// theoretical maximum e * DEFAULT_REWARD_POINTS
int points = (int) (DEFAULT_REWARD_POINTS * Math.exp(1 - normalized));
// Give at least one xp for persistent but hopelessly slow players
points = Math.max(points, 1);
DBCommandQueue.get().enqueue(new WriteHallOfFamePointsCommand(player.getName(), "M", points, true));
new SetQuestAction("maze", 0, "done").fire(player, null, null);
new IncrementQuestAction("maze", 2, 1).fire(player, null, null);
player.sendPrivateText("You used " + TimeUtil.timeUntil((int) (timediff / 1000), true)
+ " to solve the maze. That was worth " + Grammar.quantityplnoun(points, "point") + ".");