Package freemarker.template

Examples of freemarker.template.SimpleHash$SynchronizedHash


        ActionInvocation ai = ActionContext.getContext().getActionInvocation();

        Object action = (ai == null) ? null : ai.getAction();
        SimpleHash model = freemarkerManager.buildTemplateModel(stack, action, servletContext, req, res, config.getObjectWrapper());

        model.put("tag", templateContext.getTag());
        model.put("themeProperties", getThemeProps(templateContext.getTemplate()));

        // the BodyContent JSP writer doesn't like it when FM flushes automatically --
        // so let's just not do it (it will be flushed eventually anyway)
        Writer writer = templateContext.getWriter();
        final Writer wrapped = writer;
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  private static final String UI_ENV_CACHE = ".ui.envs";
  private static final String TEMPLATE_MODEL = ".beangle.TemplateModel";

  public void render(String template, ValueStack stack, Writer writer, Component component)
      throws Exception {
    SimpleHash model = buildModel(stack, component);
    Object prevTag = model.get("tag");
    model.put("tag", component);
    Environment env = getEnvironment(template, stack, model, writer);
    if (null != prevTag) {
      model.put("tag", prevTag);
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  private SimpleHash buildModel(ValueStack stack, Component component) {
    Map<?, ?> context = stack.getContext();
    HttpServletRequest req = (HttpServletRequest) context.get(ServletActionContext.HTTP_REQUEST);
    // build hash
    SimpleHash model = (SimpleHash) req.getAttribute(TEMPLATE_MODEL);
    if (null == model) {
      model = freemarkerManager.buildTemplateModel(stack, null,
          (ServletContext) context.get(ServletActionContext.SERVLET_CONTEXT), req,
          (HttpServletResponse) context.get(ServletActionContext.HTTP_RESPONSE),
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            public void doHandle(Request request, Response response, Writer writer) throws IOException, TemplateException {
                String username = sessionDAO.findUserNameBySessionId(getSessionCookie(request));

                List<DBObject> posts = blogPostDAO.findByDateDescending(10);
                SimpleHash root = new SimpleHash();

                root.put("myposts", posts);
                if (username != null) {
                    root.put("username", username);

                template.process(root, writer);

        // used to display actual blog post detail page
        get(new FreemarkerBasedRoute("/post/:permalink", "entry_template.ftl") {
            protected void doHandle(Request request, Response response, Writer writer) throws IOException, TemplateException {
                String permalink = request.params(":permalink");

                System.out.println("/post: get " + permalink);

                DBObject post = blogPostDAO.findByPermalink(permalink);
                if (post == null) {
                else {
                    // empty comment to hold new comment in form at bottom of blog entry detail page
                    SimpleHash newComment = new SimpleHash();
                    newComment.put("name", "");
                    newComment.put("email", "");
                    newComment.put("body", "");

                    SimpleHash root = new SimpleHash();

                    root.put("post", post);
                    root.put("comment", newComment);

                    template.process(root, writer);

        // handle the signup post
        post(new FreemarkerBasedRoute("/signup", "signup.ftl") {
            protected void doHandle(Request request, Response response, Writer writer) throws IOException, TemplateException {
                String email = request.queryParams("email");
                String username = request.queryParams("username");
                String password = request.queryParams("password");
                String verify = request.queryParams("verify");

                HashMap<String, String> root = new HashMap<String, String>();
                root.put("username", StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml4(username));
                root.put("email", StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml4(email));

                if (validateSignup(username, password, verify, email, root)) {
                    // good user
                    System.out.println("Signup: Creating user with: " + username + " " + password);
                    if (!userDAO.addUser(username, password, email)) {
                        // duplicate user
                        root.put("username_error", "Username already in use, Please choose another");
                        template.process(root, writer);
                    else {
                        // good user, let's start a session
                        String sessionID = sessionDAO.startSession(username);
                        System.out.println("Session ID is" + sessionID);

                        response.raw().addCookie(new Cookie("session", sessionID));
                else {
                    // bad signup
                    System.out.println("User Registration did not validate");
                    template.process(root, writer);

        // present signup form for blog
        get(new FreemarkerBasedRoute("/signup", "signup.ftl") {
            protected void doHandle(Request request, Response response, Writer writer)
                    throws IOException, TemplateException {

                SimpleHash root = new SimpleHash();

                // initialize values for the form.
                root.put("username", "");
                root.put("password", "");
                root.put("email", "");
                root.put("password_error", "");
                root.put("username_error", "");
                root.put("email_error", "");
                root.put("verify_error", "");

                template.process(root, writer);

        // will present the form used to process new blog posts
        get(new FreemarkerBasedRoute("/newpost", "newpost_template.ftl") {
            protected void doHandle(Request request, Response response, Writer writer) throws IOException, TemplateException {

                // get cookie
                String username = sessionDAO.findUserNameBySessionId(getSessionCookie(request));

                if (username == null) {
                    // looks like a bad request. user is not logged in
                else {
                    SimpleHash root = new SimpleHash();
                    root.put("username", username);

                    template.process(root, writer);

        // handle the new post submission
        post(new FreemarkerBasedRoute("/newpost", "newpost_template.ftl") {
            protected void doHandle(Request request, Response response, Writer writer)
                    throws IOException, TemplateException {

                String title = StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml4(request.queryParams("subject"));
                String post = StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml4(request.queryParams("body"));
                String tags = StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml4(request.queryParams("tags"));

                String username = sessionDAO.findUserNameBySessionId(getSessionCookie(request));

                if (username == null) {
                    response.redirect("/login");    // only logged in users can post to blog
                else if (title.equals("") || post.equals("")) {
                    // redisplay page with errors
                    HashMap<String, String> root = new HashMap<String, String>();
                    root.put("errors", "post must contain a title and blog entry.");
                    root.put("subject", title);
                    root.put("username", username);
                    root.put("tags", tags);
                    root.put("body", post);
                    template.process(root, writer);
                else {
                    // extract tags
                    ArrayList<String> tagsArray = extractTags(tags);

                    // substitute some <p> for the paragraph breaks
                    post = post.replaceAll("\\r?\\n", "<p>");

                    String permalink = blogPostDAO.addPost(title, post, tagsArray, username);

                    // now redirect to the blog permalink
                    response.redirect("/post/" + permalink);

        get(new FreemarkerBasedRoute("/welcome", "welcome.ftl") {
            protected void doHandle(Request request, Response response, Writer writer) throws IOException, TemplateException {

                String cookie = getSessionCookie(request);
                String username = sessionDAO.findUserNameBySessionId(cookie);

                if (username == null) {
                    System.out.println("welcome() can't identify the user, redirecting to signup");

                else {
                    SimpleHash root = new SimpleHash();

                    root.put("username", username);

                    template.process(root, writer);

        // process a new comment
        post(new FreemarkerBasedRoute("/newcomment", "entry_template.ftl") {
            protected void doHandle(Request request, Response response, Writer writer)
                    throws IOException, TemplateException {
                String name = StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml4(request.queryParams("commentName"));
                String email = StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml4(request.queryParams("commentEmail"));
                String body = StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml4(request.queryParams("commentBody"));
                String permalink = request.queryParams("permalink");

                DBObject post = blogPostDAO.findByPermalink(permalink);
                if (post == null) {
                // check that comment is good
                else if (name.equals("") || body.equals("")) {
                    // bounce this back to the user for correction
                    SimpleHash root = new SimpleHash();
                    SimpleHash comment = new SimpleHash();

                    comment.put("name", name);
                    comment.put("email", email);
                    comment.put("body", body);
                    root.put("comment", comment);
                    root.put("post", post);
                    root.put("errors", "Post must contain your name and an actual comment");

                    template.process(root, writer);
                else {
                    blogPostDAO.addPostComment(name, email, body, permalink);
                    response.redirect("/post/" + permalink);

        // present the login page
        get(new FreemarkerBasedRoute("/login", "login.ftl") {
            protected void doHandle(Request request, Response response, Writer writer) throws IOException, TemplateException {
                SimpleHash root = new SimpleHash();

                root.put("username", "");
                root.put("login_error", "");

                template.process(root, writer);

        // process output coming from login form. On success redirect folks to the welcome page
        // on failure, just return an error and let them try again.
        post(new FreemarkerBasedRoute("/login", "login.ftl") {
            protected void doHandle(Request request, Response response, Writer writer) throws IOException, TemplateException {

                String username = request.queryParams("username");
                String password = request.queryParams("password");

                System.out.println("Login: User submitted: " + username + "  " + password);

                DBObject user = userDAO.validateLogin(username, password);

                if (user != null) {

                    // valid user, let's log them in
                    String sessionID = sessionDAO.startSession(user.get("_id").toString());

                    if (sessionID == null) {
                    else {
                        // set the cookie for the user's browser
                        response.raw().addCookie(new Cookie("session", sessionID));

                else {
                    SimpleHash root = new SimpleHash();

                    root.put("username", StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml4(username));
                    root.put("password", "");
                    root.put("login_error", "Invalid Login");
                    template.process(root, writer);

        // Show the posts filed under a certain tag
        get(new FreemarkerBasedRoute("/tag/:thetag", "blog_template.ftl") {
            protected void doHandle(Request request, Response response, Writer writer)
                    throws IOException, TemplateException {

                String username = sessionDAO.findUserNameBySessionId(getSessionCookie(request));
                SimpleHash root = new SimpleHash();

                String tag = StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml4(request.params(":thetag"));
                List<DBObject> posts = blogPostDAO.findByTagDateDescending(tag);

                root.put("myposts", posts);
                if (username != null) {
                    root.put("username", username);

                template.process(root, writer);

        // tells the user that the URL is dead
        get(new FreemarkerBasedRoute("/post_not_found", "post_not_found.ftl") {
            protected void doHandle(Request request, Response response, Writer writer) throws IOException, TemplateException {
                SimpleHash root = new SimpleHash();
                template.process(root, writer);

        // allows the user to logout of the blog
        get(new FreemarkerBasedRoute("/logout", "signup.ftl") {
            protected void doHandle(Request request, Response response, Writer writer) throws IOException, TemplateException {

                String sessionID = getSessionCookie(request);

                if (sessionID == null) {
                    // no session to end
                else {
                    // deletes from session table

                    // this should delete the cookie
                    Cookie c = getSessionCookieActual(request);



        // used to process internal errors
        get(new FreemarkerBasedRoute("/internal_error", "error_template.ftl") {
            protected void doHandle(Request request, Response response, Writer writer) throws IOException, TemplateException {
                SimpleHash root = new SimpleHash();

                root.put("error", "System has encountered an error.");
                template.process(root, writer);
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            public void doHandle(Request request, Response response, Writer writer) throws IOException, TemplateException {
                String username = sessionDAO.findUserNameBySessionId(getSessionCookie(request));

                List<DBObject> posts = blogPostDAO.findByDateDescending(10);
                SimpleHash root = new SimpleHash();

                root.put("myposts", posts);
                if (username != null) {
                    root.put("username", username);

                template.process(root, writer);

        // used to display actual blog post detail page
        get(new FreemarkerBasedRoute("/post/:permalink", "entry_template.ftl") {
            protected void doHandle(Request request, Response response, Writer writer) throws IOException, TemplateException {
                String permalink = request.params(":permalink");

                System.out.println("/post: get " + permalink);

                DBObject post = blogPostDAO.findByPermalink(permalink);
                if (post == null) {
                else {
                    // empty comment to hold new comment in form at bottom of blog entry detail page
                    SimpleHash newComment = new SimpleHash();
                    newComment.put("name", "");
                    newComment.put("email", "");
                    newComment.put("body", "");

                    SimpleHash root = new SimpleHash();

                    root.put("post", post);
                    root.put("comment", newComment);

                    template.process(root, writer);

        // handle the signup post
        post(new FreemarkerBasedRoute("/signup", "signup.ftl") {
            protected void doHandle(Request request, Response response, Writer writer) throws IOException, TemplateException {
                String email = request.queryParams("email");
                String username = request.queryParams("username");
                String password = request.queryParams("password");
                String verify = request.queryParams("verify");

                HashMap<String, String> root = new HashMap<String, String>();
                root.put("username", StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml4(username));
                root.put("email", StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml4(email));

                if (validateSignup(username, password, verify, email, root)) {
                    // good user
                    System.out.println("Signup: Creating user with: " + username + " " + password);
                    if (!userDAO.addUser(username, password, email)) {
                        // duplicate user
                        root.put("username_error", "Username already in use, Please choose another");
                        template.process(root, writer);
                    else {
                        // good user, let's start a session
                        String sessionID = sessionDAO.startSession(username);
                        System.out.println("Session ID is" + sessionID);

                        response.raw().addCookie(new Cookie("session", sessionID));
                else {
                    // bad signup
                    System.out.println("User Registration did not validate");
                    template.process(root, writer);

        // present signup form for blog
        get(new FreemarkerBasedRoute("/signup", "signup.ftl") {
            protected void doHandle(Request request, Response response, Writer writer)
                    throws IOException, TemplateException {

                SimpleHash root = new SimpleHash();

                // initialize values for the form.
                root.put("username", "");
                root.put("password", "");
                root.put("email", "");
                root.put("password_error", "");
                root.put("username_error", "");
                root.put("email_error", "");
                root.put("verify_error", "");

                template.process(root, writer);

        // will present the form used to process new blog posts
        get(new FreemarkerBasedRoute("/newpost", "newpost_template.ftl") {
            protected void doHandle(Request request, Response response, Writer writer) throws IOException, TemplateException {

                // get cookie
                String username = sessionDAO.findUserNameBySessionId(getSessionCookie(request));

                if (username == null) {
                    // looks like a bad request. user is not logged in
                else {
                    SimpleHash root = new SimpleHash();
                    root.put("username", username);

                    template.process(root, writer);

        // handle the new post submission
        post(new FreemarkerBasedRoute("/newpost", "newpost_template.ftl") {
            protected void doHandle(Request request, Response response, Writer writer)
                    throws IOException, TemplateException {

                String title = StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml4(request.queryParams("subject"));
                String post = StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml4(request.queryParams("body"));
                String tags = StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml4(request.queryParams("tags"));

                String username = sessionDAO.findUserNameBySessionId(getSessionCookie(request));

                if (username == null) {
                    response.redirect("/login");    // only logged in users can post to blog
                else if (title.equals("") || post.equals("")) {
                    // redisplay page with errors
                    HashMap<String, String> root = new HashMap<String, String>();
                    root.put("errors", "post must contain a title and blog entry.");
                    root.put("subject", title);
                    root.put("username", username);
                    root.put("tags", tags);
                    root.put("body", post);
                    template.process(root, writer);
                else {
                    // extract tags
                    ArrayList<String> tagsArray = extractTags(tags);

                    // substitute some <p> for the paragraph breaks
                    post = post.replaceAll("\\r?\\n", "<p>");

                    String permalink = blogPostDAO.addPost(title, post, tagsArray, username);

                    // now redirect to the blog permalink
                    response.redirect("/post/" + permalink);

        get(new FreemarkerBasedRoute("/welcome", "welcome.ftl") {
            protected void doHandle(Request request, Response response, Writer writer) throws IOException, TemplateException {

                String cookie = getSessionCookie(request);
                String username = sessionDAO.findUserNameBySessionId(cookie);

                if (username == null) {
                    System.out.println("welcome() can't identify the user, redirecting to signup");

                else {
                    SimpleHash root = new SimpleHash();

                    root.put("username", username);

                    template.process(root, writer);

        // process a new comment
        post(new FreemarkerBasedRoute("/newcomment", "entry_template.ftl") {
            protected void doHandle(Request request, Response response, Writer writer)
                    throws IOException, TemplateException {
                String name = StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml4(request.queryParams("commentName"));
                String email = StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml4(request.queryParams("commentEmail"));
                String body = StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml4(request.queryParams("commentBody"));
                String permalink = request.queryParams("permalink");

                DBObject post = blogPostDAO.findByPermalink(permalink);
                if (post == null) {
                // check that comment is good
                else if (name.equals("") || body.equals("")) {
                    // bounce this back to the user for correction
                    SimpleHash root = new SimpleHash();
                    SimpleHash comment = new SimpleHash();

                    comment.put("name", name);
                    comment.put("email", email);
                    comment.put("body", body);
                    root.put("comment", comment);
                    root.put("post", post);
                    root.put("errors", "Post must contain your name and an actual comment");

                    template.process(root, writer);
                else {
                    blogPostDAO.addPostComment(name, email, body, permalink);
                    response.redirect("/post/" + permalink);

        // present the login page
        get(new FreemarkerBasedRoute("/login", "login.ftl") {
            protected void doHandle(Request request, Response response, Writer writer) throws IOException, TemplateException {
                SimpleHash root = new SimpleHash();

                root.put("username", "");
                root.put("login_error", "");

                template.process(root, writer);

        // process output coming from login form. On success redirect folks to the welcome page
        // on failure, just return an error and let them try again.
        post(new FreemarkerBasedRoute("/login", "login.ftl") {
            protected void doHandle(Request request, Response response, Writer writer) throws IOException, TemplateException {

                String username = request.queryParams("username");
                String password = request.queryParams("password");

                System.out.println("Login: User submitted: " + username + "  " + password);

                DBObject user = userDAO.validateLogin(username, password);

                if (user != null) {

                    // valid user, let's log them in
                    String sessionID = sessionDAO.startSession(user.get("_id").toString());

                    if (sessionID == null) {
                    else {
                        // set the cookie for the user's browser
                        response.raw().addCookie(new Cookie("session", sessionID));

                else {
                    SimpleHash root = new SimpleHash();

                    root.put("username", StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml4(username));
                    root.put("password", "");
                    root.put("login_error", "Invalid Login");
                    template.process(root, writer);

        // Show the posts filed under a certain tag
        get(new FreemarkerBasedRoute("/tag/:thetag", "blog_template.ftl") {
            protected void doHandle(Request request, Response response, Writer writer)
                    throws IOException, TemplateException {

                String username = sessionDAO.findUserNameBySessionId(getSessionCookie(request));
                SimpleHash root = new SimpleHash();

                String tag = StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml4(request.params(":thetag"));
                List<DBObject> posts = blogPostDAO.findByTagDateDescending(tag);

                root.put("myposts", posts);
                if (username != null) {
                    root.put("username", username);

                template.process(root, writer);

        // will allow a user to click Like on a post
        post(new FreemarkerBasedRoute("/like", "entry_template.ftl") {
            protected void doHandle(Request request, Response response, Writer writer) throws IOException, TemplateException {

                String permalink = request.queryParams("permalink");
                String commentOrdinalStr = request.queryParams("comment_ordinal");

                // look up the post in question

                int ordinal = Integer.parseInt(commentOrdinalStr);

                // TODO: check return or have checkSession throw
                String username = sessionDAO.findUserNameBySessionId(getSessionCookie(request));
                DBObject post = blogPostDAO.findByPermalink(permalink);

                //  if post not found, redirect to post not found error
                if (post == null) {
                else {
                    blogPostDAO.likePost(permalink, ordinal);

                    response.redirect("/post/" + permalink);

        // tells the user that the URL is dead
        get(new FreemarkerBasedRoute("/post_not_found", "post_not_found.ftl") {
            protected void doHandle(Request request, Response response, Writer writer) throws IOException, TemplateException {
                SimpleHash root = new SimpleHash();
                template.process(root, writer);

        // allows the user to logout of the blog
        get(new FreemarkerBasedRoute("/logout", "signup.ftl") {
            protected void doHandle(Request request, Response response, Writer writer) throws IOException, TemplateException {

                String sessionID = getSessionCookie(request);

                if (sessionID == null) {
                    // no session to end
                else {
                    // deletes from session table

                    // this should delete the cookie
                    Cookie c = getSessionCookieActual(request);



        // used to process internal errors
        get(new FreemarkerBasedRoute("/internal_error", "error_template.ftl") {
            protected void doHandle(Request request, Response response, Writer writer) throws IOException, TemplateException {
                SimpleHash root = new SimpleHash();

                root.put("error", "System has encountered an error.");
                template.process(root, writer);
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    protected SimpleHash getContext(RunData data)
        // Attempt to get it from the TemplateInfo first.  If it
        // doesn't exist, create it and then stuff it into the
        // TemplateInfo.
        SimpleHash context = (SimpleHash)data.getTemplateInfo()
        if (context == null)
            FreeMarkerService fm = (FreeMarkerService)TurbineServices
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     * @exception Exception, a generic exception.
    public ConcreteElement buildTemplate(RunData data)
        throws Exception
        SimpleHash context = getContext(data);
        String templateName = data.getTemplateInfo().getNavigationTemplate();
        FreeMarkerService fm = (FreeMarkerService)

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    protected SimpleHash getContext(RunData data)
        // Attempt to get it from the TemplateInfo first.  If it
        // doesn't exist, create it and then stuff it into the
        // TemplateInfo.
        SimpleHash context = (SimpleHash)data.getTemplateInfo()
        if (context == null)
            FreeMarkerService fm = (FreeMarkerService)TurbineServices
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     * @exception Exception, a generic exception.
    public ConcreteElement buildTemplate(RunData data)
        throws Exception
        SimpleHash context = getContext(data);
        String templateName = TurbineTemplate.getScreenTemplateName(
            data.getTemplateInfo().getScreenTemplate() );

        // Template service adds the leading slash, but make it sure.
        if ((templateName.length() > 0) &&
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            // get the configuration and template
            Configuration config = freemarkerManager.getConfiguration(servletContext);
            Template template = config.getTemplate(decorator.getPage(), getLocale(ctx.getActionInvocation(), config)); // WW-1181

            // get the main hash
            SimpleHash model = freemarkerManager.buildTemplateModel(ctx.getValueStack(), null, servletContext, req, res, config.getObjectWrapper());

            // populate the hash with the page
            model.put("page", page);
            if (page instanceof HTMLPage) {
                HTMLPage htmlPage = ((HTMLPage) page);
                model.put("head", htmlPage.getHead());
            model.put("", new SimpleHash(page.getProperties()));

            // finally, render it
            template.process(model, res.getWriter());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            String msg = "Error applying decorator: " + e.getMessage();
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Related Classes of freemarker.template.SimpleHash$SynchronizedHash

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