Package flex.messaging.messages

Examples of flex.messaging.messages.Message

    protected void doOutboundFilter(final ActionContext context) throws IOException
            Message messageToReturn = responseMessage;
            responseMessage = null;
            // If MPI is enabled update the MPI metrics on the object referred to by the context
            // and the messages.
            if (context.isRecordMessageSizes() || context.isRecordMessageTimes())
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        else if (data.getClass().isArray())
            data = Array.get(data, 0);

        Message inMessage;
        if (data instanceof Message)
            inMessage = (Message)data;
            throw new MessageException("Request was not of type flex.messaging.messages.Message");

        Object outMessage = null;

        String replyMethodName = MessageIOConstants.STATUS_METHOD;

            // Lookup or create the correct FlexClient.

            // Assign a clientId if necessary.
            // We don't need to assign clientIds to general poll requests.
            if (inMessage.getClientId() == null &&
                (!(inMessage instanceof CommandMessage) || ((CommandMessage)inMessage).getOperation() != CommandMessage.POLL_OPERATION))
                Object clientId = UUIDUtils.createUUID();

            // Messages received via the AMF channel can be batched (by NetConnection on the client) and
            // we must not put the handler thread into a poll-wait state if a poll command message is followed by
            // or preceeded by other messages in the batch; the request-response loop must complete without waiting.
            // If the poll command is the only message in the batch it's ok to wait.
            // If it isn't ok to wait, tag the poll message with a header that short-circuits any potential poll-wait.
            if (inMessage instanceof CommandMessage)
                CommandMessage command = (CommandMessage)inMessage;
                if ((command.getOperation() == CommandMessage.POLL_OPERATION) && (context.getRequestMessage().getBodyCount() != 1))
                    command.setHeader(CommandMessage.SUPPRESS_POLL_WAIT_HEADER, Boolean.TRUE);

            // If MPI is enabled update the MPI metrics on the object referred to by the context
            // and the messages
            if (context.isMPIenabled())
                MessagePerformanceUtils.setupMPII(context, inMessage);

            // Service the message.
            outMessage = endpoint.serviceMessage(inMessage);

            // if processing of the message resulted in an error, set up context and reply method accordingly
            if (outMessage instanceof ErrorMessage)
                replyMethodName = MessageIOConstants.STATUS_METHOD;
                replyMethodName = MessageIOConstants.RESULT_METHOD;
        catch (MessageException e)
            replyMethodName = MessageIOConstants.STATUS_METHOD;

            outMessage = e.createErrorMessage();

            e.logAtHingePoint(inMessage, (ErrorMessage)outMessage, null /* Use default message intros */);
        catch (Throwable t)
            // Handle any uncaught failures. The normal exception path on the server
            // is to throw MessageExceptions which are handled in the catch block above,
            // so if that was skipped we have an overlooked or serious problem.
            replyMethodName = MessageIOConstants.STATUS_METHOD;

            String lmeMessage = t.getMessage();
            if (lmeMessage == null)
                lmeMessage = t.getClass().getName();

            MessageException lme = new MessageException();
            lme.setMessage(UNHANDLED_ERROR, new Object[] {lmeMessage});

            outMessage = lme.createErrorMessage();

            if (Log.isError())
                Log.getLogger(LOG_CATEGORY).error("Unhandled error when processing a message: " +
                        t.toString() + StringUtils.NEWLINE +
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    public Message convertToSmallMessage(Message message)
        if (message instanceof SmallMessage)
            Message smallMessage = ((SmallMessage)message).getSmallMessage();
            if (smallMessage != null)
                message = smallMessage;

        return message;
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        if (isManaged())
            ((EndpointControl) getControl()).incrementServiceMessageCount();

        Message ack = null;

        // Make sure this message is timestamped.
        if (message.getTimestamp() == 0)

        // Reset the endpoint header for inbound messages to the id for this endpoint
        // to guarantee that it's correct. Don't allow clients to spoof this.
        // However, if the endpoint id is passed as null we need to tag the message to
        // skip channel/endpoint validation at the destination level (MessageBroker.inspectChannel()).
        if (message.getHeader(Message.ENDPOINT_HEADER) != null)
            message.setHeader(Message.VALIDATE_ENDPOINT_HEADER, Boolean.TRUE);
        message.setHeader(Message.ENDPOINT_HEADER, getId());

        if (message instanceof CommandMessage)
            CommandMessage command = (CommandMessage)message;

            // Apply channel endpoint level constraint; always allow login commands through.
            int operation = command.getOperation();
            if (operation != CommandMessage.LOGIN_OPERATION)

            // Handle general (not Consumer specific) poll requests here.
            // We need to fetch all outbound messages for client subscriptions over this endpoint.
            // We identify these general poll messages by their operation and a null clientId.           
            if (operation == CommandMessage.POLL_OPERATION && message.getClientId() == null)

                FlexClient flexClient = FlexContext.getFlexClient();
                ack = handleFlexClientPollCommand(flexClient, command);
            else if (operation == CommandMessage.DISCONNECT_OPERATION)
                ack = handleChannelDisconnect(command);
            else if (operation == CommandMessage.TRIGGER_CONNECT_OPERATION)
                ack = new AcknowledgeMessage();
                // Block a subset of commands for legacy clients that need to be recompiled to
                // interop with a 2.5+ server.
                if (operation == CommandMessage.SUBSCRIBE_OPERATION || operation == CommandMessage.POLL_OPERATION)

                ack = getMessageBroker().routeCommandToService((CommandMessage) message, this);

                // Look for client advertised features on initial connect.
                if (operation == CommandMessage.CLIENT_PING_OPERATION || operation == CommandMessage.LOGIN_OPERATION)
                    Number clientVersion = (Number)command.getHeader(CommandMessage.MESSAGING_VERSION);

                    // Also respond by advertising the messaging version on the
                    // acknowledgement.
                    ack.setHeader(CommandMessage.MESSAGING_VERSION, new Double(messagingVersion));
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                 "Before handling general client poll request. " + StringUtils.NEWLINE +
                 "  incomingMessage: " + pollCommand + StringUtils.NEWLINE);

        FlushResult flushResult = handleFlexClientPoll(flexClient, pollCommand);
        Message pollResponse = null;

        // Generate a no-op poll response if necessary; prevents a single client from busy polling when the server
        // is doing wait()-based long-polls.
        if ((flushResult instanceof PollFlushResult) && ((PollFlushResult)flushResult).isClientProcessingSuppressed())
            pollResponse = new CommandMessage(CommandMessage.CLIENT_SYNC_OPERATION);
            pollResponse.setHeader(CommandMessage.NO_OP_POLL_HEADER, Boolean.TRUE);

        if (pollResponse == null)
            List messagesToReturn = (flushResult != null) ? flushResult.getMessages() : null;
            if (messagesToReturn != null && !messagesToReturn.isEmpty())
                pollResponse = new CommandMessage(CommandMessage.CLIENT_SYNC_OPERATION);
                pollResponse = new AcknowledgeMessage();

        // Set the adaptive poll wait time if necessary.
        if (flushResult != null)
            int nextFlushWaitTime = flushResult.getNextFlushWaitTimeMillis();
            if (nextFlushWaitTime > 0)
                pollResponse.setHeader(CommandMessage.POLL_WAIT_HEADER, new Integer(nextFlushWaitTime));

        if (Log.isDebug())
            String debugPollResult = Log.getPrettyPrinter().prettify(pollResponse);
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            AmfxOutput amfxOut = getAmfxOutput();
            ByteArrayOutputStream outStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            DataOutputStream dataOutStream = new DataOutputStream(outStream);
            Message message = (Message);

            // Add performance information if MPI is enabled.
            if (isRecordMessageSizes() || isRecordMessageTimes())
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            Amf3Output amfOut = getAmfOutput();
            ByteArrayOutputStream outStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            DataOutputStream dataOutStream = new DataOutputStream(outStream);
            Message message = (Message);
            // Add performance information if MPI is enabled.
            if (isRecordMessageSizes() || isRecordMessageTimes())
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        FlushResult flushResult = new FlushResult();
        ArrayList messagesToFlush = new ArrayList();
        for (Iterator iter = outboundQueue.iterator(); iter.hasNext();)
            Message message = (Message);           
            if (!isMessageExpired(message))
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    public FlushResult flush(MessageClient client, List outboundQueue)
        FlushResult flushResult = new FlushResult();
        List messagesForClient = new ArrayList();
        Message message = null;
        for (Iterator iter = outboundQueue.iterator(); iter.hasNext();)
            message = (Message);
            if (message.getClientId().equals(client.getClientId()))
                if (!isMessageExpired(message))
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        FlushResult flushResult = new FlushResult();
        ArrayList messagesToFlush = new ArrayList();
        for (Iterator iter = outboundQueue.iterator(); iter.hasNext();)
            Message message = (Message);           
            if (!isMessageExpired(message))
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Related Classes of flex.messaging.messages.Message

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