Package flash.swf.tags

Examples of flash.swf.tags.PlaceObject


      DefineShape ds3 = ImageShapeBuilder.buildImage(defineBits, image.getWidth(), image.getHeight());

      PlaceObject po2 = new PlaceObject(ds3, 1);
      po2.setMatrix(new Matrix());
      // po2.setName(name);

    catch (IOException ex)
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        DefineShape clipShape = createDefineShape(null, shapeRecords, new SolidColorFillNode(), null, context.getTransform());
        placeObject(clipShape, new GraphicContext());
        //place the clipping mask in the imageSprite
        PlaceObject po3clip = placeObject(clipSprite, context);
        // Then, process the image
        DefineShape imageShape = ImageHelper.createShapeForImage(imageTag, node);
        placeObject(imageShape, context);       
        PlaceObject po3 = placeObject(imageSprite, new GraphicContext());
        // If filters were not processed, place the topmost sprite in display list and apply filters
        // This is done to force processing of masks before filters
        if (filters != null)
            DefineSprite sprite = spriteStack.pop();   
            GraphicContext gc = new GraphicContext();
            gc.filters = filters;
            PlaceObject poFilter = placeObject(sprite, gc);
            return poFilter;           
        return po3;
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            ScalingGrid scalingGrid = context.scalingGrid;
            if (scalingGrid != null)
                Rect grid = TypeHelper.rect(scalingGrid.scaleGridLeft, scalingGrid.scaleGridTop, scalingGrid.scaleGridRight, scalingGrid.scaleGridBottom);
                imageShape = ImageHelper.create9SlicedShape(imageTag, grid, Double.NaN, Double.NaN);
                PlaceObject po3 = placeObject(imageShape, context);
                return po3;
              if (ImageHelper.bitmapImageNeedsClipping(imageTag, node))
                PlaceObject p03 = bitmapWithClip(imageTag, node);
                return p03;
                imageShape = ImageHelper.createShapeForImage(imageTag, node);
                PlaceObject po3 = placeObject(imageShape, context);
                return po3;
          if (!ImageHelper.bitmapImageNeedsClipping(imageTag, node))
               double width = (Double.isNaN(node.width)) ? imageTag.width : node.width;
                 double height = (Double.isNaN(node.height)) ? imageTag.height : node.height;
             List<ShapeRecord>  shapeRecords = ShapeHelper.rectangle(0.0, 0.0, width, height);       
               DefineShape shape = createDefineShape(null, shapeRecords, new SolidColorFillNode(), null, context.getTransform());
             PlaceObject po3 = placeObject(shape, context);
             return po3;
                double width = ((imageTag.width < node.width) || Double.isNaN(node.width)) ? imageTag.width : node.width;
                double height = ((imageTag.height < node.height) || (Double.isNaN(node.height))) ? imageTag.height : node.height;
              List<ShapeRecord>  shapeRecords = ShapeHelper.rectangle(0.0, 0.0, width, height);       
                 DefineShape shape = createDefineShape(null, shapeRecords, new SolidColorFillNode(), null, context.getTransform());
              PlaceObject po3 = placeObject(shape, context);
              return po3;

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    protected PlaceObject graphicContentNode(GraphicContentNode node)
        PlaceObject po3 = null;

      if (!node.visible)
            ColorTransformNode ct = new ColorTransformNode();
            ct.alphaMultiplier = 0;
            ct.alphaOffset = 0;
            ct.blueMultiplier = 1;
            ct.blueOffset = 0;
            ct.greenMultiplier = 1;
            ct.greenOffset = 0;
            ct.redMultiplier = 1;
            ct.redOffset = 0;
            node.colorTransform = ct;
            if (node instanceof AbstractShapeNode)
                AbstractShapeNode shapeNode = (AbstractShapeNode)node;
                shapeNode.fill = null;
                shapeNode.stroke = null;

        if (node instanceof GroupNode)
            if (node.blendMode == BlendMode.AUTO)
                node.blendMode = BlendMode.NORMAL;
            // For non-group nodes, we process mask to clip only this shape
            // node. Process the mask first to ensure the depth is correct.
            List<FilterNode> filters = null;
            if (node.mask != null)
                // Remove the filters from context and process them later to force Flash Player to process the masks first
                if (node.filters != null)
                    filters = node.filters;
                    node.filters = null;
                    DefineSprite filterSprite = createDefineSprite("MaskFilter");
                DefineSprite parentSprite = spriteStack.peek();
                mask(node, parentSprite);
            if (node instanceof EllipseNode)
                po3 = ellipse((EllipseNode)node);
            else if (node instanceof LineNode)
                po3 = line((LineNode)node);
            else if (node instanceof PathNode)
                po3 = path((PathNode)node);
            else if (node instanceof RectNode)
                po3 = rect((RectNode)node);
            else if (node instanceof PlaceObjectNode)
                po3 = placeObjectInstance((PlaceObjectNode)node);
            else if (node instanceof BitmapGraphicNode)
                po3 = bitmap((BitmapGraphicNode)node);
            else if (node instanceof TextGraphicNode)
                po3 = text((TextGraphicNode)node);
            else if (node instanceof RichTextNode)
                po3 = richtext((RichTextNode)node);
            // If filters were not processed, place the topmost sprite in display list and apply filters
            // This is done to force processing of masks before filters
            if (filters != null)
                DefineSprite sprite = spriteStack.pop();   
                GraphicContext gc = new GraphicContext();
                gc.filters = filters;
                PlaceObject poFilter = placeObject(sprite, gc);
                return poFilter;           

        return po3;
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            DefineScalingGrid grid = createDefineScalingGrid(context.scalingGrid);
            grid.scalingTarget = groupSprite;
            groupSprite.scalingGrid = grid;

        PlaceObject po3 = placeObject(groupSprite, context);

        // First, process mask (if present)
        List <FilterNode> filters = null;
        if (node.mask != null)
            // Remove the filters from context and process them later to force Flash Player to process the masks first
            filters = node.filters;
            if (filters == null)
                List<GraphicContentNode> children = node.children;
                if (children != null)
                    GraphicContentNode gcNode0 = (GraphicContentNode) children.get(0);
                    filters = gcNode0.filters;
                    if (filters != null)
                        //check if all the nodes share the same filter
                        for (int i = 1; ((i < children.size()) && filters!= null); i++)
                            GraphicContentNode gcNodeI = (GraphicContentNode) children.get(i);
                            if (gcNodeI.filters != filters)
                                filters = null;

                    if (filters != null)
                        for (int i = 0; (i < children.size()) ; i++)
                            GraphicContentNode gcNodeI = (GraphicContentNode) children.get(i);
                            gcNodeI.filters = null;
                node.filters = null;
            if (filters != null)      
                DefineSprite filterSprite = createDefineSprite("MaskFilter");
            DefineSprite sprite = spriteStack.peek();
            mask(node, sprite);

        // Then process child nodes.
        if (node.children != null)
        // If filters were not processed, place the topmost sprite in display list and apply filters
        // This is done to force processing of masks before filters
        if (filters != null)
            DefineSprite sprite = spriteStack.pop();   
            GraphicContext gc = new GraphicContext();
            gc.filters = filters;
            PlaceObject poFilter = placeObject(sprite, gc);
            return poFilter;           
        return po3;
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    protected PlaceObject line(LineNode node)
        List<ShapeRecord> shapeRecords = ShapeHelper.line(node.xFrom, node.yFrom, node.xTo, node.yTo);
        GraphicContext context = node.createGraphicContext();
        PlaceObject po3 = placeDefineShape(node, shapeRecords, node.fill, node.stroke, context);
        return po3;
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        return po3;

    protected PlaceObject mask(MaskableNode node, DefineSprite parentSprite)
        PlaceObject po3 = null;

        MaskingNode mask = node.getMask();
        if (mask instanceof GroupNode)
            // According to FXG Spec.: The masking element inherits the target
            // group's coordinate space, as though it were a direct child
            // element. In the case when mask is inside a shape, it doesn't
            // automatically inherit the coordinates from the shape node
            // but inherits from its parent node which is also parent of
            // the shape node. To fix it, specifically concatenating the
            // shape node matrix to the masking node matrix.
            if (!(node instanceof GroupNode || node instanceof GraphicNode))
                FXGMatrix nodeMatrix = null;
                MatrixNode matrixNodeShape = ((GraphicContentNode)node).matrix;
                if (matrixNodeShape == null)
                    // Convert shape node's discreet transform attributes to
                    // matrix.
                    nodeMatrix = FXGMatrix.convertToMatrix(((GraphicContentNode)node).scaleX, ((GraphicContentNode)node).scaleY, ((GraphicContentNode)node).rotation, ((GraphicContentNode)node).x, ((GraphicContentNode)node).y);
                    nodeMatrix = new FXGMatrix(matrixNodeShape);
                // Get masking node matrix.
                MatrixNode matrixNodeMasking = ((GraphicContentNode)mask).matrix;
                // Create a new MatrixNode if the masking node doesn't have one.
                if (matrixNodeMasking == null)
                    // Convert masking node's transform attributes to matrix
                    // so we can concatenate the shape node's matrix to it.
                    matrixNodeMasking = ((GraphicContentNode)mask).matrix;
                FXGMatrix maskMatrix = new FXGMatrix(matrixNodeMasking);
                // Concatenate the shape node's matrix to the masking node's
                // matrix.
                // Set the masking node's matrix with the concatenated values.
            markLeafNodesAsMask(node, (GroupNode) mask);
            po3 = group((GroupNode)mask);
        else if (mask instanceof PlaceObjectNode)
            po3 = placeObjectInstance((PlaceObjectNode)mask);

        if (po3 != null)
            int clipDepth = 1;

            // If we had a graphic or group, clip the depths for all children.
            if (node instanceof GroupNode)
                GroupNode group = (GroupNode)node;
                if (group.children != null)
                    clipDepth = parentSprite.depthCounter + group.children.size();
            else if (node instanceof GraphicNode)
                GraphicNode graphic = (GraphicNode)node;
                if (graphic.children != null)
                    clipDepth = parentSprite.depthCounter + graphic.children.size();
            // ... otherwise, just clip the shape itself.
                clipDepth = po3.depth + 1;


            if (node.getMaskType() == MaskType.ALPHA)

        return po3;
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        List<ShapeRecord> shapeRecords = ShapeHelper.path(node, (node.fill != null));
        GraphicContext context = node.createGraphicContext();
        Winding winding[] = new Winding[1];
        winding[0] = node.winding;
        PlaceObject po3 = placeDefineShape(node, shapeRecords, node.fill, node.stroke, context, winding);
        return po3;
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    protected PlaceObject placeObject(DefineTag symbol, GraphicContext context)
        DefineSprite sprite = spriteStack.peek();

        PlaceObject po3 = new PlaceObject(Tag.stagPlaceObject3);
        // po3.setName(name);
        po3.depth = ++sprite.depthCounter;

        if (context.blendMode != null)
            if (!context.blendMode.needsPixelBenderSupport())
                int blendMode = createBlendMode(context.blendMode);
                setPixelBenderBlendMode(po3, context.blendMode);
        if (context.filters != null)
            List<Filter> filters = createFilters(context.filters);

        // FXG angles are always clockwise.
        Matrix matrix = context.getTransform().toSWFMatrix();

        if (context.colorTransform != null)
            ColorTransformNode t = context.colorTransform;
            CXFormWithAlpha cx = TypeHelper.cxFormWithAlpha(t.alphaMultiplier, t.redMultiplier, t.greenMultiplier, t.blueMultiplier, t.alphaOffset, t.redOffset, t.greenOffset, t.blueOffset);

        if (context.maskType == MaskType.ALPHA)
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             shapeRecords = ShapeHelper.rectangle(0.0, 0.0, node.width, node.height);
        PlaceObject po3 = placeDefineShape(node, shapeRecords, node.fill, node.stroke, context);
        return po3;
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Related Classes of flash.swf.tags.PlaceObject

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