// Static method
public static ArrayList<ComplexPoly> sTransform(double[] coeff){
int n = coeff.length;
ComplexPoly[] sNum = new ComplexPoly[n]; // numerator of each transformed term
ComplexPoly[] sDen = new ComplexPoly[n]; // denomenator of each transformed term
ComplexPoly sNumer = null; // numerator of the completely transformed polynomial
ComplexPoly sDenom = new ComplexPoly(Complex.plusOne()); // denomenator of the completely transformed polynomial
// s-Transform of each term of the polynomial
for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
sNum[i] = new ComplexPoly(new Complex(coeff[i]*Fmath.factorial(i), 0));
sDen[i] = new ComplexPoly(i+1);
sDen[i].resetCoeff(i+1, Complex.plusOne());
// create a common denomenator
sDenom = sDen[n-1];