// only 1 call to be made per cycle
conf.setFloat(TotalHeapUsageEmulatorPlugin.HEAP_LOAD_RATIO, 1F);
long targetHeapUsageInMB = 200; // 200mb
// fake progress indicator
FakeProgressive fakeProgress = new FakeProgressive();
// fake heap usage generator
FakeHeapUsageEmulatorCore fakeCore = new FakeHeapUsageEmulatorCore();
// a heap usage emulator with fake core
FakeHeapUsageEmulatorPlugin heapPlugin =
new FakeHeapUsageEmulatorPlugin(fakeCore);
// test with invalid or missing resource usage value
ResourceUsageMetrics invalidUsage =
heapPlugin.initialize(conf, invalidUsage, null, null);
// test if disabled heap emulation plugin's emulate() call is a no-operation
// this will test if the emulation plugin is disabled or not
int numCallsPre = fakeCore.getNumCalls();
long heapUsagePre = fakeCore.getHeapUsageInMB();
int numCallsPost = fakeCore.getNumCalls();
long heapUsagePost = fakeCore.getHeapUsageInMB();
// test if no calls are made heap usage emulator core
assertEquals("Disabled heap usage emulation plugin works!",
numCallsPre, numCallsPost);
// test if no calls are made heap usage emulator core
assertEquals("Disabled heap usage emulation plugin works!",
heapUsagePre, heapUsagePost);
// test with get progress
float progress = heapPlugin.getProgress();
assertEquals("Invalid progress of disabled cumulative heap usage emulation "
+ "plugin!", 1.0f, progress, 0f);
// test with wrong/invalid configuration
Boolean failed = null;
invalidUsage =
+ TotalHeapUsageEmulatorPlugin.ONE_MB);
try {
heapPlugin.initialize(conf, invalidUsage, monitor, null);
failed = false;
} catch (Exception e) {
failed = true;
assertNotNull("Fail case failure!", failed);
assertTrue("Expected failure!", failed);
// test with valid resource usage value
ResourceUsageMetrics metrics =
* TotalHeapUsageEmulatorPlugin.ONE_MB);
// test with default emulation interval
// in every interval, the emulator will add 100% of the expected usage
// (since gridmix.emulators.resource-usage.heap.load-ratio=1)
// so at 10%, emulator will add 10% (difference), at 20% it will add 10% ...
// So to emulate 200MB, it will add
// 20mb + 20mb + 20mb + 20mb + .. = 200mb
testEmulationAccuracy(conf, fakeCore, monitor, metrics, heapPlugin, 200,
// test with custom value for emulation interval of 20%
// 40mb + 40mb + 40mb + 40mb + 40mb = 200mb
testEmulationAccuracy(conf, fakeCore, monitor, metrics, heapPlugin, 200, 5);
// test with custom value of free heap ratio and load ratio = 1
conf.setFloat(TotalHeapUsageEmulatorPlugin.HEAP_LOAD_RATIO, 1F);
conf.setFloat(TotalHeapUsageEmulatorPlugin.MIN_HEAP_FREE_RATIO, 0.5F);
// 40mb + 0mb + 80mb + 0mb + 0mb = 120mb
testEmulationAccuracy(conf, fakeCore, monitor, metrics, heapPlugin, 120, 2);
// test with custom value of heap load ratio and min free heap ratio = 0
conf.setFloat(TotalHeapUsageEmulatorPlugin.HEAP_LOAD_RATIO, 0.5F);
conf.setFloat(TotalHeapUsageEmulatorPlugin.MIN_HEAP_FREE_RATIO, 0F);
// 20mb (call#1) + 20mb (call#1) + 20mb (call#2) + 20mb (call#2) +.. = 200mb
testEmulationAccuracy(conf, fakeCore, monitor, metrics, heapPlugin, 200,
// test with custom value of free heap ratio = 0.3 and load ratio = 0.5
conf.setFloat(TotalHeapUsageEmulatorPlugin.MIN_HEAP_FREE_RATIO, 0.25F);
conf.setFloat(TotalHeapUsageEmulatorPlugin.HEAP_LOAD_RATIO, 0.5F);
// 20mb (call#1) + 20mb (call#1) + 30mb (call#2) + 0mb (call#2)
// + 30mb (call#3) + 0mb (call#3) + 35mb (call#4) + 0mb (call#4)
// + 37mb (call#5) + 0mb (call#5) = 162mb
testEmulationAccuracy(conf, fakeCore, monitor, metrics, heapPlugin, 162, 6);
// test if emulation interval boundary is respected
fakeProgress = new FakeProgressive(); // initialize
conf.setFloat(TotalHeapUsageEmulatorPlugin.MIN_HEAP_FREE_RATIO, 0F);
conf.setFloat(TotalHeapUsageEmulatorPlugin.HEAP_LOAD_RATIO, 1F);
heapPlugin.initialize(conf, metrics, monitor, fakeProgress);