This class represents a file that can be part of a component or connector type from an architectural style. A file is any implementation artefact that is not a java class, such as a jsp file, a text file or anything else. A file type can be optional and it has a filename ending.
@author mg
file: File element. The file element provides access to content files for a METS object. A file element may contain one or more FLocat elements, which provide pointers to a content file, and/or an FContent element, which wraps an encoded version of the file. Note that ALL FLocat and FContent elements underneath a single file element should identify/contain identical copies of a single file.
@version $Revision: 78 $ $Date: 2008-01-09 14:32:36 -0600 (Wed, 09 Jan 2008) $
file: File element. The file element provides access to content files for a METS object. A file element may contain one or more FLocat elements, which provide pointers to a content file, and/or an FContent element, which wraps an encoded version of the file. Note that ALL FLocat and FContent elements underneath a single file element should identify/contain identical copies of a single file.
@version $Revision$ $Date$
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