Examples of GenericFormatter

Examples of net.yacy.cora.date.GenericFormatter

            parts.put("iam", UTF8.StringBody(myHash));
            if (targetHash != null) parts.put("youare", UTF8.StringBody(targetHash));
            // time information for synchronization
            // use our own formatter to prevent concurrency locks with other processes
            GenericFormatter my_SHORT_SECOND_FORMATTER  = new GenericFormatter(GenericFormatter.FORMAT_SHORT_SECOND, GenericFormatter.time_second);
            parts.put("mytime", UTF8.StringBody(my_SHORT_SECOND_FORMATTER.format()));
            parts.put("myUTC", UTF8.StringBody(Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis())));

            // network identification
            parts.put(SwitchboardConstants.NETWORK_NAME, UTF8.StringBody(networkName));
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Examples of net.yacy.cora.date.GenericFormatter

        this.entry = rowdef.newEntry();
        this.entry.setCol(col_hash, url.hash()); // FIXME potential null pointer access
        this.entry.setCol(col_comp, encodeComp(url, descr, dc_creator, tags, dc_publisher, Float.parseFloat(lats), Float.parseFloat(lons)));

        // create new formatters to make concurrency possible
        GenericFormatter formatter = new GenericFormatter(GenericFormatter.FORMAT_SHORT_DAY, GenericFormatter.time_minute);
        try {
            encodeDate(col_mod, formatter.parse(prop.getProperty("mod", "20000101")));
        } catch (final ParseException e) {
            encodeDate(col_mod, new Date());
        try {
            encodeDate(col_load, formatter.parse(prop.getProperty("load", "20000101")));
        } catch (final ParseException e) {
            encodeDate(col_load, new Date());
        try {
            encodeDate(col_fresh, formatter.parse(prop.getProperty("fresh", "20000101")));
        } catch (final ParseException e) {
            encodeDate(col_fresh, new Date());
        this.entry.setCol(col_referrer, UTF8.getBytes(prop.getProperty("referrer", "")));
        this.entry.setCol(col_md5, Digest.decodeHex(prop.getProperty("md5", "")));
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Examples of net.yacy.cora.date.GenericFormatter

        final StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(300);
        if (metadata == null) return null;
        //System.out.println("author=" + comp.author());
        // create new formatters to make concurrency possible
        GenericFormatter formatter = new GenericFormatter(GenericFormatter.FORMAT_SHORT_DAY, GenericFormatter.time_minute);
        try {
            assert (s.toString().indexOf(0) < 0);
            s.append(",url=").append(crypt.simpleEncode(metadata.url().toNormalform(false, true)));
            assert (s.toString().indexOf(0) < 0);
            assert (s.toString().indexOf(0) < 0);
            assert (s.toString().indexOf(0) < 0);
            assert (s.toString().indexOf(0) < 0);
            assert (s.toString().indexOf(0) < 0);
            assert (s.toString().indexOf(0) < 0);
            assert (s.toString().indexOf(0) < 0);
            assert (s.toString().indexOf(0) < 0);
            assert (s.toString().indexOf(0) < 0);
            assert (s.toString().indexOf(0) < 0);
            s.append(",referrer=").append(referrerHash() == null ? "" : ASCII.String(referrerHash()));
            assert (s.toString().indexOf(0) < 0);
            assert (s.toString().indexOf(0) < 0);
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Examples of net.yacy.cora.date.GenericFormatter

        this.entry = rowdef.newEntry();
        this.entry.setCol(col_hash, url.hash()); // FIXME potential null pointer access
        this.entry.setCol(col_comp, encodeComp(url, descr, dc_creator, tags, dc_publisher, Float.parseFloat(lats), Float.parseFloat(lons)));

        // create new formatters to make concurrency possible
        final GenericFormatter formatter = new GenericFormatter(GenericFormatter.FORMAT_SHORT_DAY, GenericFormatter.time_minute);

        try {
            encodeDate(col_mod, formatter.parse(prop.getProperty("mod", "20000101")));
        } catch (final ParseException e) {
            encodeDate(col_mod, new Date());
        try {
            encodeDate(col_load, formatter.parse(prop.getProperty("load", "20000101")));
        } catch (final ParseException e) {
            encodeDate(col_load, new Date());
        try {
            encodeDate(col_fresh, formatter.parse(prop.getProperty("fresh", "20000101")));
        } catch (final ParseException e) {
            encodeDate(col_fresh, new Date());
        this.entry.setCol(col_referrer, UTF8.getBytes(prop.getProperty("referrer", "")));
        this.entry.setCol(col_md5, Digest.decodeHex(prop.getProperty("md5", "")));
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Examples of net.yacy.cora.date.GenericFormatter

        final StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(300);
        if (metadata == null) return null;
        //System.out.println("author=" + comp.author());

        // create new formatters to make concurrency possible
        final GenericFormatter formatter = new GenericFormatter(GenericFormatter.FORMAT_SHORT_DAY, GenericFormatter.time_minute);

        try {
            assert (s.toString().indexOf(0) < 0);
            s.append(",url=").append(crypt.simpleEncode(metadata.url().toNormalform(false, true)));
            assert (s.toString().indexOf(0) < 0);
            assert (s.toString().indexOf(0) < 0);
            assert (s.toString().indexOf(0) < 0);
            assert (s.toString().indexOf(0) < 0);
            assert (s.toString().indexOf(0) < 0);
            assert (s.toString().indexOf(0) < 0);
            assert (s.toString().indexOf(0) < 0);
            assert (s.toString().indexOf(0) < 0);
            assert (s.toString().indexOf(0) < 0);
            assert (s.toString().indexOf(0) < 0);
            s.append(",referrer=").append(referrerHash() == null ? "" : ASCII.String(referrerHash()));
            assert (s.toString().indexOf(0) < 0);
            assert (s.toString().indexOf(0) < 0);
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Examples of net.yacy.cora.date.GenericFormatter

    /** puts the current time into the lastseen field and cares about the time differential to UTC */
    public final void setLastSeenUTC() {
        // because java thinks it must apply the UTC offset to the current time,
        // to create a string that looks like our current time, it adds the local UTC offset to the
        // time. To create a corrected UTC Date string, we first subtract the local UTC offset.
        final GenericFormatter my_SHORT_SECOND_FORMATTER  = new GenericFormatter(GenericFormatter.FORMAT_SHORT_SECOND, GenericFormatter.time_second); // use our own formatter to prevent concurrency locks with other processes
        final String ls = my_SHORT_SECOND_FORMATTER.format(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() /*- DateFormatter.UTCDiff()*/));
        //System.out.println("SETTING LAST-SEEN of " + this.getName() + " to " + ls);
        this.dna.put(Seed.LASTSEEN, ls );
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Examples of net.yacy.cora.date.GenericFormatter

     * @return the last seen time converted to UTC in milliseconds
    public final long getLastSeenUTC() {
        try {
            final GenericFormatter my_SHORT_SECOND_FORMATTER  = new GenericFormatter(GenericFormatter.FORMAT_SHORT_SECOND, GenericFormatter.time_second); // use our own formatter to prevent concurrency locks with other processes
            final long t = my_SHORT_SECOND_FORMATTER.parse(get(Seed.LASTSEEN, "20040101000000")).getTime();
            // getTime creates a UTC time number. But in this case java thinks, that the given
            // time string is a local time, which has a local UTC offset applied.
            // Therefore java subtracts the local UTC offset, to get a UTC number.
            // But the given time string is already in UTC time, so the subtraction
            // of the local UTC offset is wrong. We correct this here by adding the local UTC
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Examples of net.yacy.cora.date.GenericFormatter

    public final long getBirthdate() {
        if (this.birthdate > 0) return this.birthdate;
        long b;
        try {
            final GenericFormatter my_SHORT_SECOND_FORMATTER  = new GenericFormatter(GenericFormatter.FORMAT_SHORT_SECOND, GenericFormatter.time_second); // use our own formatter to prevent concurrency locks with other processes
            b = my_SHORT_SECOND_FORMATTER.parse(get(Seed.BDATE, "20040101000000")).getTime();
        } catch (final ParseException e) {
            b = System.currentTimeMillis();
        this.birthdate = b;
        return this.birthdate;
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Examples of net.yacy.cora.date.GenericFormatter

            parts.put("iam", UTF8.StringBody(myHash));
            if (targetHash != null) parts.put("youare", UTF8.StringBody(targetHash));

            // time information for synchronization
            // use our own formatter to prevent concurrency locks with other processes
            final GenericFormatter my_SHORT_SECOND_FORMATTER  = new GenericFormatter(GenericFormatter.FORMAT_SHORT_SECOND, GenericFormatter.time_second);
            parts.put("mytime", UTF8.StringBody(my_SHORT_SECOND_FORMATTER.format()));
            parts.put("myUTC", UTF8.StringBody(Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis())));

            // network identification
            parts.put(SwitchboardConstants.NETWORK_NAME, UTF8.StringBody(networkName));
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