples of org.ofbiz.entity.GenericModelException

    public void select(GenericEntity entity, SQLProcessor sqlP) throws GenericEntityException {
        ModelEntity modelEntity = entity.getModelEntity();

        if (modelEntity == null) {
            throw new GenericModelException("Could not find ModelEntity record for entityName: " + entity.getEntityName());

        if (modelEntity.getPksSize() <= 0) {
            throw new GenericEntityException("Entity has no primary keys, cannot select by primary key");
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Examples of org.ofbiz.entity.GenericModelException

    public void partialSelect(GenericEntity entity, Set<String> keys) throws GenericEntityException {
        ModelEntity modelEntity = entity.getModelEntity();

        if (modelEntity == null) {
            throw new GenericModelException("Could not find ModelEntity record for entityName: " + entity.getEntityName());

        if (modelEntity instanceof ModelViewEntity) {
            throw new org.ofbiz.entity.GenericNotImplementedException("Operation partialSelect not supported yet for view entities");

         if (entity == null || entity.<%=modelEntity.pkNameString(" == null || entity."," == null")%>) {
         Debug.logWarning("[GenericDAO.select]: Cannot select GenericEntity: required primary key field(s) missing.", module);
         return false;
        // we don't want to select ALL fields, just the nonpk fields that are in the passed GenericEntity
        List<ModelField> partialFields = FastList.newInstance();

        Set<String> tempKeys = new TreeSet<String>(keys);

        Iterator<ModelField> nopkIter = modelEntity.getNopksIterator();
        while (nopkIter.hasNext()) {
            ModelField curField = nopkIter.next();
            if (tempKeys.contains(curField.getName())) {

        if (tempKeys.size() > 0) {
            throw new GenericModelException("In partialSelect invalid field names specified: " + tempKeys.toString());

        StringBuilder sqlBuffer = new StringBuilder("SELECT ");

        if (partialFields.size() > 0) {
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Examples of org.ofbiz.entity.GenericModelException


            if (tempKeys.size() > 0) {
                throw new GenericModelException("In selectListIteratorByCondition invalid field names specified: " + tempKeys.toString());
        } else {
            selectFields = modelEntity.getFieldsUnmodifiable();
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