// Key contents are the logical parent of the actual index entry (if it exists).
byte[] packed = packedTuple(parentPKIndex, parentPkKey);
byte[] end = packedTuple(parentPKIndex, parentPkKey, Key.AFTER);
TransactionState txn = txnService.getTransaction(session);
List<KeyValue> pkValue = txn.getRangeAsValueList(packed, end);
FDBIndexRow indexRow = null;
if (!pkValue.isEmpty()) {
assert pkValue.size() == 1 : parentPKIndex;
KeyValue kv = pkValue.get(0);
assert kv.getValue().length == 0 : parentPKIndex + ", " + kv;
indexRow = new FDBIndexRow(this);
FDBStoreDataHelper.unpackTuple(parentPKIndex, parentPkKey, kv.getKey());
indexRow.resetForRead(parentPKIndex, parentPkKey, null);
return indexRow;