int line = rs3.getInt("line");
if (rs3.wasNull())
line = -1;
FindbugsBugInstance fb = new FindbugsBugInstance(category,
abbrev, type, file, line);
if (category.equals(FindbugsCategory.BAD_PRACTICE
.toString())) {
} else {
// We are reading the same version as in the previous loop, ignore
// anything but Findbugs
else {
// Get project's Findbugs bug instances
String category = rs3.getString("category");
String abbrev = rs3.getString("abbrev");
String type = rs3.getString("type");
String file = rs3.getString("file");
if (rs3.wasNull())
file = null;
int line = rs3.getInt("line");
if (rs3.wasNull())
line = -1;
FindbugsBugInstance fb = new FindbugsBugInstance(category,
abbrev, type, file, line);
if (category.equals(FindbugsCategory.BAD_PRACTICE.toString())) {