PlaceObject po3clip = placeObject(clipSprite, clipContext);
// Then, process the bitmap image fill
ShapeWithStyle sws = new ShapeWithStyle();
sws.shapeRecords = shapeRecords;
int lineStyleIndex = 0;
int fillStyle0Index = 1;
int fillStyle1Index = 0;
if (windings.length > 0)
ShapeHelper.setPathStyles(shapeRecords, lineStyleIndex, fillStyle0Index, fillStyle1Index);
ShapeHelper.setStyles(shapeRecords, lineStyleIndex, fillStyle0Index, fillStyle1Index);
FillStyle fillStyle = createFillStyle(fill, edgeBounds);
sws.fillstyles = new ArrayList<FillStyle>(1);
DefineShape imageShape = new DefineShape(Tag.stagDefineShape4);
imageShape.shapeWithStyle = sws;
imageShape.bounds = edgeBounds;
imageShape.edgeBounds = edgeBounds;
if ((fill != null) &&( windings.length > 0))
Winding windingValue = windings[0];
imageShape.usesFillWindingRule = (windingValue == Winding.NON_ZERO);
PlaceObject po3 = placeObject(imageShape, context);
if (stroke != null)
//make a copy of ShapeRecord for strokes
ArrayList<ShapeRecord> shapeRecords2 = new ArrayList<ShapeRecord>(shapeRecords);
Collections.copy(shapeRecords2, shapeRecords);
//generate the define sprite for the stroke object with no clipping
ShapeWithStyle swsStroke = new ShapeWithStyle();
swsStroke.shapeRecords = shapeRecords2;
lineStyleIndex = 1;
fillStyle0Index = 0;
fillStyle1Index = 0;