Examples of FeatureException

Examples of org.apache.jsieve.exception.FeatureException

     * Unsupported, see <a href='http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4790#section-9.1.1'>RFC4790</a>.
     * @see org.apache.jsieve.comparators.Contains#contains(String, String)
    public boolean contains(String container, String content) throws FeatureException {
        // TODO: Consider using finer grained exception
        throw new FeatureException("Substring match unsupported by ascii-numeric");
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Examples of org.apache.jsieve.exception.FeatureException

     * @see org.apache.jsieve.comparators.Matches#matches(String, String)
    public boolean matches(String string, String glob)
            throws FeatureException {
        // TODO: Consider using finer grained exception
        throw new FeatureException("Substring match unsupported by ascii-numeric");
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Examples of org.apache.jsieve.exception.FeatureException

        // Validate as a Test
        try {
            validateTest(name, context);
        } catch (LookupException e) {
            throw new FeatureException("Feature \"" + name
                    + "\" is not supported.");
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Examples of org.apache.jsieve.exception.FeatureException

        // Validate as a Test
        try {
        } catch (LookupException e) {
            throw new FeatureException("Feature \"" + name
                    + "\" is not supported.");
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Examples of org.apache.jsieve.exception.FeatureException

    protected void validateFeature(String name, MailAdapter mail,
            SieveContext context) throws FeatureException {
        if (name.startsWith(COMPARATOR_PREFIX)) {
            final String comparatorName = name.substring(COMPARATOR_PREFIX_LENGTH);
            if (!context.getComparatorManager().isSupported(comparatorName)) {
                throw new FeatureException("Comparator \"" + comparatorName
                        + "\" is not supported.");
        } else {
            // Validate as a Command
            try {
                validateCommand(name, context);
            } catch (LookupException e) {
                // Not a command
            // Validate as a Test
            try {
                validateTest(name, context);
            } catch (LookupException e) {
                throw new FeatureException("Feature \"" + name
                        + "\" is not supported.");
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Examples of org.maltparserx.core.feature.FeatureException

  public void add(int index, String subModelName, String featureSpec) throws MaltChainedException {
    this.add(Integer.toString(index), subModelName, featureSpec);
  public void add(String specModelName, String subModelName, String featureSpec) throws MaltChainedException {
    if (featureSpec == null) { throw new FeatureException("Feature specification is missing."); }
    if (specModelName == null) {throw new FeatureException("Unknown feature model name."); }
    if (subModelName == null) {throw new FeatureException("Unknown subfeature model name."); }
    if (!specModelMap.containsKey(specModelName.toUpperCase())) {
      SpecificationModel specModel = new SpecificationModel(specModelName.toUpperCase());
      specModelMap.put(specModelName.toUpperCase(), specModel);
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Examples of org.maltparserx.core.feature.FeatureException

    return counter;
  public void loadParReader(URL specModelURL, String markingStrategy, String coveredRoot) throws MaltChainedException {
    if (specModelURL == null) {
      throw new FeatureException("The URL to the feature specification model is missing or not well-formed. ");
    FeatureSpecReader specReader = null;
    String urlSuffix = specModelURL.toString().substring(specModelURL.toString().length()-3);
    urlSuffix = Character.toUpperCase(urlSuffix.charAt(0)) + urlSuffix.substring(1);
    try {
      Class<?> clazz = Class.forName("org.maltparserx.core.feature.spec.reader."+urlSuffix+"Reader");
      specReader = (FeatureSpecReader)clazz.newInstance();
    } catch (InstantiationException e) {
      throw new FeatureException("Could not initialize the feature specification reader to read the specification file: "+specModelURL.toString(), e);
    } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
      throw new FeatureException("Could not initialize the feature specification reader to read the specification file: "+specModelURL.toString(), e);
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
      throw new FeatureException("Could not find the feature specification reader to read the specification file: "+specModelURL.toString(), e);
    specReaderMap.put(specModelURL, specReader);
    if (specReader instanceof ParReader) {
      if (markingStrategy.equalsIgnoreCase("head") || markingStrategy.equalsIgnoreCase("path") || markingStrategy.equalsIgnoreCase("head+path")) {
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Examples of org.maltparserx.core.feature.FeatureException

    specReader.load(specModelURL, this);
  public void load(URL specModelURL) throws MaltChainedException {
    if (specModelURL == null) {
      throw new FeatureException("The URL to the feature specification model is missing or not well-formed. ");
    FeatureSpecReader specReader = null;
    String urlSuffix = specModelURL.toString().substring(specModelURL.toString().length()-3);
    urlSuffix = Character.toUpperCase(urlSuffix.charAt(0)) + urlSuffix.substring(1);
    try {
      Class<?> clazz = Class.forName("org.maltparserx.core.feature.spec.reader."+urlSuffix+"Reader");
      specReader = (FeatureSpecReader)clazz.newInstance();
    } catch (InstantiationException e) {
      throw new FeatureException("Could not initialize the feature specification reader to read the specification file: "+specModelURL.toString(), e);
    } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
      throw new FeatureException("Could not initialize the feature specification reader to read the specification file: "+specModelURL.toString(), e);
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
      throw new FeatureException("Could not find the feature specification reader to read the specification file: "+specModelURL.toString(), e);
    specReaderMap.put(specModelURL, specReader);
    currentSpecModelURL = new ArrayList<SpecificationModel>();
    specModelKeyMap.put(specModelURL, currentSpecModelURL);
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Examples of org.maltparserx.core.feature.FeatureException

  public void load(URL specModelURL, SpecificationModels featureSpecModels) throws MaltChainedException {
    BufferedReader br = null;
    Pattern tabPattern = Pattern.compile("\t");
    if (specModelURL == null) {
      throw new FeatureException("The feature specification file cannot be found. ");
    try {
      br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(specModelURL.openStream()));
    } catch (IOException e) {
      throw new FeatureException("Could not read the feature specification file '"+specModelURL.toString()+"'. ", e);
    if (br != null) {
      int specModelIndex = featureSpecModels.getNextIndex();
      String fileLine;
      String items[];
      StringBuilder featureText = new StringBuilder();
      String splitfeats = "";
      ArrayList<String> fileLines = new ArrayList<String>();
      ArrayList<String> orderFileLines = new ArrayList<String>();
      while (true) {
        try {
          fileLine = br.readLine();
        } catch (IOException e) {
          throw new FeatureException("Could not read the feature specification file '"+specModelURL.toString()+"'. ", e);
        if (fileLine == null) {
        if (fileLine.length() <= 1 && fileLine.trim().substring(0, 2).trim().equals("--")) {
      try {
      } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new FeatureException("Could not close the feature specification file '"+specModelURL.toString()+"'. ", e);

      for (int j = 0; j < fileLines.size(); j++) {

      boolean deprel = false;
      for (int j=0; j < orderFileLines.size(); j++) {
        deprel = false;
        splitfeats = "";
        items = tabPattern.split(orderFileLines.get(j));
        if (items.length < 2) {
          throw new FeatureException("The feature specification file '"+specModelURL.toString()+"' must contain at least two columns.");
        if (!(columnNameMap.containsKey(ColumnNames.valueOf(items[0].trim())) || columnNameMap.containsValue(items[0].trim()))) {
          throw new FeatureException("Column one in the feature specification file '"+specModelURL.toString()+"' contains an unknown value '"+items[0].trim()+"'. ");
        if (items[0].trim().equalsIgnoreCase("DEP") || items[0].trim().equalsIgnoreCase("DEPREL")) {
          featureText.append("OutputColumn(DEPREL, ");
          deprel = true;
        } else {
          if (columnNameMap.containsKey(ColumnNames.valueOf(items[0].trim()))) {
            featureText.append("InputColumn("+columnNameMap.get(ColumnNames.valueOf(items[0].trim()))+", ");
          } else if (columnNameMap.containsValue(items[0].trim())) {
            featureText.append("InputColumn("+items[0].trim()+", ");
          if (items[0].trim().equalsIgnoreCase("FEATS") && isUseSplitFeats()) {
            splitfeats = "Split(";
        if (!(items[1].trim().equalsIgnoreCase("STACK") || items[1].trim().equalsIgnoreCase("INPUT") || items[1].trim().equalsIgnoreCase("CONTEXT"))) {
          throw new FeatureException("Column two in the feature specification file '"+specModelURL.toString()+"' should be either 'STACK', 'INPUT' or 'CONTEXT' (Covington), not '"+items[1].trim()+"'. ");
        int offset = 0;
        if (items.length >= 3) {
          try {
            offset = new Integer(Integer.parseInt(items[2]));
          } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            throw new FeatureException("The feature specification file '"+specModelURL.toString()+"' contains a illegal integer value. ", e);
        String functionArg = "";
        if (items[1].trim().equalsIgnoreCase("CONTEXT")) {
          if (offset >= 0) {
            functionArg = dataStructuresMap.get(DataStructures.valueOf("LEFTCONTEXT"))+"["+offset+"]";
          } else {
            functionArg = dataStructuresMap.get(DataStructures.valueOf("RIGHTCONTEXT"))+"["+Math.abs(offset + 1)+"]";
        } else if (dataStructuresMap.containsKey(DataStructures.valueOf(items[1].trim()))) {
          if (covington == true) {
            if (dataStructuresMap.get(DataStructures.valueOf(items[1].trim())).equalsIgnoreCase("Stack")) {
              functionArg = "Left["+offset+"]";
            } else {
              functionArg = "Right["+offset+"]";
          } else {
            functionArg = dataStructuresMap.get(DataStructures.valueOf(items[1].trim()))+"["+offset+"]";
        } else if (dataStructuresMap.containsValue(items[1].trim())) {
          if (covington == true) {
            if (items[1].trim().equalsIgnoreCase("Stack")) {
              functionArg = "Left["+offset+"]";
            } else {
              functionArg = "Right["+offset+"]";
          } else {
            functionArg = items[1].trim()+"["+offset+"]";
        } else {
          throw new FeatureException("Column two in the feature specification file '"+specModelURL.toString()+"' should not contain the value '"+items[1].trim());
        int linearOffset = 0;
        int headOffset = 0;
        int depOffset = 0;
        int sibOffset = 0;
        int suffixLength = 0;
        if (items.length >= 4) { linearOffset = new Integer(Integer.parseInt(items[3])); }
        if (items.length >= 5) { headOffset = new Integer(Integer.parseInt(items[4])); }
        if (items.length >= 6) { depOffset = new Integer(Integer.parseInt(items[5])); }
        if (items.length >= 7) { sibOffset = new Integer(Integer.parseInt(items[6])); }
        if (items.length >= 8) { suffixLength = new Integer(Integer.parseInt(items[7])); }
        if (linearOffset < 0) {
          linearOffset = Math.abs(linearOffset);
          for (int i = 0; i < linearOffset; i++) {
            functionArg = "pred("+functionArg+")";
        } else if (linearOffset > 0) {
          for (int i = 0; i < linearOffset; i++) {
            functionArg = "succ("+functionArg+")";
        if (headOffset >= 0) {
          for (int i = 0; i < headOffset; i++) {
            functionArg = "head("+functionArg+")";
        } else {
          throw new FeatureException("The feature specification file '"+specModelURL.toString()+"' should not contain a negative head function value. ");
        if (depOffset < 0) {
          depOffset = Math.abs(depOffset);
          for (int i = 0; i < depOffset; i++) {
            functionArg = "ldep("+functionArg+")";
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Examples of org.maltparserx.core.feature.FeatureException

            Element root = null;

            root = db.parse(specModelURL.openStream()).getDocumentElement();

            if (root == null) {
              throw new FeatureException("The feature specification file '"+specModelURL.getFile()+"' cannot be found. ");
            readFeatureModels(root, featureSpecModels);
        } catch (IOException e) {
          throw new FeatureException("The feature specification file '"+specModelURL.getFile()+"' cannot be found. ", e);
        } catch (SAXParseException e) {
          throw new FeatureException("Problem parsing the feature specification XML-file "+specModelURL.getFile()+". ", e);
        } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
          throw new FeatureException("Problem parsing the feature specification XML-file "+specModelURL.getFile()+". ", e);
        } catch (SAXException e) {
          throw new FeatureException("Problem parsing the feature specification XML-file "+specModelURL.getFile()+". ", e);
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