topic = (Topic)destination;
catch (ClassCastException cce)
// JMS topic proxy for JMS destination ''{0}'' has a destination type of ''{1}'' which is not Topic.
MessageException me = new MessageException();
me.setMessage(JMSConfigConstants.NON_TOPIC_DESTINATION, new Object[] {destinationJndiName, destination.getClass().getName()});
throw me;
// Create connection
TopicConnectionFactory topicFactory;
topicFactory = (TopicConnectionFactory)connectionFactory;
if (connectionCredentials != null)
connection = topicFactory.createTopicConnection(connectionCredentials.getUsername(), connectionCredentials.getPassword());
connection = topicFactory.createTopicConnection();
catch (ClassCastException cce)
// JMS topic proxy for JMS destination ''{0}'' has a connection factory type of ''{1}'' which is not TopicConnectionFactory.
MessageException me = new MessageException();
me.setMessage(JMSConfigConstants.NON_TOPIC_FACTORY, new Object[] {destinationJndiName, connectionFactory.getClass().getName()});
throw me;
TopicConnection topicConnection = (TopicConnection)connection;
if (durableConsumers)
if (Log.isDebug())
Log.getLogger(JMSAdapter.LOG_CATEGORY).debug("JMS consumer for JMS destination '"
+ destinationJndiName + "' is setting its underlying connection's client id to "
+ durableSubscriptionName + " for durable subscription.");
catch (Exception e)
// Try to set the clientID in a seperate thread.
ExecutorService clientIdSetter = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
ClientIdSetterCallable cisc = new ClientIdSetterCallable(topicFactory, durableSubscriptionName);
Future future = clientIdSetter.submit(cisc);
topicConnection = (TopicConnection)future.get();
catch (InterruptedException ie)
if (Log.isWarn())
Log.getLogger(JMSAdapter.LOG_CATEGORY).warn("The proxied durable JMS subscription with name, "
+ durableSubscriptionName + " could not set its client id "
+ "on the topic connection because it was interrupted: "
+ ie.toString());
catch (ExecutionException ee)
// JMS topic consumer for JMS destination ''{0}'' is configured to use durable subscriptions but the application server does not permit javax.jms.Connection.setClientID method needed to support durable subscribers. Set durable property to false.
MessageException me = new MessageException();
me.setMessage(JMSConfigConstants.DURABLE_SUBSCRIBER_NOT_SUPPORTED, new Object[]{destinationJndiName});
throw me;