config.addConfiguration(new SystemConfiguration());"Added system properties to configuration source (java -Dfoo.prop=bar).");
// Override with file in "application server home directory"/conf, this is prio 2
File f1 = new File("conf/" + PROPERTIES_FILENAME);
pc = new PropertiesConfiguration(f1);
pc.setReloadingStrategy(new FileChangedReloadingStrategy());
config.addConfiguration(pc);"Added file to configuration source: "+f1.getAbsolutePath());
// Override with file in "/etc/ejbca/conf/extra, this is prio 3
File f2 = new File("/etc/ejbca/conf/extra/" + PROPERTIES_FILENAME);
pc = new PropertiesConfiguration(f2);
pc.setReloadingStrategy(new FileChangedReloadingStrategy());
config.addConfiguration(pc);"Added file to configuration source: "+f2.getAbsolutePath());
// Default values build into war file, this is last prio used if no of the other sources override this
URL url = ExternalRaGuiConfiguration.class.getResource("/" + PROPERTIES_FILENAME);