Examples of FetchStatement

Examples of org.datanucleus.store.mapped.FetchStatement

                    sb.append(' ').append(mainAlias);
                FetchStatement subQuery = mainTable.getStoreManager().getFetchStatement(mainTable);
                Iterator i = columns.iterator();
                while (i.hasNext())

                // Assumed to not want any locking in this statement
                sb.append('(').append(subQuery.toString(false)).append(") ").append(mainAlias);

            sqlText = sb.toString();
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Examples of org.jpox.store.mapped.FetchStatement

                    sb.append(' ').append(mainAlias);
                FetchStatement subQuery = mainTable.getStoreManager().getFetchStatement(mainTable);
                Iterator i = columns.iterator();
                while (i.hasNext())

                // Assumed to not want any locking in this statement
                sb.append('(').append(subQuery.toString(false)).append(") ").append(mainAlias);

            sqlText = sb.toString();
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Examples of org.jpox.store.mapped.FetchStatement

            DatastoreContainerObject datastoreContainer,
            DatastoreMapping mapping,
            byte[] bytes)
        // Generate "SELECT {blobColumn} FROM TABLE WHERE ID=? FOR UPDATE" statement
        FetchStatement fetchStmt = new RDBMSFetchStatement(datastoreContainer);
        JavaTypeMapping idMapping = datastoreContainer.getIDMapping();
        for (int i = 0; i < idMapping.getNumberOfDatastoreFields(); i++)
            fetchStmt.andCondition(fetchStmt.referenceDatastoreField(idMapping.getDataStoreMapping(i).getDatastoreField()) + " = ?");
        String textStmt = fetchStmt.toString(true);

        if (sm.getPcObjectType() != StateManager.PC)
            // This mapping is embedded, so navigate back to the real owner since that is the "id" in the table
            StateManager[] embeddedOwners = sm.getEmbeddedOwners();
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Examples of org.jpox.store.mapped.FetchStatement

            DatastoreContainerObject datastoreContainer,
            DatastoreMapping mapping,
            String value)
        // Generate "SELECT {clobColumn} FROM TABLE WHERE ID=? FOR UPDATE" statement
        FetchStatement fetchStmt = new RDBMSFetchStatement(datastoreContainer);
        JavaTypeMapping idMapping = datastoreContainer.getIDMapping();
        for (int i = 0; i < idMapping.getNumberOfDatastoreFields(); i++)
            fetchStmt.andCondition(fetchStmt.referenceDatastoreField(idMapping.getDataStoreMapping(i).getDatastoreField()) + " = ?");
        String textStmt = fetchStmt.toString(true);

        if (sm.getPcObjectType() != StateManager.PC)
            // This mapping is embedded, so navigate back to the real owner since that is the "id" in the table
            StateManager[] embeddedOwners = sm.getEmbeddedOwners();
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Examples of org.jpox.store.mapped.FetchStatement

    public LocateRequest(DatastoreClass table)

        mappingStatementIndex = new MappingStatementIndex();
        FetchStatement fetchStmt = new RDBMSFetchStatement(table);
        FetchMappingConsumer consumer = new FetchMappingConsumer(fetchStmt);

        locateStmt = fetchStmt.toString();
        pkFieldNumbers = consumer.getPrimaryKeyFieldNumbers();
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