protected void doExecute() throws InvalidProcessStateException, ProcessExecutionException {
logger.debug("Updating user profile for sharing folder '{}'.", context.getFolder().getName());
try {
UserProfile userProfile = profileManager.getUserProfile(getID(), true);
FolderIndex folderIndex = (FolderIndex) userProfile.getFileByPath(context.getFolder(), root);
if (!folderIndex.canWrite()) {
throw new ProcessExecutionException(String.format(
"Cannot share folder '%s' with read-only access.", folderIndex.getName()));
} else if (!folderIndex.getSharedFlag() && folderIndex.isSharedOrHasSharedChildren()) {
// restriction that disallows sharing folders within other shared folders
throw new ProcessExecutionException(String.format(
"Folder '%s' is already shared or contains an shared folder.", folderIndex.getName()));
// check if the folder is already shared with this user
if (folderIndex.getCalculatedUserList().contains(context.getFriendId())) {
throw new ProcessExecutionException(String.format(
"Friend '%s' already has access to folder '%s'.", context.getFriendId(),
// store for the notification
if (folderIndex.getSharedFlag()) {
// this if-clause allows sharing with multiple users and omits the next if-clause
logger.debug("Sharing an already shared folder '{}' with friend '{}'.",
folderIndex.getName(), context.getFriendId());
} else {
// make the node shared with the new protection keys
// add read/write user permission of friend
// add write user permission of user itself
folderIndex.addUserPermissions(new UserPermission(userId, PermissionType.WRITE));
// upload modified profile
profileManager.readyToPut(userProfile, getID());