private boolean stripFields = false;
public HeaderStories(HWPFDocument doc) {
this.headerStories = doc.getHeaderStoryRange();
FileInformationBlock fib = doc.getFileInformationBlock();
// // If there's no PlcfHdd, nothing to do
// if(fib.getCcpHdd() == 0) {
// return;
// }
if (fib.getSubdocumentTextStreamLength( SubdocumentType.HEADER ) == 0)
if(fib.getPlcfHddSize() == 0) {
// Handle the PlcfHdd
* Page 88:
* "The plcfhdd, a table whose location and length within the file is
* stored in fib.fcPlcfhdd and fib.cbPlcfhdd, describes where the text
* of each header/footer begins. If there are n headers/footers stored
* in the Word file, the plcfhdd consists of n+2 CP entries. The
* beginning CP of the ith header/footer is the ith CP in the plcfhdd.
* The limit CP (the CP of character 1 position past the end of a
* header/footer) of the ith header/footer is the i+1st CP in the
* plcfhdd. Note: at the limit CP - 1, Word always places a chEop as a
* placeholder which is never displayed as part of the header/footer.
* This allows Word to change an existing header/footer to be empty.
* If there are n header/footers, the n+2nd CP entry value is always 1
* greater than the n+1st CP entry value. A paragraph end (ASCII 13) is
* always stored at the file position marked by the n+1st CP value.
* The transformation in a full saved file from a header/footer CP to an
* offset from the beginning of a file (fc) is
* fc=fib.fcMin+ccpText+ccpFtn+cp."
plcfHdd = new PlexOfCps( doc.getTableStream(), fib.getPlcfHddOffset(),
fib.getPlcfHddSize(), 0 );