Examples of FrameConstraint

Examples of org.arch4j.ui.layout.FrameConstraint

    addComponentRelativeToBottom( cardPanel, 350 );
    helpPanel = new HelpPanel();
    helpPanel.setBorder( new TitledBorder( "Help" ));
        layout.setConstraint( helpPanel,
                new FrameConstraint( 0.0, x,
                                     1.0, -340,
                                     1.0, rightIndent,
                                     1.0, -5 ));

        add( helpPanel );
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Examples of org.arch4j.ui.layout.FrameConstraint

        JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane( detailsPanel );
        scrollPane.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy( JScrollPane.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED );
        scrollPane.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy( JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED );
        layout.setConstraint( scrollPane,
                              new FrameConstraint( 0.0, x,
                                                   0.0, y,
                                                   1.0, 0,
                                                   1.0, -yIncrement ) );
        add( scrollPane );
        // create the add button and listen for pressed.
        nextButton = new JButton( "Next" );
        nextButton.setActionCommand( "nextNode" );
        nextButton.addActionListener( this );
        //layout in the lower right corner of the panel
        layout.setConstraint( nextButton,
                              new FrameConstraint( 1.0, -100,
                                                   1.0, -yIncrement+boxOffset,
                                                   1.0, -5,
                                                   1.0, 0-boxOffset ) );       
        add( nextButton );
        // create the add button and listen for pressed.
        previousButton = new JButton( "Previous" );
        previousButton.setActionCommand( "previousNode" );
        previousButton.addActionListener( this );
        //layout in the lower right corner of the panel
        layout.setConstraint( previousButton,
                              new FrameConstraint( 1.0, -200,
                                                   1.0, -yIncrement+boxOffset,
                                                   1.0, -105,
                                                   1.0, 0-boxOffset ) );       
        add( previousButton );
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Examples of org.arch4j.ui.layout.FrameConstraint

        theButton.setActionCommand( "showChanges" );
        theButton.addActionListener( this );
        //layout in the lower right corner of the panel
        layout.setConstraint( theButton,
                              new FrameConstraint( 0.5, -105,
                                                   1.0, -35,
                                                   0.5, -5,
                                                   1.0, -10 ) );       
        add( theButton );
        // create the add button and listen for pressed.
        theButton = new JButton( "Close" );
        theButton.setActionCommand( "cancelPressed" );
        theButton.addActionListener( this );
        //layout in the lower right corner of the panel
        layout.setConstraint( theButton,
                              new FrameConstraint( 0.5, 5,
                                                   1.0, -35,
                                                   0.5, 105,
                                                   1.0, -10 ) );       
        add( theButton );
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Examples of org.arch4j.ui.layout.FrameConstraint

          closeButton.setActionCommand( "cancelPressed" );
          closeButton.addActionListener( this );
          //layout in the lower right corner of the panel
          layout.setConstraint( closeButton,
                                new FrameConstraint( 0.5, -50,
                                                     1.0, -35,
                                                     0.5, 50,
                                                     1.0, -10 ) );       
          add( closeButton );
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Examples of org.arch4j.ui.layout.FrameConstraint

        layout.setConstraint( serverTabPane,
                new FrameConstraint( 0.0, 5,
                                     0.0, 5,
                                     1.0, -5,
                                     1.0, -5 ));
        add( serverTabPane );
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Examples of org.arch4j.ui.layout.FrameConstraint

        JPanel theServerListPanel = new JPanel();
        theServerListPanel.setBorder( new TitledBorder( "Servers" ) );
        theServerListPanel.setLayout( new BorderLayout() );
        layout.setConstraint( theServerListPanel,
                new FrameConstraint( 0.0, x,
                                     0.0, 10,
                                     0.0, 200,
                                     0.0, 200 ));

        add( theServerListPanel );
        theServerListPanel.add( new JScrollPane( serverList ), BorderLayout.CENTER);
        JButton addButton = new JButton( "Add" );
        addButton.setActionCommand( "addServer" );
        addButton.addActionListener( this );
        JButton removeButton = new JButton( "Remove" );
        removeButton.setActionCommand( "removeServer" );
        removeButton.addActionListener( this );
        JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel();
        buttonPanel.add( addButton );
        buttonPanel.add( removeButton );
        buttonPanel.setPreferredSize( new Dimension( 100, 30 ));
        theServerListPanel.add( buttonPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH );
        JPanel theServerDetailPanel = new JPanel();
        theServerDetailPanel.setBorder( new TitledBorder( "Server Detail" ) );
        theServerDetailPanel.setLayout( new BorderLayout() );
        editorPanel = new ServerConfigurationPanel();
        theServerDetailPanel.add( editorPanel );
        layout.setConstraint( theServerDetailPanel,
                new FrameConstraint( 0.0, 220,
                                     0.0, 10,
                                     1.0, -5,
                                     0.0, 200 ));
        add( theServerDetailPanel );
        JButton cancelButton = new JButton("Cancel");
            new FrameConstraint(0.5, 5, 1.0, -35, 0.5, 80, 1.0, -10));
        JButton okButton = new JButton("OK");
            new FrameConstraint(0.5, -70, 1.0, -35, 0.5, -5, 1.0, -10));
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Examples of org.arch4j.ui.layout.FrameConstraint

        addComponentRelativeToBottom( theScroller, 50 );
        cancelButton = new JButton("Cancel");
                new FrameConstraint(0.5, 90, 1.0, -33, 0.5, 190, 1.0, -10) );
        saveAndCloseButton = new JButton("OK");
            new FrameConstraint(0.5, -5, 1.0, -33, 0.5, 85, 1.0, -10));
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Examples of org.arch4j.ui.layout.FrameConstraint

        theProjectsPanel.setLayout( new BorderLayout() );
        theProjectsPanel.add( theButtonPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH );
        theProjectsPanel.add( theProjectsDetailPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER );
        layout.setConstraint( theProjectsPanel,
                new FrameConstraint( 0.0, x,
                                     0.0, y - ( yHeight + 5 ),
                                     1.0, -10,
                                     1.0, -10 ));
        add( theProjectsPanel );
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Examples of org.arch4j.ui.layout.FrameConstraint

    text.setEditable( false );
    JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane( text );
        layout.setConstraint( scrollPane,
                new FrameConstraint( 0.0, 5,
                                     0.0, 0,
                                     1.0, -10,
                                     1.0, -50 ));
        add( scrollPane );
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Examples of org.arch4j.ui.layout.FrameConstraint

      try {
        List servers = CruisecontrolServerManager.getServers();
      allProjectsPanel = new MultiServerProjectDisplayPanel( servers, this );
        layout.setConstraint( allProjectsPanel,
                    new FrameConstraint( 0.0, 5,
                                         0.0, 5,
                                         1.0, -5,
                                         1.0, -5 ));
            add( allProjectsPanel );
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