Examples of FastIterator

Examples of jdbm.helper.FastIterator

      private BTreeSet() {

      public Iterator<InternalCacheEntry> iterator() {
         final FastIterator fi;
         try {
            fi = tree.keys();
         } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new CacheException(e);

         return new Iterator<InternalCacheEntry>() {
            int entriesReturned = 0;
            InternalCacheEntry current = null;
            boolean next = true;

            public boolean hasNext() {
               if (current == null && next) {
                  Object key = fi.next();
                  if (key == null) {
                     next = false;
                  } else {
                     try {
                        current = unmarshall(tree.get(key), key);
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Examples of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.util.jdbm.helper.FastIterator

      ret = new HashSet<K>();
    if ( pHash != null ) {
      try {
        FastIterator fitr = pHash.keys();
        if ( fitr != null ) {
           K k;
          while ( (k = (K) fitr.next()) != null )
       } catch (Exception e) {
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Examples of org.drools.core.util.FastIterator

                    if( context.getCleanupAdapter() != null ) {                       
                        for( LeftTuple child = leftTuple.getFirstChild(); child != null; child = child.getLeftParentNext() ) {
                            if( child.getLeftTupleSink() == this ) {

                FastIterator it = memory.getLeftTupleMemory().fullFastIterator();
                for (LeftTuple leftTuple = getFirstLeftTuple(memory.getLeftTupleMemory(), it); leftTuple != null; ) {
                    LeftTuple tmp = (LeftTuple) it.next(leftTuple);
                    if (context.getCleanupAdapter() != null) {
                        LeftTuple child;
                        while ( (child = leftTuple.getFirstChild()) != null ) {
                            if (child.getLeftTupleSink() == this) {
                                // this is a match tuple on collect and accumulate nodes, so just unlink it
                            } else {
                                // the cleanupAdapter will take care of the unlinking
                                context.getCleanupAdapter().cleanUp(child, workingMemory);
                    memory.getLeftTupleMemory().remove( leftTuple );                   
                    leftTuple = tmp;                   

                // handle special cases for Accumulate to make sure they tidy up their specific data
                // like destroying the local FactHandles
                if ( object instanceof AccumulateMemory ) {
                    ((AccumulateNode) this).doRemove( workingMemory, ( AccumulateMemory ) object );

                if( ! this.isInUse() ) {
                    it = memory.getRightTupleMemory().fullFastIterator();                   
                    for ( RightTuple rightTuple = getFirstRightTuple( memory.getRightTupleMemory(), it ); rightTuple != null; ) {
                        RightTuple tmp = (RightTuple) it.next(rightTuple);
                        if ( rightTuple.getBlocked() != null ) {
                            // special case for a not, so unlink left tuple from here, as they aren't in the left memory
                            for ( LeftTuple leftTuple = (LeftTuple)rightTuple.getBlocked(); leftTuple != null; ) {
                                LeftTuple temp = leftTuple.getBlockedNext();
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Examples of org.drools.core.util.FastIterator

        BetaConstraints constraints = notNode.getRawConstraints();

        for (LeftTuple leftTuple = srcLeftTuples.getInsertFirst(); leftTuple != null; ) {
            LeftTuple next = leftTuple.getStagedNext();

            FastIterator it = notNode.getRightIterator(rtm);
            PropagationContext context = leftTuple.getPropagationContext();

            boolean useLeftMemory = RuleNetworkEvaluator.useLeftMemory(notNode, leftTuple);

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Examples of org.drools.core.util.FastIterator

                rightTuple = next;

            FastIterator it = notNode.getLeftIterator(ltm);
            PropagationContext context = rightTuple.getPropagationContext();

            for (LeftTuple leftTuple = notNode.getFirstLeftTuple(rightTuple, ltm, context, it); leftTuple != null; ) {
                // preserve next now, in case we remove this leftTuple
                LeftTuple temp = (LeftTuple) it.next(leftTuple);

                if (leftTuple.getStagedType() == LeftTuple.UPDATE) {
                    // ignore, as it will get processed via left iteration. Children cannot be processed twice
                    leftTuple = temp;
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Examples of org.drools.core.util.FastIterator

        boolean leftUpdateOptimizationAllowed = notNode.isLeftUpdateOptimizationAllowed();

        for (LeftTuple leftTuple = srcLeftTuples.getUpdateFirst(); leftTuple != null; ) {
            LeftTuple next = leftTuple.getStagedNext();

            FastIterator rightIt = notNode.getRightIterator(rtm);
            RightTuple firstRightTuple = notNode.getFirstRightTuple(leftTuple, rtm, null, rightIt);

            // If in memory, remove it, because we'll need to add it anyway if it's not blocked, to ensure iteration order
            RightTuple blocker = leftTuple.getBlocker();
            if (blocker == null) {
                if (leftTuple.getMemory() != null) { // memory can be null, if blocker was deleted in same do loop
            } else {
                // check if we changed bucket
                if (rtm.isIndexed() && !rightIt.isFullIterator()) {
                    // if newRightTuple is null, we assume there was a bucket change and that bucket is empty
                    if (firstRightTuple == null || firstRightTuple.getMemory() != blocker.getMemory()) {
                        blocker = null;


            if ( !leftUpdateOptimizationAllowed && blocker != null ) {
                blocker = null;

            // if we where not blocked before (or changed buckets), or the previous blocker no longer blocks, then find the next blocker
            if (blocker == null || !constraints.isAllowedCachedLeft(contextEntry,
                                                                    blocker.getFactHandle())) {
                if (blocker != null) {
                    // remove previous blocker if it exists, as we know it doesn't block any more

                // find first blocker, because it's a modify, we need to start from the beginning again
                for (RightTuple newBlocker = firstRightTuple; newBlocker != null; newBlocker = (RightTuple) rightIt.next(newBlocker)) {
                    if (constraints.isAllowedCachedLeft(contextEntry,
                                                        newBlocker.getFactHandle())) {
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Examples of org.drools.core.util.FastIterator


            FastIterator leftIt = notNode.getLeftIterator(ltm);
            LeftTuple firstLeftTuple = notNode.getFirstLeftTuple(rightTuple, ltm, context, leftIt);

            LeftTuple firstBlocked = rightTuple.getTempBlocked();

            // first process non-blocked tuples, as we know only those ones are in the left memory.
            for (LeftTuple leftTuple = firstLeftTuple; leftTuple != null; ) {
                // preserve next now, in case we remove this leftTuple
                LeftTuple temp = (LeftTuple) leftIt.next(leftTuple);

                if (leftTuple.getStagedType() == LeftTuple.UPDATE) {
                    // ignore, as it will get processed via left iteration. Children cannot be processed twice
                    leftTuple = temp;

                // we know that only unblocked LeftTuples are  still in the memory
                if (constraints.isAllowedCachedRight(contextEntry,
                                                     leftTuple)) {

                    // this is now blocked so remove from memory

                    LeftTuple childLeftTuple = leftTuple.getFirstChild();
                    if ( childLeftTuple != null) {
                        RuleNetworkEvaluator.deleteRightChild(childLeftTuple, trgLeftTuples, stagedLeftTuples);

                leftTuple = temp;

            if (firstBlocked != null) {
                RightTuple rootBlocker = rightTuple.getTempNextRightTuple();
                if (rootBlocker == null ) {
                    iterateFromStart = true;

                FastIterator rightIt = notNode.getRightIterator(rtm);

                // iterate all the existing previous blocked LeftTuples
                for (LeftTuple leftTuple = firstBlocked; leftTuple != null; ) {
                    LeftTuple temp = leftTuple.getBlockedNext();


                    if (leftTuple.getStagedType() == LeftTuple.UPDATE) {
                        // ignore, as it will get processed via left iteration. Children cannot be processed twice
                        // but need to add it back into list first

                        leftTuple = temp;


                    if (iterateFromStart) {
                        rootBlocker = notNode.getFirstRightTuple(leftTuple, rtm, null, rightIt);

                    // we know that older tuples have been checked so continue next
                    for (RightTuple newBlocker = rootBlocker; newBlocker != null; newBlocker = (RightTuple) rightIt.next(newBlocker)) {
                        // cannot select a RightTuple queued in the delete list
                        // There may be UPDATE RightTuples too, but that's ok. They've already been re-added to the correct bucket, safe to be reprocessed.
                        if (leftTuple.getStagedType() != LeftTuple.DELETE && newBlocker.getStagedType() != LeftTuple.DELETE &&
                                constraints.isAllowedCachedLeft(contextEntry, newBlocker.getFactHandle())) {
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Examples of org.drools.core.util.FastIterator

        BetaConstraints constraints = notNode.getRawConstraints();

        for (RightTuple rightTuple = srcRightTuples.getDeleteFirst(); rightTuple != null; ) {
            RightTuple next = rightTuple.getStagedNext();

            FastIterator it = notNode.getRightIterator(rtm);

            // assign now, so we can remove from memory before doing any possible propagations
            boolean useComparisonIndex = rtm.getIndexType().isComparison();
            RightTuple rootBlocker = useComparisonIndex ? null : (RightTuple) it.next(rightTuple);

            if (rightTuple.getMemory() != null) {
                // it may have been staged and never actually added

            if (rightTuple.getBlocked() != null) {
                for (LeftTuple leftTuple = rightTuple.getBlocked(); leftTuple != null; ) {
                    LeftTuple temp = leftTuple.getBlockedNext();


                    if (leftTuple.getStagedType() == LeftTuple.UPDATE) {
                        // ignore, as it will get processed via left iteration. Children cannot be processed twice
                        leftTuple = temp;


                    if (useComparisonIndex) {
                        rootBlocker = rtm.getFirst(leftTuple, null, it);

                    // we know that older tuples have been checked so continue next
                    for (RightTuple newBlocker = rootBlocker; newBlocker != null; newBlocker = (RightTuple) it.next(newBlocker)) {
                        if (constraints.isAllowedCachedLeft(contextEntry,
                                                            newBlocker.getFactHandle())) {
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Examples of org.drools.core.util.FastIterator

                _key.setStatus( key.getStatus() );
                _key.setHandleId( key.getFactHandle().getId() );

                if ( key.size() > 1 ) {
                    // add all the other key's if they exist
                    FastIterator keyIter = key.fastIterator();
                    for ( DefaultFactHandle handle = key.getFirst().getNext(); handle != null; handle = (DefaultFactHandle) keyIter.next( handle ) ) {
                        _key.addOtherHandle( handle.getId() );

                if ( key.getBeliefSet() != null ) {
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Examples of org.drools.core.util.FastIterator

        _beliefSet.setHandleId( beliefSet.getFactHandle().getId() );

        ObjectMarshallingStrategyStore objectMarshallingStrategyStore = context.objectMarshallingStrategyStore;

        // for ( LinkedListEntry node = (LinkedListEntry) beliefSet.getFirst(); node != null; node = (LinkedListEntry) node.getNext() ) {
        FastIterator it =  beliefSet.iterator();
        for ( LinkedListEntry node = (LinkedListEntry) beliefSet.getFirst(); node != null; node = (LinkedListEntry) it.next(node) ) {
            LogicalDependency belief = (LogicalDependency) node.getObject();
            ProtobufMessages.LogicalDependency.Builder _logicalDependency = ProtobufMessages.LogicalDependency.newBuilder();
            //_belief.setActivation( value )

            LogicalDependency dependency = (LogicalDependency) node.getObject();
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