String newBody = null;
// Try to consider the second word (if any) as a stash token. If it is one, stash the headers.
String token = Iterables.get(subjectWords, 1, null);
if (token != null && memcache.load(new Key(TOKEN, token)) != null) {
Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>();
params.put("payload", rawHeaders); Key(STASH, token), params, STASH_EXPIRATION);
newBody = tempUrlFactory.getTempUrl(token);
String newSender = "tester@" + Splitter.on('@').splitToList(to).get(1);
String newRecipient = Optional.fromNullable(replyTo).or(from);
// We construct the references and in-reply-to headers according to RFC 5322 3.6.4. The new