if (TangoAttributeHelper.isAttributeRunning(scanServerName, "data_01")) {
Map<String, PlotProperties> propertiesMap = uiPreferences.getPlotPropertiesMap();
// Parse plot properties to set the axis
Set<String> plotKeySet = propertiesMap.keySet();
PlotProperties plotProp = null;
Vector<String> y2SensorDataVector = new Vector<String>();
Vector<String> y1SensorDataVector = new Vector<String>();
Vector<String> y2DataVector = new Vector<String>();
Vector<String> y1DataVector = new Vector<String>();
Vector<String> zDataVector = new Vector<String>();
Vector<String> noneDataVector = new Vector<String>();
String simpleActuatorName = null;
String y1dataFitterAttribute = null;
String y2dataFitterAttribute = null;
String attributeName = null;
String deviceName = null;
for (String dataViewId : plotKeySet) {
if (dataViewId.indexOf("/") > -1) {
attributeName = TangoDeviceHelper.getEntityName(dataViewId);
deviceName = TangoDeviceHelper.getDeviceName(dataViewId);
} else {
attributeName = dataViewId;
deviceName = scanServerName;
plotProp = propertiesMap.get(dataViewId);
int axis = plotProp.getAxisChoice();
switch (axis) {
case IChartViewer.Y1:
CurrentScanDataModel.addAttributeAxisMap(attributeName, Axis.Y1);
case IChartViewer.Y2: