b.com/integeruser/jgltut for info, updates and license terms.
Part III. Illumination Chapter 12. Dynamic Range http://www.arcsynthesis.org/gltut/Illumination/Tutorial%2012.html
W,A,S,D - move the cameras forward/backwards and left/right, relative to the camera's current orientation. Holding SHIFT with these keys will move in smaller increments. Q,E - raise and lower the camera, relative to its current orientation. Holding SHIFT with these keys will move in smaller increments. P - toggle pausing. -,= - rewind/jump forward time by one second (of real-time). T - toggle viewing of the current target point. 1,2,3 - timer commands affect both the sun and the other lights/only the sun/only the other lights. L - switch to hdr lighting. Pressing SHIFT+L will switch to gamma version. K - toggle gamma correction. Y,H - raise and lower the gamma value (default 2.2). SPACE - print out the current sun-based time, in 24-hour notation.
LEFT CLICKING and DRAGGING - rotate the camera around the target point, both horizontally and vertically. LEFT CLICKING and DRAGGING + CTRL - rotate the camera around the target point, either horizontally or vertically. LEFT CLICKING and DRAGGING + ALT - change the camera's up direction. WHEEL SCROLLING - move the camera closer to it's target point or farther away.
@author integeruser