Package flex.messaging

Examples of flex.messaging.MessageClient$SubscriptionInfo

     * @param clientId The clientId of the target subscriber.
     * @return The subscriber, or null if the subscriber is not found.
    public MessageClient getSubscriber(Object clientId)
        MessageClient client = (MessageClient) allSubscriptions.get(clientId);
        if (client != null && !client.isTimingOut())
        return client;
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    public void addSubscriber(Object clientId, String selector, String subtopicString, String endpointId)
        Subtopic subtopic = getSubtopic(subtopicString);
        MessageClient client = null;
        TopicSubscription topicSub;
        Map subs;
        Map map;

            // Handle resubscribes from the same client and duplicate subscribes from different clients
            boolean subscriptionAlreadyExists = (getSubscriber(clientId) != null);
            client = getMessageClient(clientId, endpointId);

            FlexClient flexClient = FlexContext.getFlexClient();
            if (subscriptionAlreadyExists)
                // Block duplicate subscriptions from multiple FlexClients if they
                // attempt to use the same clientId.  (when this is called from a remote
                // subscription, there won't be a flex client so skip this test).
                if (flexClient != null && !flexClient.getId().equals(client.getFlexClient().getId()))
                    ServiceException se = new ServiceException();
                    se.setMessage(10559, new Object[] {clientId});
                    throw se;

                // It's a resubscribe. Reset the endpoint push state for the subscription to make sure its current
                // because a resubscribe could be arriving over a new endpoint or a new session.

            ServiceAdapter adapter = destination.getAdapter();

            if (subtopic == null)
                topicSub = globalSubscribers;
                if (!destination.getServerSettings().getAllowSubtopics())
                    // Throw an error - the destination doesn't allow subtopics.
                    ServiceException se = new ServiceException();
                    se.setMessage(SUBTOPICS_NOT_SUPPORTED, new Object[] {subtopicString, destination.getId()});
                    throw se;
                // Give a MessagingAdapter a chance to block the subscribe.
                if ((adapter instanceof MessagingSecurity) && (subtopic != null))
                    if (!((MessagingSecurity)adapter).allowSubscribe(subtopic))
                        ServiceException se = new ServiceException();
                        se.setMessage(10557, new Object[] {subtopicString});
                        throw se;

                 * If there is a wildcard, we always need to match that subscription
                 * against the producer.  If it has no wildcard, we can do a quick
                 * lookup to find the subscribers.
                if (subtopic.containsSubtopicWildcard())
                    map = subscribersPerSubtopicWildcard;
                    map = subscribersPerSubtopic;

                topicSub = (TopicSubscription) map.get(subtopic);

                if (topicSub == null)
                    synchronized (this)
                        topicSub = (TopicSubscription) map.get(subtopic);
                        if (topicSub == null)
                            topicSub = new TopicSubscription();
                            map.put(subtopic, topicSub);

            /* Subscribing with no selector */
            if (selector == null)
                subs = topicSub.defaultSubscriptions;
                if (subs == null)
                    synchronized (this)
                        if ((subs = topicSub.defaultSubscriptions) == null)
                            topicSub.defaultSubscriptions = subs = new ConcurrentHashMap();
            /* Subscribing with a selector - store all subscriptions under the selector key */
                if (topicSub.selectorSubscriptions == null)
                    synchronized (this)
                        if (topicSub.selectorSubscriptions == null)
                            topicSub.selectorSubscriptions = new ConcurrentHashMap();
                subs = (Map) topicSub.selectorSubscriptions.get(selector);
                if (subs == null)
                    synchronized (this)
                        if ((subs = (Map) topicSub.selectorSubscriptions.get(selector)) == null)
                            topicSub.selectorSubscriptions.put(selector, subs = new ConcurrentHashMap());

            if (subs.containsKey(clientId))
                /* I'd rather this be an error but in 2.0 we allowed this without error */
                if (Log.isWarn())
                    Log.getLogger(JMSSelector.LOG_CATEGORY).warn("Client: " + clientId + " already subscribed to: " + destination.getId() + " selector: " + selector + " subtopic: " + subtopicString);
                client.addSubscription(selector, subtopicString);
                synchronized (this)
                     * Make sure other members of the cluster know that we are subscribed to
                     * this info if we are in server-to-server mode
                     * This has to be done in the synchronized section so that we properly
                     * order subscribe and unsubscribe messages for our peers so their
                     * subscription state matches the one in the local server.
                    if (subs.isEmpty() && destination.isClustered() &&
                        sendSubscriptionToPeer(true, selector, subtopicString);
                    subs.put(clientId, client);
                monitorTimeout(client); // local operation, timeouts on remote host are not started until failover

                // Finally, if a new MessageClient was created, notify its created
                // listeners now that MessageClient's subscription state is setup.
                if (!subscriptionAlreadyExists)
        finally {
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    public void removeSubscriber(Object clientId, String selector, String subtopicString, String endpointId)
        MessageClient client = null;
            synchronized (allSubscriptions)
                // Do a simple lookup first to avoid the creation of a new MessageClient instance
                // in the following call to getMessageClient() if the subscription is already removed.
                client = (MessageClient)allSubscriptions.get(clientId);
                if (client == null) // Subscription was already removed.
                else // Re-get in order to track refs correctly.
                    client = getMessageClient(clientId, endpointId);

            Subtopic subtopic = getSubtopic(subtopicString);
            TopicSubscription topicSub;
            Map subs;
            Map map = null;

            if (subtopic == null)
                topicSub = globalSubscribers;
                if (subtopic.containsSubtopicWildcard())
                    map = subscribersPerSubtopicWildcard;
                    map = subscribersPerSubtopic;

                topicSub = (TopicSubscription) map.get(subtopic);

                if (topicSub == null)
                    throw new MessageException("Client: " + clientId + " not subscribed to subtopic: " + subtopic);

            if (selector == null)
                subs = topicSub.defaultSubscriptions;
                subs = (Map) topicSub.selectorSubscriptions.get(selector);

            if (subs == null || subs.get(clientId) == null)
                throw new MessageException("Client: " + clientId + " not subscribed to destination with selector: " + selector);

            synchronized (this)
                if (subs.isEmpty() &&
                    destination.isClustered() && !destination.getServerSettings().isBroadcastRoutingMode())
                    sendSubscriptionToPeer(false, selector, subtopicString);

                if (subs.isEmpty())
                    if (selector != null)
                        if (topicSub.selectorSubscriptions != null && topicSub.selectorSubscriptions.isEmpty())

                    if (subtopic != null &&
                        (topicSub.selectorSubscriptions == null || topicSub.selectorSubscriptions.isEmpty()) &&
                        (topicSub.defaultSubscriptions == null || topicSub.defaultSubscriptions.isEmpty()))
                           if ((topicSub.selectorSubscriptions == null || topicSub.selectorSubscriptions.isEmpty()) &&
                               (topicSub.defaultSubscriptions == null || topicSub.defaultSubscriptions.isEmpty()))

            if (client.removeSubscription(selector, subtopicString))
                client.invalidate(); // Destroy the MessageClient.
            if (client != null)
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    protected MessageClient newMessageClient(Object clientId, String endpointId)
        return new MessageClient(clientId, destination, endpointId);
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     * a given clientId for as long as this session is valid (or the
     * subscription times out).
    public MessageClient registerMessageClient(Object clientId, String endpointId)
        MessageClient client = getMessageClient(clientId, endpointId);


         * There is only one reference to the MessageClient for the
         * registered flag.  If someone happens to register the
         * same client more than once, just allow that to add one reference.
        if (client.isRegistered())

        return client;
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    public MessageClient getMessageClient(Object clientId, String endpointId)
        synchronized (allSubscriptions)
            MessageClient client = (MessageClient) allSubscriptions.get(clientId);
            if (client == null)
                client = newMessageClient(clientId, endpointId);
                allSubscriptions.put(clientId, client);

            return client;
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     * @see
    public void removeSubscriber(String subscriberId)
        MessageClient subscriber = subscriptionManager.getSubscriber(subscriberId);
        if (subscriber != null)
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                    SubscriptionManager subscriptionManager = destination.getSubscriptionManager();

                    for (Iterator clientIter = subscriberIds.iterator(); clientIter.hasNext();)
                        Object clientId =;
                        MessageClient client = (MessageClient)subscriptionManager.getSubscriber(clientId);

                        // Skip if the client is null or invalidated.
                        if (client == null || !client.isValid())
                            if (Log.isDebug())
                                Log.getLogger(MessageService.LOG_CATEGORY).debug("Warning: could not find MessageClient for clientId in pushMessageToClients: " + clientId + " for destination: " + destination.getId());

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            // This code path handles poll messages sent by Consumer.receive().
            // This API should not trigger server side waits, so we invoke poll
            // and if there are no queued messages for this Consumer instance we
            // return an empty acknowledgement immediately.
            MessageClient client = null;
                client = subscriptionManager.getMessageClient(clientId, endpointId);

                if (client != null)
                    if (adapter.handlesSubscriptions())
                        List missedMessages = (List)adapter.manage(command);
                        if (missedMessages != null && !missedMessages.isEmpty())
                            MessageBroker broker = getMessageBroker();
                            for (Iterator iter = missedMessages.iterator(); iter.hasNext();)
                                broker.routeMessageToMessageClient((Message), client);
                    FlushResult flushResult = client.getFlexClient().poll(client);
                    List messagesToReturn = (flushResult != null) ? flushResult.getMessages() : null;
                    if (messagesToReturn != null && !messagesToReturn.isEmpty())
                        replyMessage = new CommandMessage(CommandMessage.CLIENT_SYNC_OPERATION);
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            String endpointId = getId();           
            List messageClients = flexClient.getMessageClients();
            for (Iterator iter = messageClients.iterator(); iter.hasNext();)
                MessageClient messageClient = (MessageClient);
                if (messageClient.getEndpointId().equals(endpointId))
        // And optionally invalidate the session.
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Related Classes of flex.messaging.MessageClient$SubscriptionInfo

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