// Actuators y
List<IActuator> actuatorsYList;
List<String> actuatorsNamesYList;
String[] actuatorsNamesYArray;
IDimension2DY dimensionY = config.getDimensionY();
actuatorsYList = dimensionY.getActuatorsList();
actuatorsNamesYList = new ArrayList<String>(actuatorsYList.size());
for (IActuator actuator : actuatorsYList) {
if (actuator.isEnabled()) {
actuatorsNamesYArray = actuatorsNamesYList
.toArray(new String[actuatorsNamesYList.size()]);
setAttribute("actuators2", actuatorsNamesYArray);
// Dimensions X
// Tango exchanges trajectories as double arrays that contains the positions, in
// order,
// actuator after actuator, range after range, of the trajectories of all the
// actuators.
// There is one such array per dimension.
double[] allActuatorsPositionsXArray;
double initialValueX;
// Contains the positions in order, range after range, of the trajectories of an
// actuator.
List<Double> actuatorPositionsXList;
// Contains the positions in order, actuator after actuator, range after range,
// of
// the trajectories of all the actuators.
List<Double> allActuatorsPositionsXList;
// The list of integrations times.
List<Double> integrationsTimesXList;
double[] integrationsTimesXArray;
int integrationTimeIndexX;
// The list of speeds.
List<Double> speedXList = new ArrayList<Double>();
double[] speedXArray;
// The number of points, which is the total steps numbers + 1 per range.
int totalStepsNumberX;
// The actuators used for this dimension
List<IActuator> dimensionActuatorsXList;
// Tango API
dimensionActuatorsXList = dimensionX.getActuatorsList();
// The positions, sorted as Tango expect them.
allActuatorsPositionsXList = new ArrayList<Double>();
// The number of enabled actuators.
int enabledActuatorsXNumber = 0;
// The positions must be sorted by actuator, so we loop over the actuators.
for (IActuator actuator : dimensionActuatorsXList) {
if (actuator.isEnabled()) {
initialValueX = ActuatorConnector.getData(actuator);
actuatorPositionsXList = new ArrayList<Double>();
// For each actuators, the positions must be sorted by range.
for (ITrajectory2DX trajectory : findActuatorTrajectories(dimensionX,
actuator)) {
// The speeds must be sorted in the same order, so we read them
// here.
// Integration Time and steps number.
integrationsTimesXList = new ArrayList<Double>(dimensionX.getRangesList()
int stepsNumberX;
totalStepsNumberX = 0;
for (IRange2DX range : dimensionX.getRangesList()) {
stepsNumberX = range.getStepsNumber();
for (integrationTimeIndexX = 0; integrationTimeIndexX < stepsNumberX + 1; ++integrationTimeIndexX) {
totalStepsNumberX += stepsNumberX + 1;
integrationsTimesXArray = toDoubleArray(integrationsTimesXList);
setAttribute("integrationTimes", integrationsTimesXArray);
setAttribute("pointNumber", totalStepsNumberX);
// Trajectories
// Builds the array from the list.
allActuatorsPositionsXArray = toDoubleArray(allActuatorsPositionsXList);
// Sends the array to Tango.
DeviceAttribute trajectoriesXAttribute = new DeviceAttribute("trajectories");
if (enabledActuatorsXNumber != 0) {
totalStepsNumberX, enabledActuatorsXNumber);
else {
trajectoriesXAttribute.insert(new double[] {}, 0, 1);
// Speed.
speedXArray = toDoubleArray(speedXList);
setAttribute("scanSpeed", speedXArray);
// Dimensions Y
// Tango exchanges trajectories as double arrays that contains the positions, in
// order,
// actuator after actuator, range after range, of the trajectories of all the
// actuators.
// There is one such array per dimension.
double[] allActuatorsPositionsYArray;
double initialValueY;
// Contains the positions in order, range after range, of the trajectories of an
// actuator.
List<Double> actuatorPositionsYList;
// Contains the positions in order, actuator after actuator, range after range,
// of
// the trajectories of all the actuators.
List<Double> allActuatorsPositionsYList;
// The number of points, which is the total steps numbers + 1 per range.
int totalStepsNumberY;
// The actuators used for this dimension
List<IActuator> dimensionActuatorsYList;
// Dimension
dimensionActuatorsYList = dimensionY.getActuatorsList();
// The positions, sorted as Tango expect them.
allActuatorsPositionsYList = new ArrayList<Double>();
// The number of enabled actuators.
int enabledActuatorsYNumber = 0;
// The positions must be sorted by actuator, so we loop over the actuators.
for (IActuator actuator : dimensionActuatorsYList) {
if (actuator.isEnabled()) {
initialValueY = ActuatorConnector.getData(actuator);
actuatorPositionsYList = new ArrayList<Double>();
// For each actuators, the positions must be sorted by range.
for (ITrajectory2DY trajectory : findActuatorTrajectories(dimensionY,
actuator)) {
// The number of points
totalStepsNumberY = 0;
for (IRange2DY range : dimensionY.getRangesList()) {
totalStepsNumberY += range.getStepsNumber() + 1;
setAttribute("pointNumber2", totalStepsNumberY);
// Builds the array from the list.