/** {@inheritDoc} */
public Object invoke(Message message)
RemotingDestination remotingDestination = (RemotingDestination)getDestination();
RemotingMessage remotingMessage = (RemotingMessage)message;
FactoryInstance factoryInstance = remotingDestination.getFactoryInstance();
// We don't allow the client to specify the source for
// Java based services.
String className = factoryInstance.getSource();
String methodName = remotingMessage.getOperation();
List parameters = remotingMessage.getParameters();
Object result = null;
// Test that the target method may be invoked based upon include/exclude method settings.
if (includeMethods != null)
RemotingMethod method = (RemotingMethod)includeMethods.get(methodName);
if (method == null)
MethodMatcher.methodNotFound(methodName, null, new Match(null));
// Check method-level security constraint, if defined.
SecurityConstraint constraint = method.getSecurityConstraint();
if (constraint != null)
else if ((excludeMethods != null) && excludeMethods.containsKey(methodName))
MethodMatcher.methodNotFound(methodName, null, new Match(null));
// Lookup and invoke.
Object instance = createInstance(factoryInstance.getInstanceClass());
if (instance == null)
MessageException me = new MessageException("Null instance returned from: " + factoryInstance);
throw me;
Class c = instance.getClass();
MethodMatcher methodMatcher = remotingDestination.getMethodMatcher();
Method method = methodMatcher.getMethod(c, methodName, parameters);
result = method.invoke(instance, parameters.toArray());