long offset = writeCtx.getOffset();
int count = writeCtx.getCount();
WriteStableHow stableHow = writeCtx.getStableHow();
FileHandle handle = writeCtx.getHandle();
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("do write, fileId: " + handle.getFileId() + " offset: "
+ offset + " length:" + count + " stableHow:" + stableHow.name());
try {
// The write is not protected by lock. asyncState is used to make sure
// there is one thread doing write back at any time
long flushedOffset = getFlushedOffset();
if (flushedOffset != (offset + count)) {
throw new IOException("output stream is out of sync, pos="
+ flushedOffset + " and nextOffset should be"
+ (offset + count));
// Reduce memory occupation size if request was allowed dumped
if (writeCtx.getDataState() == WriteCtx.DataState.ALLOW_DUMP) {
synchronized (writeCtx) {
if (writeCtx.getDataState() == WriteCtx.DataState.ALLOW_DUMP) {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("After writing " + handle.getFileId() + " at offset "
+ offset + ", updated the memory count, new value:"
+ nonSequentialWriteInMemory.get());
if (!writeCtx.getReplied()) {
if (stableHow != WriteStableHow.UNSTABLE) {
LOG.info("Do sync for stable write:" + writeCtx);
try {
if (stableHow == WriteStableHow.DATA_SYNC) {
} else {
Preconditions.checkState(stableHow == WriteStableHow.FILE_SYNC,
"Unknown WriteStableHow:" + stableHow);
// Sync file data and length
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.error("hsync failed with writeCtx:" + writeCtx, e);
throw e;
WccAttr preOpAttr = latestAttr.getWccAttr();
WccData fileWcc = new WccData(preOpAttr, latestAttr);
if (writeCtx.getOriginalCount() != WriteCtx.INVALID_ORIGINAL_COUNT) {
LOG.warn("Return original count:" + writeCtx.getOriginalCount()
+ " instead of real data count:" + count);
count = writeCtx.getOriginalCount();
WRITE3Response response = new WRITE3Response(Nfs3Status.NFS3_OK,
fileWcc, count, stableHow, Nfs3Constant.WRITE_COMMIT_VERF);
Nfs3Utils.writeChannel(channel, response.writeHeaderAndResponse(
new XDR(), xid, new VerifierNone()), xid);
// Handle the waiting commits without holding any lock
processCommits(writeCtx.getOffset() + writeCtx.getCount());
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.error("Error writing to fileId " + handle.getFileId() + " at offset "
+ offset + " and length " + count, e);
if (!writeCtx.getReplied()) {
WRITE3Response response = new WRITE3Response(Nfs3Status.NFS3ERR_IO);
Nfs3Utils.writeChannel(channel, response.writeHeaderAndResponse(
new XDR(), xid, new VerifierNone()), xid);