Package flash.swf.tags

Examples of flash.swf.tags.DefineShape

      DefineBits defineBits = build(image);

      DefineShape ds3 = ImageShapeBuilder.buildImage(defineBits, image.getWidth(), image.getHeight());

      PlaceObject po2 = new PlaceObject(ds3, 1);
      po2.setMatrix(new Matrix());
      // po2.setName(name);
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        DefineSprite clipSprite = createDefineSprite("BitmapGraphic_Clip");
        double width = (imageTag.width < node.width) ? imageTag.width : node.width;
        double height = (imageTag.height < node.height) ? imageTag.height : node.height;
        List<ShapeRecord> shapeRecords = ShapeHelper.rectangle(0.0, 0.0, width, height);
        DefineShape clipShape = createDefineShape(null, shapeRecords, new SolidColorFillNode(), null, context.getTransform());
        placeObject(clipShape, new GraphicContext());
        //place the clipping mask in the imageSprite
        PlaceObject po3clip = placeObject(clipSprite, context);
        // Then, process the image
        DefineShape imageShape = ImageHelper.createShapeForImage(imageTag, node);
        placeObject(imageShape, context);       
        PlaceObject po3 = placeObject(imageSprite, new GraphicContext());
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        DefineBits imageTag = createDefineBits(node, source);
        if ((node.visible) && (!node.isPartofClipMask))
            DefineShape imageShape;
            ScalingGrid scalingGrid = context.scalingGrid;
            if (scalingGrid != null)
                Rect grid = TypeHelper.rect(scalingGrid.scaleGridLeft, scalingGrid.scaleGridTop, scalingGrid.scaleGridRight, scalingGrid.scaleGridBottom);
                imageShape = ImageHelper.create9SlicedShape(imageTag, grid, Double.NaN, Double.NaN);
                PlaceObject po3 = placeObject(imageShape, context);
                return po3;
              if (ImageHelper.bitmapImageNeedsClipping(imageTag, node))
                PlaceObject p03 = bitmapWithClip(imageTag, node);
                return p03;
                imageShape = ImageHelper.createShapeForImage(imageTag, node);
                PlaceObject po3 = placeObject(imageShape, context);
                return po3;
          if (!ImageHelper.bitmapImageNeedsClipping(imageTag, node))
               double width = (Double.isNaN(node.width)) ? imageTag.width : node.width;
                 double height = (Double.isNaN(node.height)) ? imageTag.height : node.height;
             List<ShapeRecord>  shapeRecords = ShapeHelper.rectangle(0.0, 0.0, width, height);       
               DefineShape shape = createDefineShape(null, shapeRecords, new SolidColorFillNode(), null, context.getTransform());
             PlaceObject po3 = placeObject(shape, context);
             return po3;
                double width = ((imageTag.width < node.width) || Double.isNaN(node.width)) ? imageTag.width : node.width;
                double height = ((imageTag.height < node.height) || (Double.isNaN(node.height))) ? imageTag.height : node.height;
              List<ShapeRecord>  shapeRecords = ShapeHelper.rectangle(0.0, 0.0, width, height);       
                 DefineShape shape = createDefineShape(null, shapeRecords, new SolidColorFillNode(), null, context.getTransform());
              PlaceObject po3 = placeObject(shape, context);
              return po3;
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          shapeBounds = edgeBounds;

        DefineShape defineShape4 = new DefineShape(Tag.stagDefineShape4);
        defineShape4.shapeWithStyle = sws;
        defineShape4.bounds = shapeBounds;
        defineShape4.edgeBounds = edgeBounds;
        if ((fill != null) &&( windings.length > 0))
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            // First, generate the clipping mask
            DefineSprite clipSprite = createDefineSprite("BitmapFill_Clip");
            List<ShapeRecord> clipRectRecords = ShapeHelper.rectangle(0.0, 0.0, imageTag.width, imageTag.height);
            DefineShape clipShape = createDefineShape(null, clipRectRecords, new SolidColorFillNode(), null, context.getTransform());
            FXGMatrix bitmapMatrix = TypeHelper.bitmapFillMatrix(fillNode, imageTag, edgeBounds);
            FXGMatrix clipMatrix = new FXGMatrix(bitmapMatrix.a, bitmapMatrix.b, bitmapMatrix.c, bitmapMatrix.d, 0, 0);
            clipMatrix.scale(1.0/SwfConstants.TWIPS_PER_PIXEL, 1.0/SwfConstants.TWIPS_PER_PIXEL);
            clipMatrix.translate(bitmapMatrix.tx, bitmapMatrix.ty);
            GraphicContext clipContext = new GraphicContext();
            placeObject(clipShape, clipContext);
            // Set the depth of the mask to that of the bitmap image fill
            PlaceObject po3clip = placeObject(clipSprite, clipContext);
            // Then, process the bitmap image fill
            ShapeWithStyle sws = new ShapeWithStyle();
            sws.shapeRecords = shapeRecords;
            int lineStyleIndex = 0;
            int fillStyle0Index = 1;
            int fillStyle1Index = 0;
            if (windings.length > 0)
                ShapeHelper.setPathStyles(shapeRecords, lineStyleIndex, fillStyle0Index, fillStyle1Index);
                ShapeHelper.setStyles(shapeRecords, lineStyleIndex, fillStyle0Index, fillStyle1Index);

            FillStyle fillStyle = createFillStyle(fill, edgeBounds);
            sws.fillstyles = new ArrayList<FillStyle>(1);
            DefineShape imageShape = new DefineShape(Tag.stagDefineShape4);
            imageShape.shapeWithStyle = sws;
            imageShape.bounds = edgeBounds;
            imageShape.edgeBounds = edgeBounds;
            if ((fill != null) &&( windings.length > 0))
                Winding windingValue = windings[0];
                imageShape.usesFillWindingRule = (windingValue == Winding.NON_ZERO);
            PlaceObject po3 = placeObject(imageShape, context);       
            if (stroke != null)
                //make a copy of ShapeRecord for strokes
                ArrayList<ShapeRecord> shapeRecords2 = new ArrayList<ShapeRecord>(shapeRecords);
                Collections.copy(shapeRecords2, shapeRecords);

                //generate the define sprite for the stroke object with no clipping
                ShapeWithStyle swsStroke = new ShapeWithStyle();
                swsStroke.shapeRecords = shapeRecords2;
                lineStyleIndex = 1;
                fillStyle0Index = 0;
                fillStyle1Index = 0;
                ShapeHelper.replaceStyles(shapeRecords2, lineStyleIndex, fillStyle0Index, fillStyle1Index);

                // Consider linestyle stroke widths with bounds calculation              
                AbstractStrokeNode strokeNode = (AbstractStrokeNode) stroke;
                LineStyle ls = createGenericLineStyle(strokeNode);
                Rect shapeBounds =  node.getBounds(shapeRecords2, ls);             
                LineStyle lineStyle = createLineStyle(stroke, shapeBounds);
                swsStroke.linestyles = new ArrayList<LineStyle>(1);

                DefineShape strokeShape = new DefineShape(Tag.stagDefineShape4);
                strokeShape.shapeWithStyle = swsStroke;
                strokeShape.bounds = shapeBounds;
                strokeShape.edgeBounds = edgeBounds;
                po3 = placeObject(strokeShape, context);   

            po3 = placeObject(imageSprite, new GraphicContext());
            // If filters were not processed, place the topmost sprite in display list and apply filters
            // This is done to force processing of masks before filters
            if (filters != null)
                DefineSprite sprite = spriteStack.pop();   
                GraphicContext gc = new GraphicContext();
                gc.filters = filters;
                PlaceObject poFilter = placeObject(sprite, gc);
                return poFilter;           
            return po3;
          DefineShape shape = createDefineShape(node, shapeRecords, fill, stroke, context.getTransform(), windings);
          PlaceObject po3 = placeObject(shape, context);
          return po3;
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        curvedEdge.controlDeltaX = parseInt(getAttribute(attributes, "cdx"));
        curvedEdge.controlDeltaY = parseInt(getAttribute(attributes, "cdy"));
        curvedEdge.anchorDeltaX = parseInt(getAttribute(attributes, "dx"));
        curvedEdge.anchorDeltaY = parseInt(getAttribute(attributes, "dy"));

        DefineShape defineShape = (DefineShape)stack.peek();
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    public void DefineShape(Attributes attributes) throws SAXException
        DefineShape tag = new DefineShape(stagDefineShape);
        int id = parseInt(getAttribute(attributes, "id"));
        createCharacter(id, tag);
        tag.bounds = parseRect(getAttribute(attributes, "bounds"));
        tag.shapeWithStyle = new ShapeWithStyle();
        tag.shapeWithStyle.fillstyles = new ArrayList();
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        linestyles = tag.shapeWithStyle.linestyles;

    public void DefineShape()
        DefineShape tag = (DefineShape)stack.pop();
        fillstyles = null;
        linestyles = null;
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    public void DefineShape3(Attributes attributes) throws SAXException
        DefineShape tag = new DefineShape(TagValues.stagDefineShape3);
        int id = parseInt(getAttribute(attributes, "id"));
        createCharacter(id, tag);
        tag.bounds = parseRect(getAttribute(attributes, "bounds"));
        tag.shapeWithStyle = new ShapeWithStyle();
        tag.shapeWithStyle.fillstyles = new ArrayList();
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        linestyles = tag.shapeWithStyle.linestyles;

    public void DefineShape3()
        DefineShape tag = (DefineShape)stack.pop();
        fillstyles = null;
        linestyles = null;
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Related Classes of flash.swf.tags.DefineShape

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