en.step(player, "no");
assertEquals("Ok, well just let me know if I can #help you with anything else.", getReply(npc));
en.step(player, "bye");
assertEquals("Bye.", getReply(npc));
Item apple= ItemTestHelper.createItem("apple", 1);
Item arandula = ItemTestHelper.createItem("arandula", 3);
Item porcini = ItemTestHelper.createItem("porcini", 1);
// bring some of the ingredients. try to take one twice
en.step(player, "hi");
assertEquals("Hi again. I can #heal you, or if you brought me #ingredients I'll happily take those!", getReply(npc));
en.step(player, "ingredients");
assertEquals("I need 3 #apples, 5 #'sprigs of arandula', a #'button mushroom', a #porcino, and 2 #'pieces of wood'. Did you bring something?", getReply(npc));
en.step(player, "wood");
assertEquals("You don't have a piece of wood with you!", getReply(npc));
en.step(player, "woos"); // misspelled "wood"
assertEquals("You don't have a piece of wood with you!", getReply(npc));
en.step(player, "arandula");
assertEquals("Good, do you have anything else?", getReply(npc));
en.step(player, "apple");
assertEquals("Good, do you have anything else?", getReply(npc));
en.step(player, "porcino");
assertEquals("Good, do you have anything else?", getReply(npc));
en.step(player, "porcini");
assertEquals("You have already brought 1 porcino for me but thank you anyway.", getReply(npc));
en.step(player, "porcinis"); // misspelled "porcini"
assertEquals("You have already brought 1 porcino for me but thank you anyway.", getReply(npc));
en.step(player, "no");
assertEquals("Ok, well just let me know if I can #help you with anything else.", getReply(npc));
en.step(player, "bye");
assertEquals("Bye.", getReply(npc));
final int xp = player.getXP();
Item apples2= ItemTestHelper.createItem("apple", 2);
Item arandula2 = ItemTestHelper.createItem("arandula", 2);
Item wood = ItemTestHelper.createItem("wood", 2);
Item mushroom = ItemTestHelper.createItem("button mushroom", 1);
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// bring remaining ingredients and check reward
en.step(player, "hi");