Transcoder[] transcoders = WebTierAPI.getTranscoders(tempOEMConfiguration.configuration);
SubCompiler[] compilers = WebTierAPI.getCompilers(compilerConfig, mappings, transcoders);
CompilerSwcContext swcContext = new CompilerSwcContext(true);
swcContext.load( compilerConfig.getLibraryPath(),
data.swcCache );
catch (SwcException ex)
if (Trace.error)
clean(false /* cleanData */, false /* cleanCache */, false /* cleanOutput */);
return FAIL;
// save the generated swcCache if the class has a libraryCache.
if (libraryCache != null)
// If checksum is different, rebuild.
if (OEMUtil.isRecompilationNeeded(data, swcContext, tempOEMConfiguration))
if (benchmark != null)
benchmark.benchmark2("Starting full compile for " + getOutput(), true);
clean(true /* cleanData */,
false /* cleanCache */,
false /* cleanOutput */,
true /* cleanConfig */,
false /* cleanMessages */,
false /* cleanThreadLocals */);
int returnValue = recompile(true, licenseMap, tempOEMConfiguration);
if (benchmark != null)
benchmark.benchmark2("Ending full compile for " + getOutput(), true);
clean(returnValue != OK, false, false);
return returnValue;
// If --include-sources is different, rebuild.
Set<VirtualFile> fileSet = null;
if ((fileSet = processSources(compilerConfig)) == null)
clean(false /* cleanData */, false /* cleanCache */, false /* cleanOutput */);
return FAIL;
// If --include-stylesheets is different, rebuild.
boolean isFileSpecDifferent = isDifferent(data.fileSet, fileSet);
if (isFileSpecDifferent)
if (benchmark != null)
benchmark.benchmark2("Starting full compile for " + getOutput(), true);
clean(true /* cleanData */,
false /* cleanCache */,
false /* cleanOutput */,
true /* cleanConfig */,
false /* cleanMessages */,
false /* cleanThreadLocals */);
int returnValue = recompile(true, licenseMap, tempOEMConfiguration);
if (benchmark != null)
benchmark.benchmark2("Ending full compile for " + getOutput(), true);
clean(returnValue != OK, false, false);
return returnValue;
if (benchmark != null)
// We aren't really starting the compile here, but it's
// the earliest that we know that it's going to be an
// active compilation.
benchmark.benchmark2("Starting active compile for " + getOutput(), true);
data.includes = new HashSet<String>(swcContext.getIncludes());
data.excludes = new HashSet<String>(swcContext.getExterns());
tempOEMConfiguration.configuration.addExterns( swcContext.getExterns() );
tempOEMConfiguration.configuration.addIncludes( swcContext.getIncludes() );
data.swcArchiveFiles = new HashMap<String, VirtualFile>(swcContext.getIncludeFiles());
// The ToolsConfiguration expects class names in QName format.
Set<String> qNameClasses = new HashSet<String>();
for (String className : classes)
// Allow -include-classes to override the -external-library-path.
// If we want only inheritance dependencies of -include-classes then
// add the classes to the includes list. When
// -include-inheritance-dependencies-only is turned on the dependency
// walker will ignore all the classes except for the includes.
if (tempOEMConfiguration.configuration.getIncludeInheritanceDependenciesOnly())
int count = CompilerAPI.validateCompilationUnits(data.fileSpec, data.sourceList, data.sourcePath,
data.bundlePath, data.resources, swcContext,
data.classes, data.perCompileData,
Map<String, Source> classes = new TreeMap<String, Source>();
Set<SwcComponent> nsComponents = null;
if ((nsComponents = processInputs(swcContext, copy, classes)) == null)
clean(false /* cleanData */, false /* cleanCache */, false /* cleanOutput */);
return FAIL;
// If the other --include-* are different, build incrementally.
boolean isDifferent = isDifferent(data.classes.keySet(), classes.keySet());
if (count > 0 || isDifferent || isResourceBundleListDifferent() ||
data.swcChecksum != swcContext.checksum())
// create a symbol table
SymbolTable symbolTable = new SymbolTable(tempOEMConfiguration.configuration, data.perCompileData);
data.configuration = tempOEMConfiguration.configuration;
data.nsComponents = nsComponents;
data.classes = classes;
data.fileSet = fileSet;
data.linkChecksum = tempOEMConfiguration.cfgbuf.link_checksum_ts();
data.swcChecksum = swcContext.checksum();
// compile
data.sources = new ArrayList<Source>();
data.units = compile(compilers, swcContext, symbolTable, mappings, licenseMap, classes, data.sources);
boolean forcedToStop = CompilerAPI.forcedToStop();
if (data.units == null || forcedToStop)
clean(true, false, false);
return FAIL;
if (benchmark != null)
benchmark.benchmark2("Ending active compile for " + getOutput(), true);
clean(false /* cleanData */, false /* cleanCache */, false /* cleanOutput */);
return OK;
if (benchmark != null)
benchmark.stopTime(Benchmark.PRECOMPILE, false);
int retVal = SKIP;
if (data != null)
if (data.linkChecksum != tempOEMConfiguration.cfgbuf.link_checksum_ts())
retVal = LINK;
retVal = LINK;
data.linkChecksum = tempOEMConfiguration.cfgbuf.link_checksum_ts();
data.swcChecksum = swcContext.checksum();
if (CompilerAPI.forcedToStop()) retVal = FAIL;
if (benchmark != null)