Package flex2.compiler.util

Examples of flex2.compiler.util.QName

                        String s = inherited.get(j).toString().intern();
                        //Make sure that the inheritance list doesn't contain itself or a package.
                        if (!s.equals(debug) && !s.equals(otherPackage))
                            QName q = new QName(s);
                            if (!q.getLocalPart().equals(""))
                                assert !((q.getLocalPart().equals(cls)) && (q.getNamespace().equals(pkg))) : "same class";
            else if (current.def instanceof FunctionDefinitionNode)
                FunctionDefinitionNode fd = (FunctionDefinitionNode)current.def;
                debug = fd.fexpr.debug_name;
                int colon = debug.indexOf(':');
                int slash = debug.indexOf('/');
                if (colon < 0)
                    pkg = "";
                    if (slash < 0) //when there's only a name (Ex. debug == Foobar)
                        cls = "";
                    else  //when there happens to be a slash (Ex. debug == Class/Function)
                        cls = debug.substring(0, slash).intern();
                    pkg = debug.substring(0, colon).intern();
                    if (slash < 0)   //when you have debug == packageName:Function
                        cls = "";
                    else if (slash < colon//when debug == className/private:something (mxml case)
                        pkg = "";
                        cls = debug.substring(0, slash).intern();
                    else  //when debug == packageName:className/Function
                        cls = debug.substring(colon + 1, slash).intern();
            else if (current.def instanceof VariableDefinitionNode)
                VariableBindingNode vb = (VariableBindingNode)(((VariableDefinitionNode)current.def).list.items.get(0));
                debug = vb.debug_name;
                int colon = debug.indexOf(':');
                int slash = debug.indexOf('/');
                if (colon < 0)
                    pkg = "";
                    if (slash < 0)
                        cls = "";
                        cls = debug.substring(0, slash).intern();
                    pkg = debug.substring(0, colon).intern();
                    if (slash < 0)
                        cls = "";
                    else if (slash < colon)
                        pkg = "";
                        cls = debug.substring(0, slash).intern();
                        cls = debug.substring(colon + 1, slash).intern();
            //Add to list for other classes (they will be in a separate package)
            if (!pkg.equals(packageName))
                if (cls.equals(""))
                    cls = "null";
                List<DocCommentNode> l = otherClasses.get(cls);
                if (l == null)
                    l = new ArrayList<DocCommentNode>();
                otherClasses.put(cls, l);
            else  //Add to list for public class
        if (mainDef//there exists a public class definition
            this.put(name, mainClass, inheritance, exclude, cx, abcClass);
        else    //null classname for package level functions
            this.put(new QName(packageName, "null"), mainClass, inheritance, exclude, cx, abcClass);
        //for classes outside the package but in the same sourcefile (should be private, but we exclude anyway)
        if (otherPackage != null)
            Iterator<String> iter = otherClasses.keySet().iterator();
            while (iter.hasNext())
                //Add other classes under asc generated package name
                String cls =;
                this.put(new QName(otherPackage, cls), otherClasses.get(cls), otherInheritance.get(cls), true, cx, abcClass);
        //This is to ensure that the packageTable contains all the package names (as keys).
        if (!packageTable.containsKey(packageName))
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            if (packageName == null)
                packageName = "";
            if (className == null || className.equals(""))
                className = "null";
            String name = NameFormatter.toDot(new QName(packageName, className));
            CommentsTable temp = classTable.get(name);
            return new ArrayList<DocComment>(temp.values());
        } catch (NullPointerException e)
            return null;   //if a given class/package do not exist
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            //Search through all parent classes and implemented interfaces
            Iterator iter = inheritance.iterator();
            CommentsTable baseClassObj = null;
            QName baseClass = null;
            while (iter.hasNext()){
                QName nextClass = (QName);
                CommentsTable t = classTable.get(NameFormatter.toDot(nextClass));
                if(restoreBuiltinClasses && t == null && nextClass.getNamespace().equals(QName.DEFAULT_NAMESPACE) && !"Object_ASDoc".equals(abcClass.getName()))
                    nextClass = new QName(QName.DEFAULT_NAMESPACE, nextClass.getLocalPart() + "_ASDoc");
                    t = classTable.get(NameFormatter.toDot(nextClass));
                if (t != null)
                        baseClassObj = t;
                        baseClass = nextClass;
                    //retrieve inherited Documentation.
                    //Special case for class definition comments
                    if (key.type == DocComment.CLASS)
                        inheritDoc = t.getCommentForInherit(new KeyPair(nextClass.getLocalPart(), DocComment.CLASS));
                        inheritDoc = t.getCommentForInherit(key);
                if (inheritDoc != null)
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          for (Iterator iter = signatureChecksums.entrySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();)
            Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
            // lookup definition in swc context
                    QName qName = (QName) entry.getKey();
            Long dataSignatureChecksum = (Long)entry.getValue();
            Long swcSignatureChecksum = swcContext.getChecksum(qName);
                    if (swcSignatureChecksum == null && qName != null)
                        Source source = swcContext.getSource(qName.getNamespace(), qName.getLocalPart());
                        if (source != null)
                            swcSignatureChecksum = new Long(source.getLastModified());
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    if (data.swcDefSignatureChecksums != null)
      for (Iterator iter = unit.topLevelDefinitions.iterator(); iter.hasNext();)
          QName qname = (QName);
            data.swcDefSignatureChecksums.put(qname, signatureChecksum);
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        scripts = new TreeMap<String, Script>();
        for (int i = 0; i < definitionNames.length; i++)
            QName def = names.get(i);
            Script s = swcContext.getScript(def, includeBytecodes);
            scripts.put(def.toString(), s);
        components = new TreeMap<String, Component>();
        for (Iterator i = swcContext.getComponentIterator(); i.hasNext(); )
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          //  HACK for 174078: width="n%" at the root of an MXML app is a specification of the ratio of
          //  player to browser width, not app to player width. So we pass it through to the SWF, but strip
          //  it from the MXML DOM, preventing it from showing up in the property settings for the root UIC.
          node.removeAttribute(new QName(width.getNamespace(), rootAttrWidth));
          if (value instanceof Double)
            value = new Integer(((Double) value).intValue());
          swfvarmap.put(rootAttrWidth, value);

        Attribute height = node.getAttribute(DEFAULT_NAMESPACE, rootAttrHeight);
        if (height != null && isApplication)
            String heightString = height.getValue().toString();
      Object value = rootAttributeParser.parseNumberOrPercentage(heightString,

      if (value != null)
        if (rootAttributeParser.wasPercentage())
          if (heightString.endsWith("%"))
                        swfvarmap.put("heightPercent", heightString);
                        swfvarmap.put("heightPercent", heightString + '%');

          //  HACK for 174078: as above for width
          node.removeAttribute(new QName(height.getNamespace(), rootAttrHeight));
          if (value instanceof Double)
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    Map<String, Object> rootAttributeEmbedNamesMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    //  Type type = typeTable.getType(node.getNamespace(), node.getLocalPart());

    for (Iterator it = node.getAttributeNames(); it != null && it.hasNext();)
      QName qname = (QName);
      //  String namespace = qname.getNamespace();
      String localPart = qname.getLocalPart();

      if ((type.getProperty( localPart ) != null)
        || (type.hasEffect( localPart ))
        || (type.getStyle( localPart ) != null)
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        Source source = new Source(file, relativePath, className, null, false, false, false);

        if (source != null)
            sources.put(new QName(packageName, className), source);

        // Also recursively generate sources for any additional assets
        List<Transcoder.TranscodingResults> childAssets = asset.additionalAssets;
        if (childAssets != null)
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            Iterator<QName> iterator = variables.iterator();

            while ( iterator.hasNext() )
                QName qName =;
                if ( variableName.equals( qName.getLocalPart() ) )
                    result = true;
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Related Classes of flex2.compiler.util.QName

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