info("getting a whole row: " + cass.getRow("yay for me").apply());
info("getting a column from a set of keys: " + cass.multigetColumn(Set("yay for me", "yay for you"), "name").apply());
info("getting a set of columns from a set of keys: " + cass.multigetColumns(Set("yay for me", "yay for you"), Set("name", "motto")).apply());
Future f = cass.rowsIteratee(2).foreach(new scala.runtime.AbstractFunction2<String, List<Column<String, String>>, scala.runtime.BoxedUnit>() {
public scala.runtime.BoxedUnit apply(String key, List<Column<String,String>> columns) {
info("Found: " + key);
return null;
Future f2 = cass.columnsIteratee(2, "yay for me").foreach(new Function<Column<String, String>, scala.runtime.BoxedUnit>() {
public scala.runtime.BoxedUnit apply(Column<String,String> column){
info("Found Columns Iteratee: " + column);
return null;
info("removing a column");
cass.removeColumn("yay for me", "motto").apply();
info("removing a row");